off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, December 2014 Cat Tree Edition

At We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, the tree is already up.
At We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, the tree is already up.

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.


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10 years ago

So I have a new foster kitty named Khoshekh who has a broken leg.

I’ve started an indiegogo campaign to help pay for his medical care and I thought the Mammotheers might be interested:

10 years ago

Leftwingfox I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure you were a great comfort to your furry one.

10 years ago

Aww Katz. Khoshekh is absolutely adorable. I do love black cats.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Khoshekh is adorbs! I’ve put in a little something.

10 years ago

Thank you so much! (Of course nobody is expected to donate, but sharing it around would be a big help.)

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

My pleasure! Give the lovely boy extra pats (or cuddles if he’s up for it) from Sir and me.

10 years ago

You’re welcome Katz. I just wish I could give more.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

So I’m trawling around on DeviantArt and find this.

Now, I hate bars … but I could quite possibly be persuaded to visit this one.

10 years ago

I’d probably go to a bar is Beetlejuice was there.

10 years ago

Okay, I suck and can’t figure out who they all are. I see Joker, Spike, Snape, Beetlejuice, Jarreth, Frankenfurter and Hook. Who are the others? I know I’ll recognize them once I’m told.

10 years ago

OK, I put in a bit for the lovely boy.

Got most of the Xmas shopping out of the way today. Apparently it’s a bumper year for cherries in SA this year. There are lots available and they’re juicy and yummy and reasonably priced (a few years ago they were over $15 a kilo) – but I didn’t splash out on the gift-boxed 2kgs for $28 special. And I got some gorgeous apricots, large and juicy, should dribble nicely down the chin while we’re waiting for the carvers to deal with the turkey, chicken, ham and stuff. And grapes. And nectarines. And a gigantic ham, we’re in for quite a few cold lunches from the leftovers.

Also got a few treats for a neighbour. His primary-aged son will be here for the big day, but he’s been out of work for a while and he’s only got a charity hamper for lunch and not much else. Got kiddo one of those ready-made stockings for Dad to give as a gift, and some bon-bons and other Xmas table thingies to make it easier for Dad to make it a special occasion.

And a Tshirt and pants for me to wear for the day.

10 years ago

Heath Ledger – The Joker
Johnny Depp – Sweeney Todd
James Marsters – Spike
Alan Rickman – Snape
Michael Keaton – Beetlejuice
David Bowie – Jareth
Gerard Butler – The Phantom of the Opera
Gary Oldman – Dracula
Tim Curry – Frank’n’Furter
Tom Hiddleston – Loki
Jason Isaacs – Captain Jas. Hook
Tom Cruise – Lestat

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I’m surprised I only missed one – Spike (never watched Buffy). I’d go to the bar for Hook, Dracula and Snape. Possibly Sweeney Todd, but I wouldn’t accept any pies from him.

I’d quite enjoy watching Dracula and Lestat get into an argument, though.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Happy holidays, folks.

Last several weeks here have been rainy and windy and murky but now it’s suddenly colder and snowy and beautiful. I really needed this just to begin feeling any Christmas-y 🙂

I had to find a new rental apartment on a relatively short notice, because my current contract can’t be renewed for reasons. I hate moving and my old flat is very cheap and conveniently located. Luckily I quickly found a new flat only two blocks away. It’s really nice-looking and whoa expensive but I can afford it at least for now. I’m moving in January.

It started snowing furiously on Sunday while I was out roasting some sausages on fire. This is like Finnish version of roasting marshmallows. It had promised to be a rare sunny day but when I got my sausages eaten there was 2 cm of new snow on everything and the fire was going out.

Last night there was more snowfall and the fresh fluffy snow lying on street muffled traffic noise so much I didn’t notice an upcoming bus while crossing the street. The driver at least saw me. Night visibility is pretty good with streetlights and reflecting snow and cloud cover. Days on the other hand are short and dim. There’s no proper kaamos (arctic night) at my latitude but a much diminished contrast between day and night.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Happy holidays, all!

Damn, I’d love to have a winter Christmas instead of a summer one.

I just got an update about katz’s foster kitty Khoshekh – he’s out of the Cone of Shame! Yay!

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Well, this is annoying. I just found out that my dad’s going to receive a Citizen Of The Year award on Australia Day. What the hell?

10 years ago

Oh my!

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