Roosh Valizadeh — the pickup artist and would-be video game media mogul — is still trying to convince gamers that even though he’s not one of them he’s on their side. Earlier this week, Roosh reached out to GamerGaters with a paid advertorial in The Ralph Retort, a GamerGate-centric internet tabloid, in which he tried to explain who he was and why gamers should trust him.
But he couldn’t even make it to the end of his little spiel without insulting the dudes his new video game website Reaxxion is trying to appeal to, contrasting the escapism of video games with the difficult but necessary work he and his followers do. By which he means the hard work they do trying to convince drunk women to have sex with them.
[A]ll guys devote a certain amount of time of their day to consuming entertainment that breaks up the drudgery of life. Meeting girls, make no doubt about it, is work. Approaching women and dating them is difficult and takes a serious devotion of energy and mental resources. Playing games, on the other hand, while tactically challenging, is more relaxing for men in that it’s a method to unwind from life’s stresses.
Also, if you’re trying to pick up women, you have to remember to clean out the boogers in your nose and wipe your ass. And we know how Roosh feels about that.
True! I can’t feel any sympathy for a rapist. I just think it’s odd.
Perhaps Crissa is one of those 8Channers who are trying to infiltrate “SJWs” to try and sow discord amongst us and draw out “extremist” views. I was getting a sock vibe from the very start even before someone linked to that 8chan post.
From Roosh’s advertorial:
Being a CEO and knitting sweaters are… incompatible somehow? I… huh?
Is it that a female CEO is obviously not girly, bc CEO and that’s Alpha male, so no way she’d like sweater knitting bc girly? What about sock knitting? Or Alpha male knitting, like.. knitting a cozy for your hunting rifle? Is my head exploding? Because it feels like it is.
And what on earth is a ‘gamer lifestyle’? I play video games, but I don’t know what gamer lifestyle would be. I read books too, do I have a ‘reader lifestyle?’ I eat lunch every day – do I have a ‘lunching lifestyle’? I drink a LOT of tea, let me initiate you into my ‘Tetley lifestyle’. [_]?
Like… huh?
I post a lot on WHTM. I have a mammoth lifestyle!
“I always find it so fascinating the Roosh seems completely joyless and yet remains convinced that his way of life is the best, most superior.”
This is one of my main gripes with Roosh. Not only that, he can’t seem to appreciate anything else, like travelling overseas. He even said in a video on Romanian news he didn’t care about the culture, history food etc. It was all about the women. Blew my mind. Not a very enriching way of viewing the world :-/
We hunted weirwoodtreehugger for you!
“The Gun Store” by Monte A. Smith
(If it exists, there is probably a knit cozy for it somewhere.)
(Okay, okay, the gun cozies appear to be crochet. So sue me.)
FFS, I love that NYC has the best subway system in the US by far, in small part because it means I don’t need to own a car but, yes, sexual harassment and assault on the subway is a very fucking real thing. If you’re a woman and ride the subway multiple times almost every day, shit goes down.
That’s the result of my exhaustive 2 minute Google search. The NYPD has a bunch of undercover cops riding the subway specifically to arrest men they catch humping and groping women. That’s an actual police beat.
Feel free to do a little research rather than immediately scoff at every claim that isn’t in lockstep with your preconceived notions.
Awesome song, kirbywarp. And such cute gun coozies Dawn!
Why on earth is roosh dating if he doesn’t find it fun anymore? I can understand when people slog through ye olde singles scene in an effort to find a spouse or LTR partner but he’s not into that so… ?
From what I understand, it involves a lot of poor hygiene, Cheetos, Mountain Dew, and trollish flame wars to drive all the feeeeeemales far away.
This… I have no words.
I mean, I knew the guy was silly, but THIS? Oh, for crying out loud.
Roosh is a twit.
Man leaves behind a huge manifesto before going on a murder/suicide spree
Politicians: We may never know why did that!
Why? I’m sure there’s some political reason for saying that kind of thing, but for all the times it has happened that way, I still don’t get it.
It’s the same as that old adage, “If someone tells you they are a jerk, believe them.”
Re: CEO who likes to knit sweaters – This reminds me of “How to Succeed In Business, Without Really Trying.”
Also, Rosie Greer.
So an actual ethicist took on Gamergate here: http://blog.practicalethics.ox.ac.uk/2014/12/limiting-the-damage-from-cultures-in-collision/.
The essay is more about communication styles, and how to deal with mismatches than dealing with the raging misogyny of Gamergate, but it is still interesting, but this is one of the Sealion comments:
I stand by what I replied: if Cernovich is normal, I am never leaving my apartment again.
Considering the many times scenes in movies and TV have been set in a dressing room and all that happened was someone TALKED, while another person stood behind a screen and changed, as well as the number of scenes where the actor was waiting around for the next scene, and no changing happened, but a lot of dialogue ensued, I figure that the woman thought that talking was what was going to happen if she went into a dressing room with him.
But then, I guess that’s my fault for not pre-supposing that rape is the default activity when a man and woman are alone together.
If you think about all the kind of ways a man and a woman could be alone together… saying women should never be alone with men, even men they know and work with, means that women can’t have careers in any field with many men. They can’t network, they can’t socialize, and they may not even be able to have a career. Academia? Office hours. Research? I’ve worked on weekends with only a male coworker around. Small business? Do you know what a pain in the ass it would be to make sure there are always two women around?
@wordsp1nner – and how about your annual performance review? If one is a man and the other a woman… Well, what did she THINK would happen if she went to work for a company that has annual performance reviews? She should have at least thought to bring in one of her female co-workers.
OK, my Torment Planescape has downloaded! I’m off to play-test it.
BTW, if those games work, you may not see me for a week or more. Fair warning.
I have to say it: that tank cozy is adorable.
Gamergate has another site to “boycott”/obsessively sealion:
I’m playing Septerra Core from GOG right now, as a matter of fact! I had no idea this site existed until a couple of weeks ago, and I am head over heels for it. Already bought System Shock (was $3 on a Halloween special), and next up is Icewind Dale 1 and 2. Pure. Heaven.
What? How dare you imply that a woman spending time alone with a man will necessarily result in the man assaulting the woman? Disjointed rant about poorly understood Schrödinger’s Rapist! Oppression! Misandry! #NotAllMen!
But yeah, the same “heads I win, tails you lose” shit going on. Sickening.
@wordsp1nner: Thanks for that ethics / communication link.
The comments are precious, too. I think I love most the one in which the Channers are depicted as just free-wheeling lovers of a good race-based joke, that this whole blow-up is completely driven by those deeply angry liberals.
By “love” I mean “gobsmacked by the self-delusion,” of course. When you admit that your activities are indistinguishable from those of the hate groups that are _part of your group_, and you hand-wave all that away by saying, “Won’t anyone think of the autists? They’re being damaged because those liberals won’t stop making us attack them!” … like, I don’t even know where to begin.
OT, but kind of important: There’s a new Avaaz petition to keep Julien Blanc out of Russia. Sign on, pass it along!
Bina – good. Russia has enough problems without that clotpoll around. Makes me wish the Sea Org still had a ship; he could play Man Without a Country there.