#gamergate bunnies cuteness dawgies kitties no trolls allowed open thread

The We Hunted the Mammoth Tribute to the True Heroes of Gaming


Since today is Thanksgiving — also known as Thursday, to those not in the US — I thought I would take a break from all the negativity and celebrate some of the true heroes of video gaming.

Make sure to scroll down all the way for a video of cats and dogs and lizards legitimately for real playing iPad games. Enjoy!








This kitten, meanwhile, just likes to watch.

Consider this a no-trolls, no-MRAs, no-GamerGaters open thread, not for personal stuff. I’ll be opening a new thread for personal stuff in a little bit. Happy Thanksgiving and/or Thursday!

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10 years ago

the cuteness is taking over!!!!

cynicism dwindling … heart growing …

10 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving, USian commenters!

Love how PO’d the fluffy white kitty at the top of the post looks. 😀

10 years ago

All together now: D’aaaawwwwwww…

M. Tremblay
M. Tremblay
10 years ago

The last one though.

I got a Wii U and I really like the fact I can play games on the gamepad’s screen without using the TV (so I can play in bed! YES!)

But then my kitty sits on my lap, starts pawing at the screen, lies on it, and otherwise forces me to get out of bed and actually play on the TV. 🙁

10 years ago

@ M. Tremblay – kitty loooooooves you and wants to play with you!

10 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the USA!

@M. Tremblay

My cat is the same, except I have a 3DS and he loves trying to grab the stylus while I’m using it. I’m 99% sure he only does it for attention (sadly, I don’t have enough hands to fuss him and hold a stylus + 3DS), it’s the same reason he bites my toes if I’m ignoring him…

10 years ago

I’m proud of the cat in the 8th picture down (just above the videos) for playing World of Warcraft.

Then I noticed she’s playing Alliance…. BOOOOOoo!

10 years ago

Darrow’s electronic of choice is the TV remote.

10 years ago

Happy Thursday!

10 years ago

Pretty awesome

Katherine XII
Katherine XII
10 years ago

Dick move, Cat#2.

Dick move.

Pocket Nerd
10 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving, all. And if you aren’t from the US, well, have a happy day anyway.

10 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving to all the USians! I’m not but I’m having a great day. I went to court on a traffic ticket and the charges were dropped! Avoided a fine but, more importantly, I avoided the 8 demerit points on my license. It’s fair though, because I was actually innocent of the charge. YAY!

10 years ago

OMG, that chinchilla kitty at the top is just too precious.

And what is it with all these gamebro kitties who just sit around with their legs apart and their ‘nads hanging out? Are they imitating their gamebro hoomans?

Happy US Thanksgiving to all you late-celebrators…

10 years ago

Congrats, Sambarge!

10 years ago

Happy Thursday. 🙂

We don’t even celebrate Thanksgiving here in the UK, so I’m not super familiar with all its attendant customs, but Black Friday is apparently now A Thing for most of our supermarkets.

Like, from what I understand about it, and I don’t know a lot about USian Lizard-people* and their religious/ cultural traditions (*Do they prefer the term Reptillian-Americans? Sorry, don’t mean to offend anyone), but I gather it’s a day that represents and celebrates all that is fundamentally wrong and broken with Consumerism, right? I’m assuming from the name “Black Friday” that it’s some kind of orgiastic feast-day for Capitalists to renew their Faustian bargains with Satan in return for ever more filthy lucre. I mean, why else would it involve so much gouging people being crushed to death?
Again, this whole thing is a foreign concept to me, as a Brit, so I’m treating it with extreme suspicion and distrust.
I mean, I don’t want to seem intolerant, but these Lizard-people come over here, demanding special privileges for their little profane ritual sacrifice and worship, riding roughshod over OUR cultural values. Why don’t they just integrate to OUR way of life if they like it so much over here? We and our lengthy period of no-particular-thing-going-on-until-December were here first!**

** Disclaimer: I have been watching recordings of Stewart Lee’s stand-up all afternoon and I feel his sense of humour has heavily influenced my post.

10 years ago
Reply to  AltoFronto

Also not American, but today my kitty decided to come visit me in bed which is not something she does very often. So it’s a special day. (It’s also a Friday)

10 years ago

No kitties or games here, watching movies and avoiding the holiday.

These totally lifted me and I appreciate that so much, thanks, David. I had no idea about putting a pet with a tablet, had only ever seen video catnip which I loved.

I hope everyone has a good day no matter where you are.

10 years ago

We don’t even celebrate Thanksgiving here in the UK, so I’m not super familiar with all its attendant customs, but Black Friday is apparently now A Thing for most of our supermarkets.

It has become one here in Canada, too. Our downtown merchants here have even adopted a “late” event, starting at 5 p.m. and running until 10, which I might have considered going to if only (a) I could drive, and (b) it weren’t already so dang dark out. But since I walk, and it’s darker than Satan’s balls, and a long way to go into town (I’m on the easternmost end of the main drag), alas, I won’t be attending.

As for “big” Black Friday sales, I’ve avoided them. In stores, it’s just a mad rush; online, meh. Anything I really want/need, I’ll buy at other times. They don’t need ME to survive, those big guys…

10 years ago

Happy thanksgiving everyone

Jennifer Keller
Jennifer Keller
10 years ago
10 years ago

@ Altofronto
I have said before that being the 51st state is actually Nigel Farrage’s wet dream.

to which my response is NOPE!

10 years ago

Parrots are gamers too. My bird will sit on top of the tv and peck and try to catch anything on the screen that comes close to her.

Can you link us to a good Stewart Lee video?

10 years ago

Awww! Now I so want a cat. Sigh, if only they weren’t hypercarnivores…

Regarding ‘Black Friday’ stuff: it probably would have passed me by if my local comic book/tabletop games store didn’t send me an email saying that they’re offering triple loyalty points on all purchases on the day. Triple Points! Wished I’d put off buying Betrayal at House on the Hill now.

@AltoFronto: I’ve felt that way after watching a lot of Stewart Lee. It’s quite a nice feeling 🙂

Happy Thursday Mamotheers

10 years ago

correction: happy Thursday mamotheers, unless you live East of me. In which case, happy Friday… I guess.

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