alpha males beta males creepy douchebaggery emotional abuse empathy deficit evo psych fairy tales mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains jokes PUA rape culture sluts

When an Alpha Male 2.0 comfort bombards a Type 2 VYW: A Somewhat Horrifying Red Pill Glossary

This will make more sense after you read the post, I think.
This will make more sense after you read the post, I think.

Is your love life lacking acronyms and made-up words?

In love, as in every other aspect of life (except perhaps talking to cats), it pays to increase your word power. Happily for all of us I have discovered a wondrous Red Pill Glossary on Black Dragon Blog (tagline: “Love Women While Staying Free”), which includes a wide assortment of terms that will be new even to the most advanced Alpha.

Most would-be PUAs (Pickup Artists) can tell an AFC (Average Frustrated Chump) from a DHV (Demonstration of Higher Value). But here are few other acronyms you may not have encountered:

CTF – Cheating Time Frame. The amount of time you have installed in your brain before you will cheat on a monogamous partner. …

EFA – Early Frame Announcement. The strongly conveyed but unspoken overall message to a woman non-verbally conveying who you are and why you’re there. …LSNFTE Long Soft Next For Temporary Exclusivity.

I didn’t make this one up, seriously. What all that apprently means:

A common occurrence with Alphas in nonmonogamous relationships where a woman leaves the Alpha, who will not give her monogamy, so she can get a traditional boyfriend or husband who will.

Huh. Maybe she’s leaving you because you’re the sort of person who goes around talking about CTF and LSNFTE, OK?

TEP Three Exchange Process. Pitching a first date to a woman on the third or fourth email exchange with her on a dating site.

WHY DO YOU NEED AN ACRONYM FOR THIS? How many spammy messages are you sending out on OK Cupid anyway?

VYW – Very Young Woman, a woman between the age of consent (usually 18) and 23. VYW have the lowest ASD of any age group, by far.

Oh, whoops, I forgot: ASD is “Anti Slut Defense,” which Mr. Black Dragon defines as:

A condition created by societal programming experienced by women wherein they attempt to avoid sex, even if they want it, so as to not look or feel like a “slut” or “inappropriate” or not like “a lady”.

I think this is his complicated way of saying that no means yes.

There are three different types of VYW’s by the way. You can look them up yourself.

Now that you’ve mastered some of the most useful acronyms, let’s give acronyms a Hard Next and move onto actual words. And made-up words.

I might as well start with Hard Next, huh?

Hard Next – A permanent breakup. Where a man leaves a woman, never contacts her again, and literally never sees her again (or at least never again in a sexual context). …

This is not to be confused with a Soft Next, which is apparently a synonym for “acting like a douchebag.”

Soft Next – When a man removes a woman from his life for a short period of time, usually three to seven days, during which he completely ignores all communication from her, because of drama she gave him. At the end of the soft next, the relationship resumes as normal.

Or she tells him to go fuck himself because he’s being an immature asshole.

The Soft Next is not to be confused with the Stinky Next, which is when a man leaves a woman after letting out a fart so noxious that he’s too embarrassed to ever speak to her again.

Ok, I made that one up. But these are all real:

Betaization – The slow process by which a woman transforms a man she’s in a relationship with from an Alpha to a beta, usually by means of drama, demands, rules, sex (giving or withholding), or threats. Betaization is a completely natural part of a woman’s biological makeup … .

Comfort Bombardment – A process by which you get a woman comfortable about you after the first date is scheduled via online dating but prior to actually meeting her in real life. Comfort Bombardment raises the odds of sex considerably and reduces the odds of flaking. …

This is also useful if you’re planning to start a cult; you can use it alongside “love bombing.”

Disney – Any thought derived from societal programming that monogamy, child rearing, or traditional marriage is pleasant and/or permanent in the modern era. …

And for the fellas:

Guy-Disney – The incorrect thought men have that somewhere out there is a girl who will love you forever, never cheat on you, never get bored with you, and never break up with you.

This is not to be confused with:

Hanna-Barbera — In which someone plays a bongo drum very quickly every time you run.

Ok, I made that one up too.

There are more, but I think we’d probably do better just to make up some of our own.






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10 years ago

Hey, who are we to knock what this guy finds admirable? Clearly, he’s just that into really bad dating/borderline date rape advice. Have fun with that!

10 years ago

Where does he treat women like “malfunctioning sex dispensers?” Where is he trying to distress or manipulate people?

“Abusive” has a definition which is way more narrow than how fragile liberal sissies apply the term. Grow some balls and fuck off yourself.

10 years ago

Stop projecting your own insecurities and weak needs to think you’re so strong and powerful (and other psychobabble) unto us. .

Says the guy who likes projecting his own insecurities and weak needs onto women.

I can’t believe I missed that part. My sinuses have been dry, so laughing/coughing too hard gives me a nosebleed. The quoted statement I give a “bleeding out through the nostrils” rating on the “How hard should I laugh at this?” scale. Self-awareness: you have zero.

10 years ago

@ryeash: Date rape? Where does he advocate date rape?

Again, you people are not talking about him. You’re talking about a fictional character (the liberal misogynist boogeyman) in your own heads and projecting it onto him. I wish you’d recognize that..

10 years ago

I enjoy projecting my own insecurities and weak needs unto women? Really? What are these weak needs? Once again, instead of talking to me (or him), you’re talking to a fictional character and projecting it onto us.

10 years ago

Wow, reading for comprehension really isn’t your thing, is it, slimeball?

10 years ago

OMG!! All this time, I’ve been womaning wrong! Thanks so very much for setting me straight, random internet d00d!

And, actually, I’m not a Liberal. I did vote Liberal once, but then I sobered up. When I lived in Burnaby, I voted NDP, but then Svend had his little train wreck… I haven’t really voted along party lines since. My dad’s a Tory, if that makes you feel better, but that’s only because the Reform thing caved in on itself.

10 years ago

It’s in their DNA to “protect their eggs” despite their own urges. I can’t believe I even have to point this out. In the manosphere, all of this is commonsense biology.

Oh honey. The evopsych nonsense that passes for “commonsense biology” in the manosphere does not reflect any actual science out here in the real world.

He just gives techniques to overcome the religious/cultural/feminist/social circle brainwashing
First of all, where do you get the idea that feminists are trying to stop women from choosing to have sex? Feminists fight against the notion that a woman is ruined and dirty for choosing to have premarital sex. Are you so deep in your red pill bubble that you've failed to notice how at odd the religious right and feminism are?

Second of all, "overcoming brainwashing" doesn't sound an awful lot like consent to me. What you're really saying is that no doesn't really mean no. That she actually, secretly wants it. Convince yourself of that and it's a short step to raping a woman and justifying it to

Now, if you hold true to the cliché and one dimensional liberal format, you will next say that you apparently “hit a nerve” with me, or give me the “you just can’t handle that I’m a powerful woman”

I’ve never seen anyone here say the words “you just can’t handle that I’m a powerful woman.” Looks like you’re just arguing with the strawfeminists in your head.

It’s really fucking pathetic that a PUA blogger is your role model. There’s so many people throughout history who’ve done amazing things. But you choose to most admire a creepy misogynist who claims to get laid a lot.

Oh, honey. No.

10 years ago

Enjoy your meal, blockquote mammoth. I’m having bad luck today. First I left the cabinet door open and Dracarys got into the cat food and ate way too much of it. Now this. Sigh.

10 years ago

Makes you laugh, doesn’t it, that the default sneer of these creeps is “liberal” in its US context, and that being a feminist has to have anything to do with that. It doesn’t have that meaning here, not a bit of it.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago
10 years ago

A lot of Americans really have no clue that the word “liberal” means different things in different cultures. It’s hilarious. This troll pretends to be so wise and worldly but he obviously hasn’t read anything about politics in any country but the US. I wonder what he thinks neoliberal economic policy means?

10 years ago

Ewww! I got as far as d00d wanting to examine the basis for a woman saying no to serving him and got as creeped out as I always do when someone starts that predatory shit.

10 years ago

And Blackdragon never said to a rape or force a woman who said no because of ASD brainwashing. He just gives techniques to overcome the religious/cultural/feminist/social circle brainwashing so that the real her can shine through while being safe from society’s sexual shaming tactics.

Women never say no because they just don’t want to fuck you. No, they’re horny all the time, especially for you, buddy! All you have to do is figure out the correct cheat code.

10 years ago

*sigh* See, this is why I said you have zero self-awareness.

Let’s start with the fact that pickup artistry is based on emotional manipulation. Your friend’s little “breaking down barriers” bullshit is meant to open women up to being controlled by dishonest means.

As someone who once slept around and yes, played on people’s feelings because I couldn’t bring myself to empathize with a different perspective, I knew exactly what I was doing. Keeping someone around by making them feel like I felt something I didn’t. Their emotions? Who cared about their emotions, what about MINE? It was selfish, short-sighted, and needlessly cruel. You don’t like someone controlling you through your thoughts, feelings, entire world view if need be, correct? What the fuck makes you think it’s different for anyone else in the world?

It is actually a very weak thing to fool someone into bed. If you have to rely on tricking someone into sleeping with you, it’s pretty fucking sad. If you can’t make a normal, human emotional connection with someone or just be straight up with them, that speaks to much bigger underlying issues that you are burying in false connections and desperate justifications. You are quite literally punishing an innocent bystander for your own problems, something I thought you right-wingy sorts were against.

Honestly, good luck with all of that. It’s some shit to wade through, but you’ll get there.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Is “liberal” supposed to be some sort of insult?

I thought right-wingers were all about focusing on the family and promoting nuclear Ozzie and Harriet households, not hanging around bars trying to jiggle the levers on sex vending machines to override their programming. Isn’t free love supposed to be on the liberal hippie side of the political spectrum?

He has never advocated cheating on, abusing, or hurting any woman.

Oh, so Blackdragon doesn’t advocate cheating on women? Then what’s with the obsession with Alphas and the association of monogamy with betas and delusional Disney Guys that’s embedded in half the acronyms up there?

Regarding ASD: has it ever occurred to you that women may say no because they’re not attracted to you, and not because of societal/religious/whatever pressures?

As for “hit a nerve”, you’re assuming we give a shit about your emotional state. We don’t. We enjoy mocking beliefs that are astoundingly stupid, absurd, and harmful. We don’t really care if you get bent out of shape or not. That’s your affair, not ours.

Do people honestly think that every woman owns herself?

Yes. That you don’t tells us pretty much all we need to know about you.

10 years ago

I wonder if he really does think that it works like hypnotism and if he just tells us that we’re perpetually horny and desperate to fuck anyone who tells us “it’s OK, I don’t think you’re a slut” then we will, or if it hasn’t even dawned on him that the “liberals” he’s arguing with are mostly of the vagina-having variety?

Sometimes I am horny, but exposure to PUA bollocks has about the same effect on my libido as pouring a bucket of ice water over a cat, so…

10 years ago

Oops, I seem to have misplaced my owner. If someone finds him can they remind him that I’m sitting here waiting for my instructions? Thanks.

10 years ago

Seconding the ice-bucket effect here. Even before they open their mouths, I’m never going to be horny for any PUA, but that shit sends it into the extreme negative-horniness range.

10 years ago

That’s another thing slimeball doesn’t get – if humans are owned by anyone, it’s by the Furrinati.

10 years ago

I think I can say quite accurately that even a woman with a high sex drive and no hang-ups would rather jump off a cliff than have sex with slimeballs like these. (Incidentally, aren’t these the same kinds of people who claim that Women just don’t enjoy having sex as much as Men do?)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

As soon as anyone starts in with the negging or the canned lines or the biotruths or the hypnotic NLP seduction patter, it’s as if Freeze Miser was pouring liquid nitrogen on my ladybits while mushing an Iditarod sled team towards the north pole. Of Mars.

And it’s not because of cultural brainwashing or purity balls or abstinence education. It’s because I know sex with a PUA would be unremittingly awful.

And hey, for a group of guys so concerned with overcoming “natural slut defenses”, PUAs sure do spend a lot of time shaming women for having sex. When it’s with other men, of course.

10 years ago

Cap’n…right-wing idiot off the starboard bow!

“Maybe she’s leaving you because you’re the sort of person who goes around talking about CTF and LSNFTE, OK?”

Unlikely since the majority of them comeback eventually as he claims.

“Or she tells him to go fuck himself because he’s being an immature asshole”

Which basically never happens. Every man could find that out if he tried but betas are too afraid to even think about it..

Assfax, meet true facts: I did not come back to the one guy who tried this shit on me. I told him off, very sweetly and politely, when he tried to come back to ME two years (and as many boyfriends) later. And if he were to try it again tomorrow, I’d tell the immature asshole to go fuck himself.

Just as I’m telling YOU to do now…asshole.

10 years ago

bridget, Buttercup – ROFL! So true.

10 years ago

Makes you laugh, doesn’t it, that the default sneer of these creeps is “liberal” in its US context, and that being a feminist has to have anything to do with that. It doesn’t have that meaning here, not a bit of it.

LOL, does it ever. I’m not a liberal, I’m a SOCIALIST. And one of the reasons I am one is that it is actually coherent with my desire never to be “owned”. Socialists are against sexual slavery, along with all the other kinds. There’s something “wrong” with that? Only in the fever swamp of a ‘winger’s crack-addled brain.