An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.
An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.
Does your cat hate the smell of anything that you don’t mind? Like vinegar? You could maybe leave an open bowl of it next to the door as repellant.
However, if this were my problem I would probably wind up wedging a piece of plywood against the door with a cinderblock at night. I don’t mind unsightly solutions.
People often recommend applying double-sided tape to furniture to deter scratching, because cats don’t like how it feels on their paws. It might also work on a door.
Random health question: I used to have low blood pressure and I’d have occasional fainting spells. Now, apparently, I have normal blood pressure, and I have frequent fainting spells. Anyone have ideas what could be wrong? (My blood sugar is fine too.)
katz, no idea, sorry!
Katz, if you can afford the time and money to stop in and see a doc, stop in to see a doc.
I wish I had an idea, but I don’t really have a clue.
@ katz – That’s weird. Please get checked out!
I have that low blood pressure be very careful standing up because if you do it too fast you will keel over problem.
Blood pressure does not stay the same all the time so you may still have low and not realize it.
Some fire stations and pharmacies will give blood pressure tests if going to the doc is out of the question for you,
I actually just got it checked at the pharmacy and it was 120/80.
The scratching at the door. The first thing I’d do would be to give it a good cleaning, both sides, washing with plenty of water to get rid of any smells – attractive or otherwise – that might be influencing the cat.
Give it a couple of days … either that will do the trick or you’ll have to think of something else because I can’t.
That fucking Sydney Lindt Cafe murderer. Charged as an accessory to the murder of his ex-wife last year. 40 charges of sexual assault against seven women.
And yet he was out on bail.
But yeah, we take violence against women seriously.
Easy, there, kittehserf! I mean, it’s not like he killed or assaulted a human – No, sorry, I can’t with the sarcastic, passive-aggressive screed right now. You’re right, this makes me very, very angry. I can’t even mock this, I’m too angry.
I’m fed up with this shit, and I don’t know what to do about it.
So, I’m going to eat popcorn and read some nifty Captain Hook fanfic that this cool lady on the internet told me about, and cuddle my kids when they get home (Mr.Grump is buying them ice skates) and pretend that there’s no patriarchy or capitalism or any of the other horrible isms that threaten everything I hold dear.
Could you nice people please call me when the revolution or Ragnarok starts? Either one would suit me fine about now.
Have some extra hugs from me, grumpyoldnurse!
Ice skates! Lovely! I just hope you don’t have any dogs who fancy themselves as ice skating champions. Mr K’s dog Q tried that once and brought us all down in a heap. Given Miss Katiekins was riding on my shoulder at the time, this was Not A Good Thing.
Oh, no! Furinati pile with their servants!!
Actually, alas, we are furry overlordless at the moment 🙁 Much sad.
Also, no affordable ice skates in Master Grump’s size! Much more sad. There’s a place in town, though, that will let you trade in your kids’ old skates for new ones, for a marginal fee, so Mr.Grump will check it out tomorrow. It’s not back to seasonal weather here, yet, but it has been consistently below freezing for a few days now, so the outdoor rinks are mostly good to go!
Thanks for the hugs, and more right back at you!
That’s some rap sheet to get bail for. I can’t even.
I’m going to just stare at Falconer’s alt universe Skywalker clan and play pretend
@ Skye – that’s the wisest course of action!
Skye, me too.
Sydney seige is over. My friend works for the husband of the woman who was killed, so it’s a sad day at the law firm 🙁
It’s a sad day for everyone, really.
I wonder how long before someone starts using the gunman’s refugee status to further demonise refugees? It feels cold that I am thinking about that already when people are dead, but surely I can’t be the only one.
Saphy: Condolences to you and to everyone else in Sydney. What an awful thing to happen.
That’s true for the sexual assault charges. Apparently the murder of his ex-wife was pretty much his partner’s own work entirely. His lawyer’s been on teev saying that bail was granted on the basis of the magistrate’s (and the lawyer’s own) assessment that the prosecution case for his involvement in the murder was pretty weak.
There’s some argument that if the new laws on bail in NSW were in force (not until the end of January) he might not have got bail on the other charges.
Given he was involved in a bitter custody dispute with his ex wife at the time, and had been a controlling and abusive PoS to her before, I really side-eyed the claim that he didn’t have anything to do with her murder.
grumpyoldnurse, you are overlordless? NOOOOOOOO!
I’ve emailed you a pic of the Great Skating Disaster of 2012, btw. 🙂
My condolences to the Australian crowd. I’m not sure what else I can really say there without delving into platitudes.
Cat-thing: Part of the issue is that we have new neighbors across the hall who have a dog. I’m guessing this is part of the cause but as a result I’m not sure that washing the door will deal with smells – apparently the dog is obsessed with our cat food and throws a huge tantrum whenever we feed the cats. I’m wandering if he’s doing something similar with the dog’s food.
That whole Sydney situation sounds just awful. I’m sorry he got out on bail.
Probably the Skywalker clan pic is the best strategy right now, indeed.
(Just to be clear — it’s not my work. I wish I could draw like that, but my figure work is just too stiff, probably overworked.)
… Can I take a moment to complain about Padme dying of a broken heart? Goddammit, woman, you’re made of sterner stuff! Ahem, excuse me.
Feel free. That was such a weaksauce resolution to her story that I honestly couldn’t believe what I was seeing the first time I watched that movie.
I suppose we had little to expect, because it was established that Mama Skywalker died when Leia was “very young,” but going down fighting the Empire would have been so much better. Really, that whole movie she just served as a source of man pain.
Also, don’t they have sonograms in a galaxy far, far away? I suppose they might have made the decision to be surprised, but it seems like any Jedi could have sensed two heartbeats, and there’s plenty of excuse to do that after Anakin assaults her. Ben could have said, better check the baby’s all right, hey wait.