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Red Pill Alpha Dog Tip of the Day: Totally dominate hot babes by scheduling your texts for later!

Make her wait for your tweets, LIKE A BOSS
Make her wait for your tweets, LIKE A BOSS

The Alpha Dogs on the Red Pill Subreddit are totally taking “text game” to the next level.

You know how it is when a Hot Babe 8 texts you and you start typing out a reply because, you know, that’s what people do when they get texts, and then you get ready to click “send” because that’s how you send texts? DON’T DO IT! SENDING TEXTS WHEN YOU WRITE THEM IS TOTALLY BETA.

Instead, show her who’s boss by scheduling your text to be sent later. THEN SHE’LL THINK YOU REPLIED LATER BECAUSE YOU’RE SO COOL AND BUSY AND ALOOF and totally not desperate to get in her pants or anything!

And your phone makes it easy! As noahbish explains:

Put the Hamster on your clock. (self.TheRedPill)  submitted 10 hours ago by noahbish  I just wanted to share a powerful little tool with you gents that has helped me tremendously. If you have an android phone you can compose a text message and have it scheduled to be sent at the time of your choosing. I have always had the issue of waiting to respond to a text and ultimately forgetting because I did not want to reply too quickly. So instead I will usually take the amount of time it took her to respond to me and double or triple it then have the message scheduled to be sent at X time. Another thing I love to do is schedule messages to be sent late at night after I have already been to bed. In my experience it really keeps women on their heels, keeps you in frame when it comes to texting, and also keeps the bs chatter to a minimum.  Compose your message> hit your android botton (bottom left of your phone)>scheduling> set time and date> hit send. Hope this helps  EDIT : Formatting

She’ll be like, why didn’t he answer me, maybe I’m ugly and he’s too SUPERCOOL for me, and totally not someone playing stupid high school dating games by scheduling his response for later because, really, who would even do that.

Truly, there is nothing more alpha as fuck than scheduling your texts so you won’t seem beta as fuck.

Also another totally cool thing you can do is to text “370HSSV 0773H” to people and when they ask what it means tell them to turn their phone upside down. Ha ha! OWNED.

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10 years ago

I’m bugged by how he got that idiom wrong: It’s “keeping them on their toes”, not their heels. Unless he meant high heels? Either way it bugs me.

10 years ago

Not to give this guy any credit, but seeping someone on their heels = keeping someone knocked back (think: in a boxing a match after a hit).

So, totally a healthy way to think about someone you’re dating.

10 years ago

I’m bugged by how he got that idiom wrong: It’s “keeping them on their toes”, not their heels. Unless he meant high heels? Either way it bugs me.

It’s about as funny as a screen door on a battleship.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

I read the OP and all I could think was “watch out, we got a badass over here!” Can you just imagine if your great intellectual achievement in life was figuring out how to text people later so you don’t look too into them?

10 years ago

Nothing says “high value man who can’t be bothered to care about women” like hyper-analyzing everything you say or do around women.

I guess the “actually be busy so you don’t have to try to trick people into thinking you’re busy” technique is to beta for them.

10 years ago

lol @Dodom and @katz, excellent. Also there are about four million other ways this could go wrong.

21:30 PUA: Hey.

22:00 Hot Babe: Hey, it was great talking to you tonight. Think I could have you for dinner soon?

(PUA schedules text)

22:30 HB: And just to clarify, yes, I am a cannibal. Is it cool if we do a little non-consensual play before I eat you? Only if you’re comfortable with it.

23:00 PUA: Totally! But let’s do it at my place. Friday, come at 7, I’ll leave the back door open, here’s the address…

10 years ago

@ Boogerghost – karma never works that way for me, but I’d love her so much if she did…

10 years ago

Given their other views, what makes them think women are clever enough to distinguish between alpha game strategy and, say, being a total jerk? I admit I’d have a fair bit of difficulty with that. And jerks don’t get second dates with me.

OT – a second major retailer in Australia has decided to dump GTA5 over depictions of violence against women. Cue more weeping and wailing from gamebros.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
10 years ago

– Wha? Huh?
– Hey, it’s Carol. What’s up?
– Jesus, why are you calling me at this hour?
– But you texted me!
– No I… Yes I did.
– Were you just asleep?
– …No
– Yes you were. Did you somehow just text me in your sleep?
– No! That would be desperate, and I’m totally not desperate.
– You’re not?
– NO! I could gave any girl I want! I’m the alpha! I’m the alpha!
– Oh, I’m so sorry! I just really need some sex right now. I thought you were so desperate you couldn’t possibly turn me down. In fact, that was the only reason I was interested in you. See you round, I guess.
– Well! That went better than usual!

10 years ago

This clip is obligatory now

10 years ago

scalyllama – that’s damn good news, Target and KMart dumping it! ::applauds::

Sir Bodsworth, ROFL!

10 years ago

21:30 PUA: Hey.

22:00 Hot Babe: Hey, it was great talking to you tonight. Think I could have you for dinner soon?

(PUA schedules text)

22:30 HB: And just to clarify, yes, I am a cannibal. Is it cool if we do a little non-consensual play before I eat you? Only if you’re comfortable with it.

23:00 PUA: Totally! But let’s do it at my place. Friday, come at 7, I’ll leave the back door open, here’s the address…


10 years ago

Nice one, Bina!

Makes me feel this! 🙂

10 years ago

Wooh. That was satisfying!

10 years ago

Bina, that’s excellent!

10 years ago

@WWTH @Bina Hooray for linguistic cannibal jokes! The best kind of joke there is.

10 years ago

And @grumpy – Sweet,

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I just read this, and haven’t seen the comments, but I can cheerfully say this would have no affect on me, at all, since I really don’t care about instant-replies to texts.

You see, I frequently have my phone off, for various reasons (going to a show or the doctor, or to sleep), and so I get texts whenever I turn the phone back on, and if I don’t remember, that might be for days.

Plus, I am one of those “old fogeys” who believe that we should not be tied to our cell-phones, and that people never have been and never should be required to jump at the phone’s ring, and be instantly available at all times.

I’ve read stories about dudebros sending a text and getting angry when the person doesn’t respond within 5 minutes. Dude. She might be completely unavailable. She might not have even seen it. Same goes for voice mail.

There was once a great “Crap Email From a Dude” article on Jezebel, where a woman went on a date with a guy, and then LEFT TOWN for the weekend. She had given her date her home phone number, a land-line, and came back from the trip to find a series of increasingly angry messages, most of them setting a deadline for her to respond, and saying how rude she was not to meet these deadlines. So, as she listened to these messages for the first time, she went straight from “That was a fun date. Let’s get together again sometime,” to “You are the most horrible, rude, and selfish person in the whole world, and I never want to see you again!” All this over the course of one weekend, when she wasn’t even there to ignore his messages. She looked at it as a bullet dodged. However, the fact that these expectations exist just allows that sort of ridiculousness.

As for the texts in the middle of the night? Sorry, I turn my phone off at night, so it wouldn’t bother me, at all. I’ll get them in the morning.

Still, stuff like this played a major role in me resisting getting a text-enabled phone, in the first place.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


I don’t text and I don’t answer the phone unless it is a number in the address list. Actually, not even if it shows up as a name. I hate phone calls.

I hate answering the phone, too. Really. I’ll do it, but I have to force myself not to be all “WHAT?!!!” at the person. I especially hate composing myself to be polite, only to be faced with a recording in Spanish trying to sell me something I don’t want, anyway.

Which probably explains why I can go for days before I remember that my phone is turned off. I just enjoy the blissful peace too much.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


my eldest now has a text-only phone

Oh, wow, that sounds absolutely horrible! Texting is my least-favorite feature on phones.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

I’m reminded of a line from Community , when the younger characters are making fun of Britta: “she was born in the 80’s! She still uses her phone as a phone!”

10 years ago

Snerk! I don’t even have a cel phone! And my land line doesn’t have voice mail. I do have caller ID, though, in case I get a call from work or the little grumps’ school.

I have to be on call for work a lot these days, though, so I was thinking of getting a cel phone so that I can leave the house!

10 years ago

@Michelle C. Young: Did you see my comment on the Video Games Make Boys Men thread that GOG’s Planescape game works on Windows, Mac & Linux? It needs OS X (10.7.0) or later for Mac.

10 years ago

You’re right this is pretty lame. A guy shud take longer to reply because he is busy with his goals and ambitions, not setting some lame timer

10 years ago

I dunno, I find retail chains banning random games to be troublesome, mostly when those games are not really special in their category. If the retailer says, ‘I don’t carry games like X,’ then you can make an informed decision to not go to that retailer or not over that.

But if they just pull games only when it’s hot in the news, well… That’s not really an informed position, is it? GTA V released in 2013, over a year ago. Banning it now is cutting off like less than 10% of its sales. And what makes this game specifically different from any of the other hitman/shoot everything games, exactly?

The timing and selection seems a bit odd, that’s all.