#gamergate misandry misogyny PUA

Return of Kings explains how videogames will make you a man

Do you even life (your head out of your torso)?
Do you even lift (your head out of your torso)?

Over on Return of Kings, one brave gamer dares to ask the question of our age: What will the world look like after the inevitable triumph of GamerGate?

I know, I know, just humor him for a few minutes. Because he has a rather, well, revealing notion of what triumph will look like, and it’s not one that’s compatible with the #NotYourShield propaganda that GamerGaters use to disguise its retrograde goals. Greendestiny, a veteran of TheRedPill and KotakuInAction on Reddit, sees in the video game “war” a new opportunity for gamebros to become Game Men:

It is my personal belief that, after GamerGate, video games will evolve to become a tool for raising a new generation of men. Our current education system fails horribly at providing real information on how the world works, what motivates people, and how to get laid.

Our education system is a disaster! Can you believe that not one college in the United States offers a major in Getlaidology?

More importantly, it pussifies men and turns them into starry-eyed believers in the Disney variety of life and love.

Huh. You know, there’s a cultural critic who’s made some interesting videos challenging the sexist tropes you can find in Disney movies and elsewhere in popular culture. Her name is Anita Sarkee… oh wait. Never mind.

The entire concept of sitting quietly and reading is meant for girls. Boys need the fight, the challenge, competition, and a test of their strength.

So why exactly are you trying to convince guys of this in a post you expect them to sit down and read? Shouldn’t your blog post be a video game or an arm-wrestling contest or something?

Games were always learning tools. Now they can become a tool for learning greater masculinity.

If by masculinity you mean “the proper sequence of buttons to push that will enable you to pull off an awesome combo.”

To become real men, boys must overcome challenges and find the true strength in themselves. Whether this is done in a virtual or real arena is irrelevant. By creating games that are consciously aimed at presenting a proper challenge, we can collectively make the world a better place for the next generation of men. And possibly help them get laid more.

“Hey, babe, I bet you didn’t know you were sitting next to a Level 90 Fire Mage.”

But seriously for a second: Yes, video games do teach gamers certain skills, and even something about the value of persistence. But why are the skills involved in, say,  shooting dudes with maximum efficiency in Call of Duty any more intrinsically valuable, or “masculine,” than the skills involved in doing this?

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A. Noyd
A. Noyd
10 years ago

Baaah. I guess I need to wait for a way to download parts of people’s memories into e-book format, then. I’ll check out Worst Jobs in History sometime, though. Thanks!


Ooh, a source, and a primary one at that. Thank you! After looking at some of the recipes in Chapter 41, I’m absolutely terrified about what’s in the chapter on children’s health.

10 years ago


Loathing Disney (about which there is a great deal more to criticize in addition to sexism) is not quite up there with being devoted to cats as a redeeming quality, but it must count in my book as a point on the mitigating side.

“Disney” has a special meaning in MRA land. It means the whole falling in love, getting married, and living happily ever after with kids and a dog ending, or any happy ending that involves them not getting to fuck someone newer and younger the following week.

10 years ago


So basically, normal healthy relationships are an unattainable fantasy for them?

10 years ago

Holy sweet hell, I love the bit at the end where they acknowledge that we can see them scheming out in the open and try to play it off like it’s only beneficial to their plan.

I saw that too. They think we’ll all turn on each other and accuse each other of being moles because we know they’re trying to infiltrate. It’s really cute that they think all social justice movements will brought down by a couple of arguments on Twitter. What they don’t understand is that progressives don’t have authoritarian personalities like right wingers do. We already argue with each other all the time. Despite popular opinion, we don’t actually have melt downs if someone falls out of lockstep. In reality, trying to get all progressives on the same page is about as easy as herding cats.

10 years ago

I should think the manospherian Disney nightmare scenario would actually be Brave. Merida doesn’t want to marry while she’s still young. She wants to do her own thing. She rejects her suitors. Isn’t that what they hate? When women decide to spend their youth on something other than finding a man?

You’d think they’d like Aladdin though. He does get married, but it’s to a young pretty woman who is a princess. He goes from street urchin to alpha male king. All because of his genie game.

10 years ago

The key is to think of it all as a big game. They’re Sims, and you have to control your little piece to make friends with other Sims, never truly interacting but merely spewing pre-set rhetoric back to make vapid discussion and blame.

See? Gomers and PUAs DO have something in common, after all: Both don’t know how to interact or hold normal conversations for shit! Everything’s a canned, pre-programmed “set” for them. EVERYTHING. No wonder they’re all such sad gits.

So basically, normal healthy relationships are an unattainable fantasy for them?

Yup. And with the above as their model for “interaction”, it’s little wonder.

10 years ago

“Radicalize- Your goal isn’t to make them like Gamergate, it’s the exact opposite. Push out moderate voices and expose these fuckers as into some of the most hateful, hypocritical, bigoted individuals online. Archive, Archive, Archive. They’re already doing that to themselves but we can speed up the process.”

So, in other words, make them EXACTLY like Gamergate

@wordspinner ALPHA GENIE GAME, YO

10 years ago


Yes, though as they believe it’s something noone should want to attain…
I can’t help wondering how anyone gets there, to the point they hate women so much they can only see themselves in a relationship in which they hold all the cards and the woman is their – willing or unwilling – slave. It’s pretty telling that they never talk about current relationships.
I saw a hilarious thread the other day – “Let’s teach those wimminz by refusing to ever be in a relationship or get married.”
Because yeah, I’m sure the entire population are upset you’re taking yourself out of the dating pool.

10 years ago

Sure, whatever you say weirwoodtreehugger, IF that is your real username…

10 years ago

Heh. Wouldn’t it be great if all the assholes succeeded in their dating strike?

Jane: “Tonight was so much fun, I wish it would never end.”
John: “Well, it doesn’t have to.”
Jane: “Oh… err, yeah… Let’s meet up again some time.”
John: “What’s wrong?”
Jane: “Oh, you know. I’m not sure if you’re and asshole yet, gotta be careful.”
John: “Ohh, haven’t you heard? All the assholes aren’t dating anymore!”
Jane: “Wait, really?”
John: “Yeah! Some shit about ‘putting women in their place by refusing to date or marry.’ The announcement was all over the internet a few days ago.”
Jane: “Oh my god. That. Is. AWESOME! Hell yeah, let’s keep this party rolling!”
John: “All right!”
Jane: “This is the greatest day of my life!!! WOOOO!”

McDouchebag: “Can you hear them, brothers? Through these narrow basement walls, can you hear the cries of agony? The wailing and lamentations have begun, and soon women all over this land will be bowing and scraping at our doorsteps, begging us to return to them.”
Random woman: “I’M SO HAPPY! YEAAAAHHHH!!!”
McDouchbag: “Aaaany second now.”

10 years ago

Pretty sure this song would sum up the general atmosphere of that day.

10 years ago

Sure, whatever you say weirwoodtreehugger, IF that is your real username…

Oh no. They’re onto me!

10 years ago

Wrong day to read this… I spent pretty much all day on saturday playing Banished.

10 years ago



Off topic. Is everyone else enjoying all the white male tears over the Star Wars teaser featuring a woman and a black man? Because I sure am!

I haven’t seen any of it first hand, but Beloved (and The Mary Sue) assure me that people are all up in arms about it.

@Kittehs: Yeah, there’s three whole people whose faces we see in the new Star Wars trailer. The first is John Boyega, who’s black; the second is Daisy Ridley, who’s a white woman; and the third is Oscar Isaac. I’m not sure how Isaac identifies; his mother’s from Guatemala, his father’s from Cuba, they have Hispanic names, and he was born and raised in Miami, Florida. Depending on if he identifies as Hispanic/Latino, it may be that there’s no white (non-Hispanic) male in the teaser trailer.

There’s a very strong chance that John Boyega and Daisy Ridley are the leads in this movie.

It’s not like the movie is lacking white guys. It’s got Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Andy Serkis, Adam Driver, and Max von frickin’ Sydow in it. But! It also has Lupita Nyong’o and Gwendoline Christie, and I hope they have substantial parts.

10 years ago

I’m alive to see a small scale version of the cold war.

Guffaw. I lived through the so-called end of the real thing. That ain’t over yet, either.

These guys are beyond pathetic, and well into ABJECT.

10 years ago

And that gif of the six-fingered man is totally yoinked.

10 years ago


Guffaw. I lived through the so-called end of the real thing. That ain’t over yet, either.

I lived through the last decade of the Berlin Wall, but I didn’t get a real sense of the nuclear fear until I read the Watchmen comic just before the movie came out in 2009. I’d read it in the early 90s but the whole sense of doom flew over my head.

Nukes, for me, were something that was acute, a feature of James Cameron films (Aliens, Terminator 2) rather than chronic. I didn’t go to bed every night praying that the world would still be there in the morning.

10 years ago

Nukes, for me, were something that was acute, a feature of James Cameron films (Aliens, Terminator 2) rather than chronic. I didn’t go to bed every night praying that the world would still be there in the morning.

Oh, they’re still there. Not as many as there used to be, but both sides do still have ’em. The doom clock isn’t as close to midnight as it once was, but it’s still ticking. And the Cold War mentality is alive and well in Washington, as well as the right-wing (that is, mainstream) media. Just look at the way they’re still embargoing Cuba (and any Latin American country that won’t shut Cuba out). And still slinging shit at Russia, too.

These ‘winger trolls, though, are really something else. They are actually salivating for the good ol’ macho days of nuclear brinksmanship. And that’s abject. Sensible people don’t miss those days, and watchful people know that as long as the Cold War mentality prevails, and not all nukes are dismantled, disaster can still happen. That they WANT it to happen speaks volumes about what kind of worms these gomers are.

10 years ago


You totally nailed the entire thread in one spoof. Except the bit about how various women pleaded with the guy not to give up on dating/marriage etc. (really?)

10 years ago

…by which I mean they didn’t really, he just said they did.

10 years ago

“video games will evolve to become a tool for raising a new generation of men.”

Fighting and killing Oh dear goddess Bootsy no

“Our current education system fails horribly at providing real information on how the world works, what motivates people, and how to get laid.”

Education sucks teaching us about math, biology, history and finances! Even having clubs and sports, that doesn’t motivate people! We should be learning about more important things like getting laid! /s

Yeah it’s the video games that teaches us how the real world works.

Cutting the grass gives you money
Peoples bodies twitch and bend in numerous different ways
There’s monsters
Women to have sex or marry you after you save them
You can have powers that makes you fly and shoot fire balls
And you can do whatever you want without going to jail and if you do go to jail then they will just let you out in a little bit.

Actually that last one is kinda true

“More importantly, it pussifies men and turns them into starry-eyed believers in the Disney variety of life and love.”

Men shouldn’t learn how to love and be kind, they should learn on how to fight and have sex with everything that breathes! Why can’t I get women to like me?

“we can collectively make the world a better place for the next generation of men”

By killing and raping each other? I don’t think so
And so this concludes that no one is a better misandrist than a misognyist.
And also gaston

10 years ago

anemonerosie, no, no, you’re a kitty! We are all our gravatars here!

Is true! I is dragon and I haz a fierce! Raaarrrr!

10 years ago

I love video games and I don’t mean that video games cause violence Im saying that video games are not the best choice to learn about the real world

10 years ago

I love how this implies that masculinity is a stat that you pump up by playing games. Because life is also a video game and you are your own avatar with stats and hp!

It’s pretty clear that there’s a mentality at work where masculinity or manliness is a composite stat derived by a formula that includes “how much you lift”, “aggressiveness”, “proportion of emotions that are rage or self-righteous anger”, “treating other people’s boundaries as irrelevant” (VERY important part!), “smug self-satisfaction”, “self awareness” (lower is better for that one) etc.

Also women are npc’s who are programmed to act all kinds of different ways but the core mechanic is that if you are masculine enough to pass their internal threshold then they will (as they rightly should) worship you.

10 years ago

I did. As a grade school aged child I fully expected never to grow up because we’d all die in nuclear war or the insuring nuclear winter. The movie Three Days Later gave me nightmares for a long time. Luckily I was older and the wall had come down before I read Hiroshima. Otherwise I’d have probably never slept again.

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