
Five pictures that make less sense than #GamerGate

Er, what?
Er, what?

Any mostly rational person who has looked into the shared hallucination that is #GamerGate has no doubt noticed that it makes no damn sense whatsoever. (An alleged movement for journalistic integrity that embraces Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart?)

What you may not know is that there are things in this world that actually make LESS sense than #GamerGate. Here are five of them.

1) This dude in gold lame shorts.


2) This dinosaur on a bicycle.


3) This skateboarder


4) These creepy rabbits.


5) The couch dress.


(Real posts resume tomorrow.)

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10 years ago


I’m not sure what message he was trying to put out with that, what do you guys think? … could it have been a social experiment? He wanted to prove that certain attitudes about Gamergate would cause certain people to react in a certain way and the gators swallowed the bait whole?

I think Hank Green isn’t in that much control of what Thought Cafe illustrates his videos with.

I think BMO with the gamergate hashtag was supposed to be a direct illustration of maybe someone with subtle, nonviolent prejudices that influences how they think, and the series has used BMO before. Note I don’t think Thought Cafe is saying BMO is a Gator (they wouldn’t have er, xie’s genderqueer).

10 years ago

That is the well known installation ‘The Death of Fiver’ by Michaelangelo Cellini.

It was investigated by the Warren Commission.

10 years ago

I beg to differ. While I could live without the colour-scheme, the couch dress makes _perfect sense._

10 years ago

Falconer: I didn’t think that BMO was significant or part of the message, just an illustration. You’re probably right in that it’s simply an example of something where people’s ideals and beliefs shape how they think. That said, I’m not so sure if the Crash Course channel avoids dropping in points that will spark discussion, even heated discussion. When Jon Green was doing a video on the Protestant Reformation he said that he was Episcopalian, and while I think that the intention was to let the audience know what sort of bias he had, it led to a stir in the comments section. Sometimes leading to religion flame wars unfortunately.

10 years ago

re #3: They’re not making a third Blues Brothers, are they?

10 years ago

They’re not making a third Blues Brothers, are they?

“Jake & Elwood’s Other Brother: The Story of the Secret Skater”

10 years ago

Okay, would I wear a couch dress? Probably not. But if I did, would I rock that couch dress? Yes. Yes I would.

10 years ago

mildlymagnificent, crimson dressing gowns FTW! I inherited one my sister made for herself – crimson quilted velvet, just gorgeous. Weighed a ton.

10 years ago

I don’t know what’s happened to the pic of that cloak I put up – can anyone else still see it? Anyway here’s another of it.

10 years ago

In case anyone thought the couch dress was a one-off …

Lydy Nickerson
Lydy Nickerson
10 years ago

Ok, I like the guy with the lame shorts, silly hat, and kitty. He seems so very serious, but then, there’s a sharp-footed cat on his bare legs. I’d be serious, too. And there’s something oddly sweet about him. I don’t think I understand what’s going on there, but honestly, he’d be a guy I’d be willing to try to get to know. Cats and hats for the win.

Sofia van der Linde
10 years ago

On youtube gamers are now whining about Target Australia pulling GTA5 after a petition was launched that stated that the game encourages violence against women. It is framed as Feminists banning games when the Australian government was never asked to get involved. The petition was aimed at Target.

the petition