
Five pictures that make less sense than #GamerGate

Er, what?
Er, what?

Any mostly rational person who has looked into the shared hallucination that is #GamerGate has no doubt noticed that it makes no damn sense whatsoever. (An alleged movement for journalistic integrity that embraces Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart?)

What you may not know is that there are things in this world that actually make LESS sense than #GamerGate. Here are five of them.

1) This dude in gold lame shorts.


2) This dinosaur on a bicycle.


3) This skateboarder


4) These creepy rabbits.


5) The couch dress.


(Real posts resume tomorrow.)

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10 years ago

The couch dress looks fun.

10 years ago

All these pictures still make more sense than Gamergate.

10 years ago

Is that a Totoro hat?

10 years ago

You mean we’re not sitting in uncomfortable wire chairs while wearing gold lame shorts and cutesy hand crafted animal touques when we service the furinatti any more? When did this stop being a thing?!?!

10 years ago

When I saw the words couch dress I thought of this mantua that I’ve always called the sofa dress, which is more splendid if way less comfortable. (It’s at the V&A).

10 years ago

grumpyoldnurse – it was a directive from the Feminist High Council. The Furrinati Overlords informed them that the novelty had worn off.

10 years ago

Purple toupee and gold lame. . .
blame They Might Be Giants.

10 years ago

Here’s my contribution to the pictures that make less sense than gamergate.

10 years ago

Why do most pictures embed and some post as a link? I’m confused. Dastardly wordpress!

10 years ago

Bike-riding Dino has all my admiration for making such a clunky costume work. (I’m assuming he’s on his way to a Halloween costume party.) And Skateboarding Suit Guy is actually quite dashing. But yeah: Gold lamé shorts AND a crocheted piggy flap hat? Even the cat wants nothing to do with it.

10 years ago

Does anyone recognize what character hat wire hard chair guy is wearing?

10 years ago

kittehserf. I once had to wear a dress like that, just not _quite_ as wide, as a costume for an opera at school. Great fun to get around on stage. Not quite so much fun getting in and out of dressing rooms and through the wings. Even less fun trying to get into a very average sized cubicle in the loos. At least the weirdly shaped hoop was made of some fairly flexible stuff so you could, sort of, bend a good part of the bulk around you, but it was bloody difficult at times.

10 years ago

Why do most pictures embed and some post as a link? I’m confused. Dastardly wordpress!

I suspect it depends on whether your URL starts with http: or https:.

10 years ago

it was a directive from the Feminist High Council. The Furrinati Overlords informed them that the novelty had worn off.

Some one on the FHC hates me. ::takes off silly touque and stands up from uncomfortable wire chair, but keeps gold lame shorts::

Alex Murphy
Alex Murphy
10 years ago

Somewhat gg related, not sure if David has seen this one yet…

Meet ‘Polina’ aka Eva Braun. The artist claims there is no relation to Vivian James, but it basically looks like a nazi clone of her to me, but with blond hair.

Originally found here:

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I think proxieme is right, gold lame guy is wearing a Totoro hat.

He also has more than a passing resemblance to grumpycat.

10 years ago

Why do most pictures embed and some post as a link? I’m confused. Dastardly wordpress!

I’d say because your URL doesn’t end with a recognised image extension (.gif, .jpg, .png) so WordPress doesn’t know the URL points to an image.

10 years ago

The artist claims there is no relation to Vivian James, but it basically looks like a nazi clone of her to me, but with blond hair.

It’s an obvious, lazy trace-over of one of the popular Vivian James drawings. I assume the “no relation” comment is in reference to whatever ridiculous backstory the artists have invented for their fictional people.

10 years ago

Early on, it occurred to me that the only coherent argument to be made against GG trolls was the Dadaist/surrealist one. I think I accused a guy of being the hallucination of a tree dying of copper poisoning.

Jon H
Jon H
10 years ago

“When I saw the words couch dress I thought of this mantua that I’ve always called the sofa dress, which is more splendid if way less comfortable. (It’s at the V&A).”

Perfect for shoplifting at the upright piano store.

10 years ago

mildlymagnificent – they made foldable panniers for the really wide dresses, iirc. The things were so wide they could hardly fit through palace doors, and that’s saying something. Mind you at least with the flat, wide ones you could sidle through some places; the domed ones from earlier, and the crinolines of the 1850s-60s, were another matter altogether.

grumpyoldnurse – nah, don’t blame the FHC. You know the Furrinati were just waiting for everyone to have their caps and lamé shorts before they said “Bored now.”

Alex Murphy – eww, yes, I think someone posted that awful Nazi anime picture before. ::hurl::

Jon H – LOL true!

10 years ago

I know a real life Polina, and am therefore suitably offended on her behalf.

I’m beginning to understand that the phrase “/pol/ is always right” is really meant in the same spirit as “race realism…”

And how odd is it that both /pol/ and /r/worldnews, both ostensibly geared towards serious discussions about the world, are full of literal nazis?

10 years ago

Hmm… imaginary children spawned from a website commentariat seems to be all the rage these days. Perhaps wehuntedthemammoth should jump on board the bandwagon. In this time of vitriol and hostility, I think it would be irresponsible to have a human child, but perhaps a baby animal would work just as well?

I propose Trunks, the baby mammoth. A tad naive but with a sharp wit, an infectious laugh, and general high spirits, Trunks points and laughs at all the silly things ostensibly serious people get up to in the world. Sometimes the people he mocks start causing real harm, and that’s when his serious side kicks in, and he brandishes his stubby little tusks in defiance.

And, of course, atop his head is a perpetually sleepy kitty that occasionally convinces him to get into mischief, or at least knock the catnip down from the upper shelves. Everyone knows Fur E Naughty is the true brains of the operation.

What do y’all think?

10 years ago

BTW, little Fur prefers to go by Fen, the acronym of her name. Fur is rather a silly name, after all, from a silly previous owner who constantly misgendered her and proclaimed “‘E’s a nawty li’l ball ‘o fur.” “Fen” at least has a bit of dignity and mistique to it.

10 years ago

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