#gamergate misogyny PUA red pill rhymes with roosh

Pickup artist and wannabe video game media mogul Roosh Valizadeh tries to lure gamers to his site by insulting them

Dating women can be an umpleasant shore, if you hate them
Dating women can be an unpleasant shore, if you hate them

Roosh Valizadeh — the pickup artist and would-be video game media mogul — is still trying to convince gamers that even though he’s not one of them he’s on their side. Earlier this week, Roosh reached out to GamerGaters with a paid advertorial in The Ralph Retort, a GamerGate-centric internet tabloid, in which he tried to explain who he was and why gamers should trust him.

But he couldn’t even make it to the end of his little spiel without insulting the dudes his new video game website Reaxxion is trying to appeal to, contrasting the escapism of video games with the difficult but necessary work he and his followers do. By which he means the hard work they do trying to convince drunk women to have sex with them.

[A]ll guys devote a certain amount of time of their day to consuming entertainment that breaks up the drudgery of life. Meeting girls, make no doubt about it, is work. Approaching women and dating them is difficult and takes a serious devotion of energy and mental resources. Playing games, on the other hand, while tactically challenging, is more relaxing for men in that it’s a method to unwind from life’s stresses.

Also, if you’re trying to pick up women, you have to remember to clean out the boogers in your nose and wipe your ass. And we know how Roosh feels about that.

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10 years ago

This is just so… perfectly Gamergate. Paid editorial? Check. Hypocrite? Check. Misogyny Reinforcing Asshole? Check.

10 years ago

He’ll succeed too.

10 years ago

So he’s “negging” them. Ha.

10 years ago

Well, apparently “negging” is a sure fire way to get people to give you whatever you want from them, so you can see why he might try it.

And, in other news, when “negging”, harrassing and hassling to get the phone number of a woman seen completely at random on public transport, you can always go James Franco and put her in a headlock… That’ll definitely work.

10 years ago

Why does he devote so much energy to trying to meet women if it’s only hard work?

Wait, I probably don’t want to know the answer to that.

10 years ago

Negging: Not just for picking up chicks anymore!

10 years ago

Meeting girls, make no doubt about it, is work.

Meeting “girls” should be as difficult as meeting “boys” because both are human beings who exist in equal numbers. Of course, he does not mean “meeting”. He has no intention of befriending and getting to know people or appreciate their company. He means harassing women (At least I hope he did not literally mean “girls, but that may be to charitable.) for sex. That’s why his claim is gendered. The truth is, no one wants to interact with a smarmy guy who thinks wiping his own ass is hard work. He’s not saying that being gregarious and charming is difficult for him, though I have no doubt that it is. He’s saying that constantly being a jerk to and attempting to manipulate women while keeping the crust out of his eyes is haaaaaard you guuuuuys.

10 years ago

Awwww, lookit! Rooshie’s negging #GG! Innit cute!


10 years ago

Multiple ninja’d!

10 years ago

TheRalphRetort? Isn’t “ralphing” an old slang word for vomiting?

Huh, makes sense after all. Though I do still wonder how they chose the name.

10 years ago

Bluecatbabe: Ugh. Happened in my home city. And there’s a slew of links on the side of that article describing similar incidents on the CTA, though that one seems to be the most severe.

10 years ago

Sorry, I meant Julien Blanc for the headlock idea – not James Franco!

I apologise to James Franco (I’m not sure who he is but I haven’t heard he recommended throttling strangers as a pick-up technique anyway).

Freemage – that is horrible stuff – must be terrifying to go through.

The only bright side is that at least it does look like the guy has been arrested and will be charged.

10 years ago

Public transport is the worst for creeps. London Underground is no exception. I once had a guy behind me push his crotch against my ass/subtly dry hump me while trying to pretend it was the swing of the carriage. I felt awful afterwards but I didn’t want to cause a fuss in front of my manager and colleagues, who were riding with me. I know that if I’d spoken up he would have feigned innocence and things would go nowhere slowly.

10 years ago

Of course Roosh thinks that manipulating women is hard work. Mind games and being dishonest and insincere always takes way more effort than casually talking to someone like they’re a person.

M. Tremblay
M. Tremblay
10 years ago

Every GG “hero” I know of will insult video game fans and defend Gamergate in the same breath, whether it’s Milo Yannopoulos, that Mytheos guy from a short while ago, or others I can’t remember at the moment. Roosh is just the latest “gamer-negger”, and something tells me he won’t be the last.

I find it tremendously interesting how the GG crowd will greet these guys as allies while willfully ignoring their history of insulting gamers. I know these “journalists” are just trying to make a quick buck out of Gamergate, but still, I can’t help but marvel at the level of industrial-grade cognitive dissonance necessary to hail someone who clearly hates you as your hero. Has any Gater ever addressed this contradiction?

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Sunnysombrera, I had a similar experience once. The guy made it seem like he was just keeping his balance on a moving train. The way he was staring at me made it crystal clear what he was really about, but he had plausible deniability if I tried to call him on it, so I didn’t bother. I just felt gross all afternoon (how fucking sick is it that we feel gross when they’re the gross ones?)

10 years ago

Speaking of horrifically disgusting incidents of street harassment, there was a story in the news recently about a young woman in Germany who died after being attacked by a man when she intervened to protect other women from being harassed. But how could this happen? The manosphere & fiends have spent the past few months assuring everyone that street harassment “isn’t a big deal”, and the guys are “just being friendly”, right? Friendly enough to murder people who get in the way of their friendliness, apparently.

10 years ago

Emilygoddess : it’s the feeling of being dehumanised, sexually objectified and dominated. Violated even, in a way. Dude sees us as objects to get a perverted kick out of, to impose himself upon, to invade a very personal space with no care for our feelings or consent and he knows we won’t like it but does it anyway – that’s the kick. In that moment, we’re forced to be penis pleasing material.

It’s a horrible feeling and I wish men like him (and all the rape culture apologists) would experience it. Even just once.

Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
10 years ago

I think you meant ‘unpleasant Chore’, Mr. Futrelle. Though Heaven knows Pick Up Artistry is an ill wind that blows nowhere good.

I wonder what it says about these men that they can’t even approach people for something as casual as “hey check out my site” without treating their hopeful audience with vicious contempt and self-righteousness.

10 years ago


Eh, James Franco hasn’t, as far as I know, advocating throttling random people, but he’s still a creeper. So you’re not that far off, really!

If Roosh finds “approaching women and dating them” such exhausting drudgery, maybe he should just not do that anymore. Really.

Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
10 years ago

Also what is it with these old-timey photos of people looking like they just smelled something awful? There seems to be hundreds of them.

10 years ago

@M. Tremblay:

Ah, I see you’ve fallen prey to a grave error: thinking that #gamergate is really about games. It isn’t. It’s all about anti-feminism and anti-SJ these days. This is why they’re taking the stance of “the enemy of my enemy is my based mom/dad.” If Eric Thompson, the king of true anti-gamers, speaks out against a SJW, he’ll be welcomed into the fold.

It was probably like that from the beginning. They targeted Zoey Quinn not just because of the ex’s prodding, and not just because she was a female developer, but because she was a SJW and making SJ games.

From that perspective, it’s almost inevitable that these assholes would start teeming up with MRAs and PUAs, and why Paul Elam was so angered by #gamergate’s media attention. Fundamentally, they all want the same thing, and they are all part of the same backlash.

10 years ago

Sparky: but giving up on pursuing women as a lifestyle would mean maybe he made a mistake in choosing that lifestyle in the first place. Admitting mistakes puts a dent in Roosh’s ego. And we all know that his ego has the strength and resilience of bubbles.

10 years ago

Bluecatbabe: Ugh. Happened in my home city. And there’s a slew of links on the side of that article describing similar incidents on the CTA, though that one seems to be the most severe.
Yeah, but how many people use CTA? Millions. And so even if it happened less often than other public spaces, there’d still be a slew of incidences. Even if there were only thousands of users, there’d still be incidences! Incidence of error is high enough that would occur. We can’t let the tyranny of massive numbers get us down.

I have to say, I found CTA one of the more enjoyable systems to ride of the major cities I’ve been in.

10 years ago

Bluecatbabe: Ugh. Happened in my home city. And there’s a slew of links on the side of that article describing similar incidents on the CTA, though that one seems to be the most severe.

Yeah, but how many people use CTA? Millions. And so even if it happened less often than other public spaces, there’d still be a slew of incidences. Even if there were only thousands of users, there’d still be incidences! Incidence of error is high enough that would occur. We can’t let the tyranny of massive numbers get us down.

I have to say, I found CTA one of the more enjoyable systems to ride of the major cities I’ve been in.

(Why doesn’t my spellcheck work in these text boxes?)

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