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The Five Creepiest #GamerGate Fan Art Tributes to Christina Hoff Sommers, aka Based Mom (With Bonus Annoying Gif)

She's not the messiah's mom
She’s not the messiah’s mom

GamerGaters sure do love their Based Mom! Christina Hoff Sommers, as you may or may not know, is a libertarian think-tanker who’s been grinding away at feminism for two decades, while still, rather perversely, claiming to be feminist. Though not a video gamer herself, she’s jumped aboard the GamerGate train, and GamerGaters have repaid her interest in their little crusade with interest, anointing her their “Based Mom” and talking about her with weird reverence.

That is, when they’re not making creepy fan art about her. Today, five of the most disturbing examples I’ve found so far.

1) Virgin Based Mom, in which an old publicity shot of Sommers is pasted onto a picture of the Virgin Mary to very creepy effect.




2) Based Waifu, in which Sommers is reinvented as an anime character.



3) Mass Effect Mom, in which Sommers becomes a Space Marine.




4) Whatever the hell this is.




5) Perfect Mom. And last but certainly not least, this tweet. No image manipulation here, just a guy expressing his opinion about a women. His really, really creepy opinion.

BONUS: The world’s most annoying Christina Hoff Sommers animated gif.  Sommers finishes her ironically titled “Factual Feminist” YouTube videos, which are neither factual nor feminist, with an annoyingly contrived tagline: “Check your facts, not your privilege.” Now you can watch her smugly repeat this phrase over and over without end. Which is, I think, the very definition of hell.




Warning: Excessive viewing of this gif may give you nightmares; its smugness is that powerful.

H/T — GamerGhazi, for pointing out the Virgin Mom

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10 years ago

Halloween came late this year, I see.

Are you sure there was no image manipulation in the tweet? I’m getting an even stronger uncanny valley feel from it than from the Commander Shepard one (ugh, and I just started playing Mass Effect too). It looks to me like someone with Photoshop selected her eyes, nose and mouth, enlarged them and then dragged them a little bit to the left. Compare that face to the one on the smug gif.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I think the one in the tweet only looks strange because her mouth seems to be skewed to one side. I think that’s just the way she’s holding her mouth, with a smug little sideways quirk.

10 years ago

Yeah, there’s something just off about that tweet one, apart from the “let’s try to make her look younger” blurring. All her features look just slightly out of line, or disproportionate.

It’s not like they even needed to photoshop her. She’s got the same creepy bug-eyed look Paul Elam has.

10 years ago

Look at her face from the temples in the tweet one: it’s not just the way her hair’s sitting, it looks like her head’s been narrowed. Very strange indeed.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

What’s with the lines between the waifu version’s eyebrows? CHS has no such lines on her own forehead, and they make her look like she’s constipated.

I mean, in general that doesn’t even look much like her, and I’d never be able to tell that was here without the label, but the extra lines between the eyebrows are particularly perplexing.

10 years ago

Kittehserf, I think that it’s all part of their attempts to make her look younger/their inability to use photoshop. It’s also pretty telling that they used pictures of her when she was much younger for most of their tributes.

10 years ago

Apparently, being an anti-feminist and a female misogynist is what all women should aspire to be.

Oh, but of course. Then we’d all be too busy hating each other, and hate-competing for the approval of the menz, to actually address the many ways they’ve wronged us!

Another Holocene Human
Another Holocene Human
10 years ago

So the Shia LaBoeuf thing happened. I was so grossed out by the comments on Jezebel I couldn’t brave anywhere else. Well, there was RawStory where everybody called him an attention seeking liar. Like I know the guy is annoying as fuck but isn’t that exactly who rapists target? People everyone calls ‘crazy’? Shia’s an abuse survivor, also one of his first adult breaks was playing a kid in an incestuous relationship with his mom so he’s done some pretty out there stuff in front of a camera. Even if he made some poor choices I just more and more feel like he’s not lying about this. And all the crap people keep saying is kind of exactly why rape victims don’t come forward.

10 years ago

The tweet picture has given her the very long upper lip which the gif does not appear to confirm. Also the tweeter has made the lower half of her head quite large in comparison to the top half. She also lacks the dent that most of us have in our upper lip, the philtrum.

Another Holocene Human
Another Holocene Human
10 years ago

Oh gawd I hope that wasn’t supposed to be Based WAIFU unless the definition has changed since I facepalmed ED forever and ever amen. (Last I knew, it was a body pillow with an image of a (usually underaged) anime starlet that you slept with and … well, let’s stop there.) That is clearly a shounen manga style depiction of an older woman, such as a grandmother — look at the skin around and between the eyes.

Bogdan Cvetkovic
Bogdan Cvetkovic
10 years ago

Those paintings remind me of MRA graphics in that if you’re not already ideologically in their corner you won’t get most of the visual references, therefore they’re completely useless at winning over anyone not already on their side.

Good political art doesn’t work like that.

It would benefit them to study some of Gillray’s cartoons. Then again they probably have no idea who Gillray is.

Bogdan Cvetkovic
Bogdan Cvetkovic
10 years ago

But why study or simply appreciate any art when you can play Call of Duty and fap to pr0n.

10 years ago

What’s with the lines between the waifu version’s eyebrows? CHS has no such lines on her own forehead, and they make her look like she’s constipated.

Well, she is full of shit …

10 years ago

I keep picturing them deluging her with “will you be my mommy?” comment and, honestly, couldn’t happen to a nicer person.

Another Holocene Human
Another Holocene Human
10 years ago

I think Jon McNaughton really, really doesn’t care for this Barack Obama feller. Other than that, he was called out years ago for his bad political art. Got mad and said it was the message and not the medium (although that kind of shitty realism IS part of the message too), and now he’s doubled down with increasingly poorly composed group fuckle chucks with lazy/sloppy execution to make his even more deranged and certainly more angry political points.

For all Norman Rockwell has been poo-poo’ed for his nostalgic, saccharine commercial art, he could make a point or convey an emotion when he wanted to.

McNaughton could only dream of getting into the dogs or presidents playing poker gig at this point. A nice understated velvet Elvis. Or painting of light. Off. The. Deep. End.

The cthulhu version was amazing, though.

10 years ago

comment image

10 years ago

@Another Holocene Human yeah, I was really unhappy with all the horrible comments on the Shia article. I couldn’t read it for very long, frankly.

10 years ago


I’ve seen everyone being horrible about Shia. On r/men’s rights, they’re pretty much agreeing to not believe him until offered more proof because then they’d be just like feminists. Then they’re complaining that feminists have successfully made rape impossible to take seriously.

10 years ago

Why is she so perfect?

Because she tells you halfwits what you want to hear and never challenges your dudely assumptions.

10 years ago

Here’s some even better advice from CHS.

10 years ago

Well played, serrana!

10 years ago

To be fair, there are excellent things on twitter:

I mean, not by Gamergators, but I thought we all might need a little brain bleach.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

The maniacal grin on the Virgin Mary pic looks really out of place with the gentle, beatific pose. Her body says “Let it be”, but her face says, “Guess what! I just invited the whole sixth-grade class to your Period Party!”

10 years ago

Bwhahaha, Buttercup. She looks like my stepmom in that picture and that’s exactly like something she would have tried to do.