
Five pictures that make less sense than #GamerGate

Er, what?
Er, what?

Any mostly rational person who has looked into the shared hallucination that is #GamerGate has no doubt noticed that it makes no damn sense whatsoever. (An alleged movement for journalistic integrity that embraces Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart?)

What you may not know is that there are things in this world that actually make LESS sense than #GamerGate. Here are five of them.

1) This dude in gold lame shorts.


2) This dinosaur on a bicycle.


3) This skateboarder


4) These creepy rabbits.


5) The couch dress.


(Real posts resume tomorrow.)

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10 years ago

Consider this: above, “Polina”, an anime-caricature of Hitler’s wife and ‘daughter’ of /pol/ extols the virtues of Gamergate. Moments ago I saw this tweet:

suggest that “SJW feminists” want to kill off white males using final solution-style gas chambers.

Alex Murphy
Alex Murphy
10 years ago

@kittehserf In retrospect maybe I should have put a TW for nazis there. Didn’t really think about it. I’m generally more of a lurker than a poster.

@kirbywarp WHtM could always adopt Occulass (usually protrayed as the vivian antithesis). Sure, she’s not ya’lls creation, but every imaginary child deserves to be treated right, and gators don’t seem to be treating her all that nicely (don’t take off safesearch if you google image occulass. It’s… saddening.)

@katz I would posit they’re just nazi’s and consider it more of an homage. To be fair to the escapist, we try to keep the gators corraled in their own ‘megathread’ (lots of in house politics involved, would take too long to explain why they’re even allowed there in the first place)

@M. the SJR I can only assume that’s not a parody. I mean, have you ever seen /pol/?

10 years ago

… Alright, so that doodle of /pol/ personified as Hitler’s literal wife is not a parody or a joke? That shit’s real and completely serious


As an occasional resident of /tg on 4chan, I have only one succinct reply to all this.

10 years ago

Why is Polina a young girl, and why is she drawn in a manga style, when she’s a mascot for a bunch of mostly western adult guys?

10 years ago

Michelle, I fully approve of your explanations.


Alex Murphy – no worries from this end, it was an “eww” from me, not anything triggery. Part of the ewww was for the anime/manga thing anyway.

Moggie – my guess would be that they’re all into the pedo side of manga.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


Because 4Chan is full of paedophiles who like hentai and that’s most conducive path to turning them into porn fodder. I wish I was kidding.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Ninja’d. =P

10 years ago

Ninja mod!

10 years ago

So I started Googling for doublets, and look at this photo that turned up. The suit is from the 1630s – I’ve seen it before – but THAT CLOAK! Such a beautiful thing. It’s Spanish, from the 1560s. Both are at the V&A. Damn, I wish I could play in their costume collection. And their jewellery collection. And, and …×917.jpg

10 years ago

Okay. I’m keeping that cloak picture.

Being absolutely certain to win the lottery Any Day Now (at least a day when I buy a lottery ticket, might be an issue there), I’ll get that made up into a dressing gown but full length, with roomy sleeves. I once had one which was exactly that shade of red, but in a fine chenille fabric rather than velvet, with that style collar and a looooong zipper front fastening. I wore that thing for years and years, until it was in shreds. It was one of the best things I have ever owned.

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

I think the knit earflap hat is pedobear.

10 years ago

Lame Pants – just imagine his bum when he gets up, it will be corrugated
Dinosaur bike – I think this is what has been missing from our understanding of dinosaur physiology check this image from Punch (sorry will not embed)

Skateboard dude – From the early Ed Wood film “Forward to the Future” upon which the later, much more successful, Zemeckis films were based.

Rabbits – that is the well known installation “The Death of Fiver” by Michaelangelo Cellini.

Couch dress – Please folks! it is crocheted, not knit. Say it is knit and you will have the entirety of Ravelry down on you like a ton of bricks. That said it reminds me of Vivienne Westwood’s Carpet Dress or a houpeland


10 years ago

He may not make sense, but suit wearing skateboard guy is all I aspire to be in life.

10 years ago

Actually, It’s about ethics in Photography

10 years ago

The couch dress makes complete sense to me.

It may come from the fact that I LOVE lying in couches and covered by warm and comfortable fabric. Best way to read and/or watch TV.

And just for the sake of it, here are the 7 cutest fox species:

My favorite is the Marble Fox, it looks like a supercute raccoon.

10 years ago

So is the couch dress basically the Victorian Snuggie, then?

10 years ago

friday jones: I doubt it. They eyes and mouth are all wrong. Looks more like a generic cartoon animal/sockmonkey, which are easy to find anywhere.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I was watching a video on YouTube about the psychology of prejudice and discrimination. A short way in the guy talks about how pre conceived ideas about people or things shape our behaviour. At the same time a small picture of BMO from Adventure Time pops up with #gamergate on its screen. I’m not sure what message he was trying to put out with that, what do you guys think?

As you’ll see in the comments, tons of gators flooded in to talk about how GG was about ethics and the eeevil media was being biased and how everyone should look at both sides blah blah blah. Which means…could it have been a social experiment? He wanted to prove that certain attitudes about Gamergate would cause certain people to react in a certain way and the gators swallowed the bait whole?

10 years ago

The bit I’m talking about is at 1:04 by the way.

10 years ago

My grandfather never drove a car in his life, but he frequently wore a suit on his motorcycle, which was his means of transport to the bank where he worked. And I used to undertake a commute of about three or four miles on roller skates/blades on occasion.

Pocket Nerd
10 years ago

Speaking of Gamergate… I think the gamergitz will need to update their Ledger Of Hate after seeing this. If you keep up with what passes for celebrity culture in gaming, you’ll see some recognizable faces here.

And I didn’t think it was possible for Feminist Frequency to get any awesomer…

10 years ago

So this is today’s Sinfest. It seems like a decent response to Gamergate, frankly.

10 years ago

Rabbits – that is the well known installation “The Death of Fiver” by Michaelangelo Cellini.


10 years ago

@ Puddleglum – I have bookmarked both the surreal insult and compliment generators, as I can not tell the difference between them.

Best one on either, so far, “Your lustful sex fluid smells like purple tongue fat”.

I’mma remember that one!