off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, December 2014 Cat Tree Edition

At We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, the tree is already up.
At We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, the tree is already up.

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.


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10 years ago

I’m pleased to say I finally started seasonal gift shopping today. Yay, me! Of course, it helps that there’s only 3 people I have to buy for.

10 years ago

gilshalos, ow! Are you okay?

Puddleglum, that’s the most amazingly placid kitty! None of my lot would put up with that for a second.

I dreamt our Thomas came back for a visit last night (he passed over in ’93). Very odd dream: it was in this house, I was lying on the couch, and he was stomping around on top of me and allowing himself to be sort-of cuddled. Tomtom’s a strict No Cuddles cat and whines pitifully when picked up – he hasn’t changed his attitudes at all since his earthly days! What struck me about the dream was how solid he was; no spirit cat, but his very heavy earthly self. Odd, but pleasant.

10 years ago

Just got done with an Expanded Scope EMT-1 Class, and will be taking Fire-1 in the spring! Class starts in less than 3 weeks.

Really excited, but also nervous. I mean, I’ve got the outside stuff down, and I love the EMS, but getting entry qualifications for burning buildings is kind of… intimidating.

Cool, but intimidating.

Wish me luck?

In the meantime, going home for 2 weeks, to see my folks and my kitty and my puppies.

10 years ago

Good luck, contrapangloss! That will be neat, saving people’s lives.

10 years ago

Gilshalos, hope you’re ok now

Kittehserf, yikes. Glad he left

Contrapangloss, good luck

10 years ago

contrapangloss, congrats and good luck!

Skye, thanks!

10 years ago

Just scrapes and bruises. It was the irony factor that really hurt 🙂

10 years ago
10 years ago

Irony factors hurt!

That cat armour is amazing. Just – wow, stunning work.

If only the little buggers would deign to wear it!

More reasons I’m glad I had that reading done last week: it’s boosted my confidence that yes, when I’m sensing him, I’m sensing him, not imagining stuff. We were curled up on the couch tonight (watching Time Team, how unusual) and I could feel his heartbeat under my hand.

10 years ago

What a horrible week it’s been in the world. I hope everyone here is in a good place, physically and emotionally. I’ll be off-line for a couple of weeks for a tropical vacation! Ha! Fuck you, winter! (‘course, I’ll be very sad when I come back to face another three months of it, but hopefully a break will be enough.)

Speaking of vitamin D, my doctor just told me yesterday that I’m vitamin D deficient, and to get some sublingual drops from the health food store. 1000 micrograms per drop. This could explain my otherwise mysterious general meh-ness this fall.

10 years ago

Hey, have a terrific holiday, Unimaginative! You’ll certainly get your vitamin D boost on a tropical trip. (Now if only you could write it off as a medical necessity, like pretending something’s a business trip …)

I laughed at something Mr K said this morning: he’d made a comment which sorta-kinda contradicted (or clashed with) something he’d said the other day, and when I pointed that out, he just said “Do not hedge with me, Madame.” Doesn’t look all that funny in print but it always tickles my funny bone when he more or less pulls rank. If nothing else it means he knows he’s been caught out!

10 years ago

Does anyone know how to search comments? Shaun had a great recipe I wanted to try, so I saved it in my phone (which I then kacked).

10 years ago


Keywords, then

Also, try because google is sometimes behind the times…

10 years ago

Yesterday morning, the kitty with heart trouble went from “fine” to “fighting for breath” within a few horrifying minutes. The emergency vet believed she threw a blood clot; a complication my regular vet warned me about. In the end, I had to choose between extreme measure with little chance of success, or to ease her passing. I chose the later, and was with her at the end.

As awful as that whole experience was, I’m glad I was there when it happened.

10 years ago

I’m so sorry about your kitty, leftwingfox. Hugs.

10 years ago

Leftwingfox: I’m so sorry to hear that. Even when you know it’s coming, it’s really difficult.

10 years ago

I hope your cat wasn’t in too much pain at the end, my condolences.

10 years ago

Leftwingfox, I’m sorry about your cat

10 years ago

Leftwingfox, all the hugs. That’s horrible. I’m glad you were able to ease her passing.

10 years ago

Sorry you lost your kitty, leftwingfox. 🙁

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

That sucks, leftwingfox.

10 years ago

Thank you everyone. I appreciate it.

10 years ago

I’m so sorry leftwingfox.