#gamergate bunnies cuteness dawgies kitties no trolls allowed open thread

The We Hunted the Mammoth Tribute to the True Heroes of Gaming


Since today is Thanksgiving — also known as Thursday, to those not in the US — I thought I would take a break from all the negativity and celebrate some of the true heroes of video gaming.

Make sure to scroll down all the way for a video of cats and dogs and lizards legitimately for real playing iPad games. Enjoy!








This kitten, meanwhile, just likes to watch.

Consider this a no-trolls, no-MRAs, no-GamerGaters open thread, not for personal stuff. I’ll be opening a new thread for personal stuff in a little bit. Happy Thanksgiving and/or Thursday!

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10 years ago

schwadevivre – you’d have to be the 52nd state, we’ve been the 51st here in Oz for decades.

Happy Thanksgiving, happy Friday and happy Thursday!

10 years ago

I posted my annual glurge to Facebook this morning. Condensed version: I like Thanksgiving because (among other reasons) there are no movies about someone learning the true meaning thereof; nobody ever has to save it; and there is never the threat of a year without it. If you have food you like to eat, people you want to eat it with, and a place where you can eat it with them, that is it. Take a moment and give thanks for it all. Doesn’t have to be turkey, your blood relatives or your own home – you can be feeding the homeless at a soup kitchen, or be homeless in a soup kitchen. There are many ways to say, ‘I love you,’ but sharing food has a sincerity that is hard to beat.

And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.

10 years ago

AltoFronto – I think you captured Lee’s style beautifully there!
Now you have said we have BF in the UK (?!) I think I might make tomorrow a No Spending Day.

10 years ago

Happy whateverday wherever everyone is!

10 years ago

I’m encouraging everyone I know to skip Black Friday and shop small/buy local on Small Business Saturday. Spending your money supporting small businesses in your area helps the local economy, instead of giving it to the Evil Empire.

I’m having a sale on my Etsy vintage shop items on Saturday, as well as setting up at the local market as I do every Saturday.

10 years ago

Happy Caturday!

(every day is Caturday)

10 years ago

Those aren’t Gamers. Those are obviously SJWs pretending to be Gamers. Nice try but you’re not fooling me.

10 years ago

All you Blue-Pillars think those are just harmless adorable Kittehs who are the pets of Humans who are in control of things. Take the Red Pill and see that they are the ones in charge and that it is we who are the oppressed “pets” owned by them!

10 years ago

I took the Purple Pill, and now everything is a purplish wave of awesomeness. So much purplish awesomeness. I cannot contemplate such purpliciousness. Let all devolve into purple.

Michael Suttkus
Michael Suttkus
10 years ago

@AltoFronto “I’m assuming from the name “Black Friday” that it’s some kind of orgiastic feast-day for Capitalists to renew their Faustian bargains with Satan in return for ever more filthy lucre.”

Just in case there was a serious question in there: the term Black Friday dates back a bit. In the old days, paper tape calculators would print negative numbers in red ink, while positive numbers were printed in black. Hence the phrases, “In the black” for doing well, and “in the red” for doing badly. Friday after Thanksgiving is a day many people had off, so became a day where lots of shopping naturally occurred, especially given it’s proximity to Christmas. It came to be called Black Friday because many business did enough business on that day that it put them into the black and made their entire year profitable.

Or that’s the story that is told to distract the public from our sacrifices to the Great Tzergwap, may his tentacles ever be long and spindly. All hale Tzergwap!

10 years ago

Thanksgiving query: How does one eat pumpkin pie? Hot or cold? Because my flatmate made some but when I tried to heat it up it turned into pumpkin pie soup. But it is weird cold.

10 years ago

Pumpkin pie… hot? Really? Not where I’m from. But this may explain why some people seem to adore pumpkin flavour in their coffee…

10 years ago

Pumpkin pie, warm not hot, with ice cream. 🙂

10 years ago

@ Robert – OMG! I had that happen once! I was following the Dead, at the time, and…well, the rest is probably best left unremembered.

Seriously, the only colour I could see was purple. Everything else was various shades of grey.

10 years ago

Were there 50 shades of grey?

10 years ago

Room temp for some and chilled for others. Lavished with whipped cream for some and plain for others. Never tried it hot. Sounds messy.

10 years ago


All you Blue-Pillars think those are just harmless adorable Kittehs who are the pets of Humans who are in control of things. Take the Red Pill and see that they are the ones in charge and that it is we who are the oppressed “pets” owned by them!

Preach it!

Have you had your Welcome Package, btw? 🙂


Were there 50 shades of grey?

Or a whiter shade of pale?

10 years ago

Stop charming my heart and funny bone with these pictures David!

10 years ago

He is an agent of the Furrinati, talbotfish. Well, actually, he is quite a few Furrinati, so you can expect no mercy.

10 years ago

Warm, with ice cream or whipped cream, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Probably the one you had was a gelatine-based chilled one, rather than a baked custard. It’s a tragedy. I mean, I like pumpkin soup, but not when my mouth is set for pie.

10 years ago

I hate pumpkin pie. I had apple pie today instead. Much tastier.

10 years ago


Alliance is BEST FACTION

10 years ago

Sadly we Australians must wait another month for our holiday fix, but happy Thanksgiving anyway!

10 years ago

So the question that has been foremost in my mind: How could you escape being tied up with your hands behind your back using only whatever is in your hair?

10 years ago

Sorry, I’m a bit late in responding, what with time zones and being made to go to bed and all (I’m a grown-ass woman, damnit!).

Here is some relevant Stewart Lee for Swahdevivre and Kim.

There are also a few brilliant annotated videos in which he kind of deconstructs his entire act, which is a bit meta, because that’s kind of what he does on stage as it is. It’s genius. 😀