off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, December 2014 Cat Tree Edition

At We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, the tree is already up.
At We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, the tree is already up.

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no Iโ€™m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, donโ€™t be mean.


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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I think Return of the Jedi established that Leia did remember her mother. I recall that she said that her mother was very sad all the time. I suppose she could have been referring to her adopted mother and not her birth mom, but that scene didn’t give me that impression at the time and I don’t think it was intended that way at the time.

10 years ago

Baroque Obama is fabulous!

10 years ago

I was having a good day, and then I read about Pakistan. All the sads, all the feels. Going to look at kitty pictures now.

10 years ago

Uh oh. What happened in Pakistan? Off to go look.

10 years ago

Jesus wept.

10 years ago

Katz – you considered maybe your iron levels? Lack of oxygen carrying capacity can lead to fainting while still being masked by other possibles (“I’m dizzy? Must be the blood pressure”). Alternatively, vitamin d defeciency lead to fainting. The easiest way to rule those two out is to eat some spinach – a lot – the wait 24 to see if there’s some stabilization.

Otherwise, get thee to a doctor!

10 years ago

Wait 24 hours, that is.

Seriously though the doctor is the better solution.

10 years ago

That’s not Baroque Obama! That’s not even Roccoco Obama! That’s French Revolutionary Obama!

/art & fashion history pedant

(Adorable bit of photoshopping, though. Every man should release his inner Sir Percy Blakeney, Bt.)

10 years ago

Those poor kids. That’s horrifying. According to the AP article I saw even the Afghan Taliban is decrying this attack.

10 years ago

I feel sorry for all the victims, not just the kids, but…so many children

10 years ago

@kittehs: It can’t be French Revolutionary Obama, nobody’s singing!

10 years ago

Crap, forgot — Les Mis is the wrong revolution!

10 years ago

Yup, bit later on, that one! ๐Ÿ˜€

But if Sir Percy Obama is reciting poetry, who needs singing?

They seek him here
They seek him there
Those GOPers seek him everywhere
Is he in heaven, or is he in hell?
That demmed elusive Pimpernel

10 years ago

See, my go-to was Blackadder III’s idiot Prince of Wales.

I read Pimpernel back in 2000, in of all places Strasbourg, and enjoyed it, although I think I’m too much of a populist to really get behind the book.

10 years ago

It’s a really long time since I read it – high school, probably – but I recognised that shot from the Anthony Andrews TV film from about 1980. I loved that film, which had a rather youthful Ian McKellen as Chauvelin.

Also Jane Seymour had the BEST WIGS in that one.

10 years ago

Maybe I’ve been reading too many children’s books lately, but I read the Pimpernel poem and my brain immediately coughs out:

That Pimpernel!
That Pimpernel!
I do not like that Pimpernel!

(Obviously it’s an officer of the Terror speaking.)

10 years ago

Baroque Obama made my day.

10 years ago

Minako got spayed today. You know, the instructions they gave me and the stuff I’d read online had me expecting more lethargy, but I let her out of her crate for food/litter and now she won’t stop moving.

10 years ago

She’s Miss Energy Cat! ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, that was a strange day. We had a break-in. Mum answered the doorbell (it took her a while to get there – she’d been napping and Fribs was napping on top of her) and nobody was there. She goes back into the lounge and there’s a man walking up the hallway from the back. He claimed he’d come to the wrong house! Yeah, because you always break into a house via the back window when you’re looking for someone, dude. And you always pull a bedside drawer out.

Scary, but at least he did just use his bizarre story and go – he didn’t attack Mum (I was out, or he’d not have come in: I get to the door much faster than Mum can and I suspect he thought there was nobody home). I just hope he doesn’t come back. I’ve called the police and our agents about it. We need a new screen on the window, preferably a security screen this time!

10 years ago

Kittehs, that’s a bit of an eep!

Glad your mum’s okay and that he took his stupid story and left quietly.

10 years ago

Thanks, contrapangloss! Eep is right. Mum seems to be okay: she said later she was almost thinking she dreamed it, though the sad state of the window screen shows it happened.

We had a good evening watching The Scarlet Pimpernel – on VHS, no less. Yay Anthony Andrews!

10 years ago

Someone has a twisted sense of humour.

There I was, walking back to my parent’s house on a cool, dry winter’s day. ‘I’m enjoying this’, I thought. ‘I should return to taking daily walks back home…urk!’

The urk is when I stumbled, falling painfully to the ground.

10 years ago

I’ve had cats I could have done this with.