Roosh Valizadeh — the pickup artist and would-be video game media mogul — is still trying to convince gamers that even though he’s not one of them he’s on their side. Earlier this week, Roosh reached out to GamerGaters with a paid advertorial in The Ralph Retort, a GamerGate-centric internet tabloid, in which he tried to explain who he was and why gamers should trust him.
But he couldn’t even make it to the end of his little spiel without insulting the dudes his new video game website Reaxxion is trying to appeal to, contrasting the escapism of video games with the difficult but necessary work he and his followers do. By which he means the hard work they do trying to convince drunk women to have sex with them.
[A]ll guys devote a certain amount of time of their day to consuming entertainment that breaks up the drudgery of life. Meeting girls, make no doubt about it, is work. Approaching women and dating them is difficult and takes a serious devotion of energy and mental resources. Playing games, on the other hand, while tactically challenging, is more relaxing for men in that it’s a method to unwind from life’s stresses.
Also, if you’re trying to pick up women, you have to remember to clean out the boogers in your nose and wipe your ass. And we know how Roosh feels about that.
I always find it so fascinating the Roosh seems completely joyless and yet remains convinced that his way of life is the best, most superior.
@ sunnysombrera – But it is the resiliency of snot bubbles
@becausescience, that was so horrifying and awful. I feel so sad for her family.
The culture does a very good job of convincing us that harassment inflicted upon us is our fault, for being too attractive or too available-seeming or whatever the flavor of the day is.
Searching for joke incorporating the PUA concept of game and condescending to people who play games…. joke not found: pity overflow.
A friend posted the Guardian’s Zoe Quinn interview on Facebook this week and one of the “related articles” was from the Ralph Retort. I didn’t read it and after seeing this, I am really glad I didn’t. The title told me everything I needed to know: “Internal Email Shows Guardian Had Mind Made Up on GamerGate.” They are whining about the fact that an interview with a victim of harassment came to the conclusion that harassment is bad.
Here’s a link to the interview with Zoe Quinn for anyone who hasn’t seen it.
It seems this guy is trying to get gamer gaters to his side using similar negging pickup methods he’d try to use on women. Makes perfect sense :
Haresssing various unfamiliar women is “hard Work”? I’d say fending off predators like Douche V is harder “Work”. And absolutely no one is going to profit from his “Work”. I pity any Young woman that crosses his path.
Shorter Roosh: “You game, I game. So…you game?”
(I tried. Sigh.)
It’s also very hard work snarking on Roosh’s exhausting, busy day of deboogering, objectifying women, and having other people write his clickbait posts for him. Sometimes I need a Power Bar just to make it through typing a single comment.
Man, just wait until Rooshie finds out there are female gamers…
On an unrelated note, Canadian politician doesn’t understand what motivated Marc Lepine’s murder spree. http://jezebel.com/canadian-pol-we-may-never-know-why-marc-lepine-killed-1666660775/all Sigh. I guess I should thank him for reminding me that in the wake of the lack of indictments in the Ferguson and Eric Garner cases, it isn’t just the US that is awful!
Crissa: I’ve been riding for about two decades now. While I won’t say it’s a daily occurence, I can think of at least two incidents during that time that were obvious enough to get my attention:
1: One was a classic case of a guy standing near a woman, and just softly saying something; she eventually shouted at him to back off–he did, but did so while pulling the whole, “I didn’t say anything, I wasn’t even talking to you” bullshit.
2: The second one was more disturbing. A guy said… something to a woman who was passing him as she boarded the train. She responded by pulling out a HUGE kitchen-knife from her purse and pointing it at him. I can’t remember her exact words, but I was left with the definite impression that I was seeing someone who had come to the conclusion that this was her only option for safety–that the cops and bystanders simply would not come to her aid, and that the odds of an attack were too high. Unfortunately, ‘angrily shouting woman with a knife’ is difficult for the rank-and-file commuter to actually support. She eventually got off the train a couple stops later and most of the other passengers made snarky remarks about her.
Dammit I wish I could edit. Prior post has a bit that should read, “angrily shouting person with a knife”–after all, if anything, a man with a knife is going to be scarier, because there’s a bit more concern he’s actually going to use it.
(how fucking sick is it that we feel gross when they’re the gross ones?)
Because we’re reminded everyday how if it happens to us it is our fault.
Case in point, I was in the check out lane yesterday and overheard the cashier and two customers (all women) discussing the Cosby rape accusations. It was all about how it was the women’s fault: “You have to use your head. What do you think is going to happen if you go into a dressing room with him.” “yes, it takes two, the blame is on both sides.” AND THEN, “Why didn’t they come forward sooner?”
The only, ONLY thing they said about the serial rapist was: “Yeah, using drugs makes it creepier.”
I really wish I said something, but I didn’t. That sort of chit chat every day, especially among women, reinforce the idea it is always our fault.
Longer Roosh:
We’re both strangers to love
You know The Rules, and so do I
Cooperation’s what I’m thinking of
Although you all are a bunch of Beta guys
I just wanna give you all a safe space
No agenda, this I swear
Never gonna beat you up
Never gonna keep you down
Never gonna give you ground and pervert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna tell a lie
Never gonna mock and try to convert you
You’ve known in your heart for so long
That Social Justice chicks
Ruin games for you, so
The Game I play makes losers into men
Not that you’re losers… umm… just keep that in mind, so
I have made you a brand new website
Please hurry up and follow me
Never gonna beat you up
Never gonna keep you down
Never gonna give you ground and pervert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna tell a lie
Never gonna mock and try to convert you
Latest news on 8chan apparently was that the mod gave mod power to a troll. And that troll shut down the board, forcing everyone to migrate to a new one.
In other news, they’re really happy that Gawkers insurance company refused to cover the costs of gawker’s apparently pending trial concerning them distributing Hulk Hogan’s sex tapes through some parts of their corporate structure.
Plaatsvargende schaamte: No such Thing exists. Gamers are oppressed, misunderstood White male snowflakes.
WWTH: I was going to mention that. Politician says something wrong and stupid, people call him out, and IMMEDIATELY there are a bajillion people crying that EVERYONE ELSE is playing politics. Sickening.
QFT. You’d think if he’d actually try approaching a woman like if she was, oh, I don’t know…a person? Eh, his head would probably explode from the sheer effort of not being a hideous, sexist, creep.
Also, I read that Guardian article that ej posted, and through some clicking, I found this:
There’s some ableism in there, but also some great commentary.
Meeting girls (or boys) just involves leaving your house and going to a place where there are people. What he means is “getting exceptionally attractive women to allow you to use their body as a receptacle for you to masturbate into, and making them feel really bad about it afterwards”, but I guess that’s the part you don’t disclose until the customer has already paid for the product.
Hey, Crissa, how about you refrain from brushing off other people’s experiences of harassment on public transit? If it’s not a regular occurrence for you, great, awesome, you sure are lucky! But for many women who take public transit, it’s a frequent problem, and when they’re telling you that, you should listen.
@Leah: I know every time I turn on my XBox, I hear a chorus of feminists creep up behind me with their persecutin’ pitchforks in hand.
I have a nice warm glow of schadenfreude every time I read about how things that most people would look on as a pleasure of life – spending free time with someone they like, even having (gasp) sex with them – are just chores and drudgery and haaaarrrd worrrrk for Roosh. All the things that can be enjoyed for their own sake are just obstacles in the way of reaching orgasm inside someone he is at best indifferent to … and he doesn’t even seem to enjoy that part of it much.
Serves him right. Let him be miserable forever, he’s earned it.
See? I just said it on the Red Dog post: Crissa’s little more than a troll, at best.