An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.
An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.
I’m always creeped out by ads that combine food with people/pets.
@ Puddleglum – I’ll admit the 1st is known in our house as “the bite the heads off a kitten ad” but the kitties remain cute
That black cat tree is sublime. Love.
Please tweet your support of Jackie. #IStandWithJackie The more tweets in support of Jackie the better.
Oh, that cat tree is awesome.
@POM-That is some lovely cross stitch. I hope your wrist feel better soon.
I’ve been looking forward to the first personal thread since I started posting. Y’know, so I can tell all kindsa personal stuff and hopefully make new friends and what not.
I’m not really sure where to start, though, now that the time has come around ^.^
Shut up, Woody?
Been doing okay. Last few months on the internet have been… Difficult because of the whole GamerGate shit. Pretty much ruined what used to be one of my favorite forums, so that sucks. Things IRL are going pretty good, though. Job has been going well. Thanksgiving was… hard in spots, but overall things are going pretty good.
What have you been doing lately? Status of any hobbies, furrinati, family?
Let’s see…relationship appears to be tanking. #1 job continues to suck. Late schedule changes in both aforementioned job and outside work result in my needing to be in multiple locations simultaneously this weekend, with the bonus drag of losing time with my kids. Horiffically underemployed housemate has broken the 4-digit mark in debt to me, putting any spirit of holiday *anything* in total jeopardy.
…that about sums it up.
15 days until I get to go home and snuggle with my puppies and my folks. Wish me luck surviving the next two weeks of “MUST GET ALL THE THINGS DONE NOW”
Jedi hugs for anyone who needs them!
Oh, and that dragonfly is looking awesome, PoM! Hope the hand hurries up so it can keep looking more awesome. 🙂
@amandajane5 – wow, glad you’re ok! Is that something that’s happened before?
@Johanna hope your husband’s worker can help you out with options. Xmas is hard (been there).
@leftwingfox – yikes! Also hoping the abnormalities aren’t serious.
@Harlan – offering a virtual hug, if you want?
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Not too much hobbying going on, unless you could my strange diversion today of writing up a fictional publication history for a comic book as that. I mean, it’s not like I craft fictional publication histories on a regular basis or anything ^.^
I should be focused on my finals. Or be thinking about my graduate project, which I start next semester.
My cat’s taking well to a life outdoors, which is splendid because now I don’t have to worry about him peeing on my things.
Buying classic sci-fi anime for the whole family this weekend. Bebop for my brother, Ghost in the Shell for my mom, Planetes for by Dad and Evangelion for my S-O. Since none of them have really much watched anime before… well, we’ll see how they take to it XD
TW: self harm.
Depressed. Disability isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when you have practically no motivation. SO is working ~50h/week at all shifts, so I automatically match my sleep schedule to match his. I have no friends in this city so it’s just me and the cats hanging out all day. I have choir rehearsal once a week, but otherwise I feel totally disconnected from the Real World.
I’ve found myself feeling really apathetic and numb, and find myself wanting to self-harm just to feel something. But I can’t injure myself in a visible fashion or my boyfriend will see and I don’t want to have that talk. (Because it will push me to do something? Or because I don’t think it will accomplish anything?) So I’ve hit/scratched myself on the head a few times but nothing terribly drastic.
On the plus side, there’s a vocational counselor at the hospital who I’ve just started seeing who has provided me with some options for getting out into the community. I’m on a waiting list for a therapeutic recreation program that sounds interesting. I’m on a waiting list for DBT.
Oh, and I performed The Messiah with my choir last weekend which caused some anxiety but was really quite thrilling. And my dad came to see us and said it was “very good” which from him is high praise 😛
Hugs and kittens and puppies for everyone who needs one! Especially amandajane5, oh my god that sounds awful.
@schwadevivre, I admit I heard the first notes of the tune on that first ad and was expecting John Cleese to jump out and yell at me. Then it turned into implied ailurophagy … I’m not sure which is worse.
Statistically speaking, it is unrealistic that none of the cats in the cat tree are licking their own bottoms. Or asleep.
Job is going okay. Have sold N64 bundle on ebay for far less than its actual value by mistake, have messaged the buyer asking for a cancellation. Promised to re sell with another game included. Might even throw in my Gamecube if it sweetens the deal.
Kitty question: we have three cats in our house and a visiting tom who has generally been welcome but has started to take over the roost. He sleeps on the sofa at night, intimidates the other cats and is vicious if we try to move him. We’ve been tolerant because it’s cold outside but if he is going to bully the resident cats he can’t stay any more. How do we drive him off so he doesn’t come back? Water pistols?
Think good thoughts…my two puppy fosters are going to an adoption event tomorrow. I worry about them, at 9 weeks they are already huge and there were 12 in the litter (mama was picked up off the streets and so skinny they didn’t know she was pregnant until they were going to spay her…and surprise, puppies, almost at term). All 12 are going to be there and my fosters are not the cutest nor the smartest in the bunch.
Ah, but you can’t see what the kitties behind those kitties are doing.
Dawn Incognito – I wish I had advice for you! But you’re already doing stuff, and trying for more, so I can only say hugs and good on you, for the choir and for going for the therapy and community stuff. Please don’t hurt yourself … you matter to people, because you are a person. You can always vent here. It’s very easy to feel apathetic and numb, even without disabilities to really screw things around, when you’re stuck at home, isn’t it? I get a bit that way and I enjoy being out of work for the most part. I can’t imagine dealing with the real thing. But vent here when you want, there are people to listen and provide kitty pics!
sunnysombrera – water pistols come to mind, and being vigilant about not letting him inside. Have you any way of finding out if he’s a stray/feral or has an owner? I’m thinking if he’s a homeless cat, he might need to be taken to a no-kill shelter and at least neutered.
General hugs with added kitty furs for all …
Thanks, kittehserf.
I don’t hurt myself because it would hurt other people. I don’t kill myself because it would hurt other people. And also because there are good moments and I try to remember them even if I can’t feel them. It sucks when living feels like an obligation but it keeps me here for awesome moments so it’ll do.
It sucks being a child of abuse. I was captive to my mother’s whims and never really felt like I was deserving of anything. Maybe I could be, if I just worked hard enough and earned it, y’know? I know intellectually that I don’t need to earn love, but I still haven’t learned it emotionally. So much work to try to change the patterns. But I’ve escaped the abusers and that’s the first step.
Good thoughts to everyone.
So, for a few months I’ve been having chest pains, heartburn, nausea, and soreness in my left arm. As someone who has not been very active, has a family history of heart disease and diabetes, and could fit right in with the “da bears” SNL skit if I were prone to wearing baseball caps and football jerseys, I was positive I had some degree of heart failure.
On Thursday I got up from a nap and my left arm was tingling and painful, thinking it was a heart attack, I went to the emergency room. It took 3 hours, but I discovered that my chest x-rays, blood pressure, blood work, and even blood sugar were all normal.
So, on the one hand, I’m glad I’m not experiencing heart failure of any sort. On the other hand, no I have no idea what might be causing the arm and chest pain. But I’m going to cut out carbonated drinks (at least for a while) to see if that is what has been causing my heartburn.
It just kind of makes me hate the human body. Especially since one of the symptoms of a heart attack or heart failure is “feeling of impending doom.” It seems like they shouldn’t even list that. I mean, if you’re looking at heart attack symptoms, worried that you might be having a heart attack, you probably have some feeling of impending doom.
10 more days, and it will be a year since I bought a pack of cigarettes. Go me!
Fairly long-time lurker here – thought I’d post beneath the house-panther tree.
I’m about to start a month-long sabbatical, so will have lots of time to spend avoiding doing the things I planned to do.
Hugs if wanted to all those who are going through tough times. And to those who aren’t!
Would any of the American folks here who are familiar with SSI be willing to help me through my application? (By email, most likely, to avoid filibustering the threads)
I’m fortunate in that my primary disability is narcolepsy, which is well-documented and quantifiable. I get confused about how to present my psychology. Basically I want to say that anxiety and depression impair my ability to comply with my narcolepsy treatment and my ability to pursue work that is compatible with my condition. I don’t know what kind of evidence to offer for these things, or what sort of professional they should come through. I also don’t know if discussing noncompliance will help me or hurt me.
Oh, I don’t think I’ve ever read one of these comment threads before. I also want to send hugs and kittens to those who want/need them. (I don’t trust puppies yet.)
Last week, I finally saw a doctor willing to acknowledge the fact that my fingers are grotesquely swollen. After several years and many attempts I’m finally getting treatment! Including a cortisone shot straight into the middle finger (worst pain ever), and all sorts of different pills.