alpha males beta males creepy douchebaggery emotional abuse empathy deficit evo psych fairy tales mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains jokes PUA rape culture sluts

When an Alpha Male 2.0 comfort bombards a Type 2 VYW: A Somewhat Horrifying Red Pill Glossary

This will make more sense after you read the post, I think.
This will make more sense after you read the post, I think.

Is your love life lacking acronyms and made-up words?

In love, as in every other aspect of life (except perhaps talking to cats), it pays to increase your word power. Happily for all of us I have discovered a wondrous Red Pill Glossary on Black Dragon Blog (tagline: “Love Women While Staying Free”), which includes a wide assortment of terms that will be new even to the most advanced Alpha.

Most would-be PUAs (Pickup Artists) can tell an AFC (Average Frustrated Chump) from a DHV (Demonstration of Higher Value). But here are few other acronyms you may not have encountered:

CTF – Cheating Time Frame. The amount of time you have installed in your brain before you will cheat on a monogamous partner. …

EFA – Early Frame Announcement. The strongly conveyed but unspoken overall message to a woman non-verbally conveying who you are and why you’re there. …LSNFTE Long Soft Next For Temporary Exclusivity.

I didn’t make this one up, seriously. What all that apprently means:

A common occurrence with Alphas in nonmonogamous relationships where a woman leaves the Alpha, who will not give her monogamy, so she can get a traditional boyfriend or husband who will.

Huh. Maybe she’s leaving you because you’re the sort of person who goes around talking about CTF and LSNFTE, OK?

TEP Three Exchange Process. Pitching a first date to a woman on the third or fourth email exchange with her on a dating site.

WHY DO YOU NEED AN ACRONYM FOR THIS? How many spammy messages are you sending out on OK Cupid anyway?

VYW – Very Young Woman, a woman between the age of consent (usually 18) and 23. VYW have the lowest ASD of any age group, by far.

Oh, whoops, I forgot: ASD is “Anti Slut Defense,” which Mr. Black Dragon defines as:

A condition created by societal programming experienced by women wherein they attempt to avoid sex, even if they want it, so as to not look or feel like a “slut” or “inappropriate” or not like “a lady”.

I think this is his complicated way of saying that no means yes.

There are three different types of VYW’s by the way. You can look them up yourself.

Now that you’ve mastered some of the most useful acronyms, let’s give acronyms a Hard Next and move onto actual words. And made-up words.

I might as well start with Hard Next, huh?

Hard Next – A permanent breakup. Where a man leaves a woman, never contacts her again, and literally never sees her again (or at least never again in a sexual context). …

This is not to be confused with a Soft Next, which is apparently a synonym for “acting like a douchebag.”

Soft Next – When a man removes a woman from his life for a short period of time, usually three to seven days, during which he completely ignores all communication from her, because of drama she gave him. At the end of the soft next, the relationship resumes as normal.

Or she tells him to go fuck himself because he’s being an immature asshole.

The Soft Next is not to be confused with the Stinky Next, which is when a man leaves a woman after letting out a fart so noxious that he’s too embarrassed to ever speak to her again.

Ok, I made that one up. But these are all real:

Betaization – The slow process by which a woman transforms a man she’s in a relationship with from an Alpha to a beta, usually by means of drama, demands, rules, sex (giving or withholding), or threats. Betaization is a completely natural part of a woman’s biological makeup … .

Comfort Bombardment – A process by which you get a woman comfortable about you after the first date is scheduled via online dating but prior to actually meeting her in real life. Comfort Bombardment raises the odds of sex considerably and reduces the odds of flaking. …

This is also useful if you’re planning to start a cult; you can use it alongside “love bombing.”

Disney – Any thought derived from societal programming that monogamy, child rearing, or traditional marriage is pleasant and/or permanent in the modern era. …

And for the fellas:

Guy-Disney – The incorrect thought men have that somewhere out there is a girl who will love you forever, never cheat on you, never get bored with you, and never break up with you.

This is not to be confused with:

Hanna-Barbera — In which someone plays a bongo drum very quickly every time you run.

Ok, I made that one up too.

There are more, but I think we’d probably do better just to make up some of our own.






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10 years ago

“Eat this pie! I know you want to.”

“But it’s covered in dog poop. Look, I can see it right there”

“Are you saying you don’t want pie? You’re just saying that because society has shamed you into not wanting to admit that you want pie, aren’t you?”

“No, I like pie, but this one has dog poop on it, and ew, are those maggots? Also I can clearly see the container marked CYANIDE that you tried to hide under the rug.”

“This pie is the best pie ever, superior in every way. You just can’t handle the pie. You are not worthy of my pie! Now beg me for it.”

“…No. Bye, now.”

10 years ago

(Incidentally, aren’t these the same kinds of people who claim that Women just don’t enjoy having sex as much as Men do?)

Yep, because who would enjoy having sex with a PUA, after being tricked into it.

They haven’t clicked that non-PUAs are having great sex. 🙂

10 years ago

“Eat this pie!”

“You first, asshole.”

10 years ago

The real reason PUAs are so hung up on notch-counts: because nobody ever has sex with them twice.

10 years ago

“I think I’ll have some of that pie over there instead”

“What? Misandry! Alpha assholes! Oh God I’m so alone…”

(starts singing)

10 years ago

ASD (anti-slut defense) is real. Are you people actually saying that women would NOT be less inhibited about sex if we got rid of slut shaming tomorrow? Of course they would! When a woman (especially a young woman) says no to sex, do you really believe her no is always from a position of strength, and never from a position of cultural/religious/feminist/social circle brainwashing??? Do people honestly think that every woman owns herself? Most people, sadly, don’t own themselves. Most people are sheep.

ASD is BS, and you are the sheep for believing in it. And for believing that feminism is a brainwash, too. Actually, it’s a tool of analysis. As opposed to you, who are merely a tool. And not the sharpest one in the shed, either.

Many girls are super horny and would love to have sex, but think they’re moving too fast for society’s liking (it’s only the first date) and are worried that their friends won’t respect them or the guy will think she’s a slut, so they restrain themselves out of real or imaginary peer pressure, thus declaring war against their own desires. It’s rather pathetic, actually, but this is how a lot of (especially young) women are. Women constantly say no despite sincerely wanting to say yes. It’s in their DNA to “protect their eggs” despite their own urges. I can’t believe I even have to point this out. In the manosphere, all of this is commonsense biology. But you guys apparently need your hands held through basic knowledge.

Oh, thank you, good sir, for mansplaining my own sex drive to me! Unfortunately, that still won’t get you laid around here, because it’s all assfax and we are not, in fact, that stupid (which is to say, as stupid as YOU). Women say no because they don’t fucking want you. And the reason they don’t want you is because you’re a pompous, ignorant piece of fascist shit who reeks of cheap cologne and Cheeto dust. No religious, social or feminist conditioning necessary.

2. @Lea: From your overwhelmingly cliché response, it is clear that you have never read a single post on BD’s blog. He has never advocated cheating on, abusing, or hurting women. He advocates open relationships in which the women (just like the men) can sleep with other people as well. He never advocated one way open relationships or cheating of any kind. Your entire response was one big generic cliché which liberals pull out of their asses every time they confront anyone who disagrees with them. You are not fit to give anyone a psychological evaluation or project your nonsense unto the PUA community.

Oh look, everybody, he’s negging Lea! What a pity she’s not interested.

Now, if you hold true to the cliché and one dimensional liberal format, you will next say that you apparently “hit a nerve” with me, or give me the “you just can’t handle that I’m a powerful woman” argument. Both the “hit a nerve” and “you just can’t stand how cool I am” clichés are well documented and laughed at in PUA circles. Stop projecting your own insecurities and weak needs to think you’re so strong and powerful (and other psychobabble) unto us. .

Judging by the way you’re ranting, she DID hit a nerve. I’m quite enjoying seeing you splutter; it’s so typical and predictable.

And trust me, all you PUAssholes are laughingstocks here already. You’re not fooling anyone, you know.

Now go cry, emo kid.

10 years ago

OMG! Stop the effing presses. PUAs are aware that words are used to describe things. Wowzer.

10 years ago

They laught at cliches and we laugh at PUAs. This has alliteration.

10 years ago

Don’t laugh, it’s a step up from their usual failure to understand that words mean things.

10 years ago

I wonder what they think they’re going to achieve coming here and bloviating?

10 years ago

It just reminds me of those shitty combination magic and hypnosis shows from ye olde days. Any moment now he’ll pretend to saw someone in half.

10 years ago

I wonder what they think they’re going to achieve coming here and bloviating?

To impress the pants off us with negging and bluster. The usual.

10 years ago

I wonder what they think they’re going to achieve coming here and bloviating?

Wearing down our anti slut defenses?

10 years ago

It’s such an exercise in futility, isn’t it – misogynist comes here trying to insult feminists, most of whom are women, and tell us his little clique really knows how women’s minds and bodies work, and how wonderful they, the PUAs, are.

But if it’s all so truthy true, why does he have to spend time here ranting about it? If PUA is so wonderful, why’s it all based on tricking/coercing/forcing women into sex? If PUAs were such great dudes, why is getting sex apparently so difficult? Couldn’t be that it’s the coercion and abuse that’s the end, not the means, could it? Naaaah, what an idea.

And either way, what’s the point of preaching it here? It’s not like PUAs want to have sex with feminists; just being a feminist seems to give these guys bonerwilt (thank Ceiling Cat). It’s not like ranting via the internet at women thousands of miles away is going to get them sex, unless one-handed ragetyping is their thing. They’re sure as hell not going to change our minds about them; everything they type adds to the mountain of evidence that these guys shouldn’t even be allowed out in public.

10 years ago

These guys are all obviously lonely as hell. There is no other explanation. Because if they were THAT good at getting laid, they’d be too busy DOING it to spend hours online pontificating at us about it.

That’s the hilarious thing about all this. It ain’t foolin’ no one.

10 years ago

It’s a universal truth that if you have to constantly remind people of the truthiness of a thing, it’s not actually true. Confident, competent people don’t do this, because they already know that they’re awesome and assume that others will notice it too.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Yet another thing he’s missed (we’re up to what, some sort of Möbius strip now?) in his little diatribe about the “Anti-slut defense”: Lesbianism. Of course, we’re talking about a guy who thinks that feminism causes slut-shaming (isn’t that like saying world peace causes nuclear war?), so he probably thinks that lesbians just have a “High anti-slut defense” or some nonsense like that…

10 years ago

Or they’re confident enough that they don’t care what random people think of them.

10 years ago

M. – of course, because lesbians don’t real, it’s just something porn actresses or compliant girlfriends do to turn men on before getting fucked (over) by them.

10 years ago

There are no women who don’t like cock, it are a myth.

(Insert sarcasm font here)

10 years ago

I’m bored and decided to read the whole glossary.

Blitz – A temporary but concentrated period of time where you send out several hundred online openers, lasting anywhere from two or three days to a few weeks.

Presented without comment.

Gender Myopia – The condition of being so narrowly focused on what your gender is attracted to, you are completely blinded to the realities of what the other gender is attracted to. You think the other gender wants exactly what you want, which they don’t. Example of male gender myopia: Men sending women pictures of their penises in order to turn them on. Example of female gender myopia: Women bragging about how “sassy” or “tough” or “independent” they are in order to attract men.

These guys really have no self awareness do they? This is a thing in the glossary, yet they spend countless hours telling women that they know better than us what we’re attracted to.

I also read a couple of his blog posts. A lot of bragging about all the women he’s doing who are in relationships with “betas.” It sounds like a lot of shit that never happened.

10 years ago

I’m bored with this guy. Anyone want to see something horrifying that isn’t a PUA? That thing hanging off the edge of the cliff is a house.

10 years ago

I would live in that house.

10 years ago

I would have nightmares of erosion dropping my ass right into the ocean. Do not want.

10 years ago

Aaaaaah noooooo I wouldn’t even go up on that cliff, never mind going into that house. Yosemite was fucking frightening enough, kthnx.