alpha males beta males creepy douchebaggery emotional abuse empathy deficit evo psych fairy tales mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains jokes PUA rape culture sluts

When an Alpha Male 2.0 comfort bombards a Type 2 VYW: A Somewhat Horrifying Red Pill Glossary

This will make more sense after you read the post, I think.
This will make more sense after you read the post, I think.

Is your love life lacking acronyms and made-up words?

In love, as in every other aspect of life (except perhaps talking to cats), it pays to increase your word power. Happily for all of us I have discovered a wondrous Red Pill Glossary on Black Dragon Blog (tagline: “Love Women While Staying Free”), which includes a wide assortment of terms that will be new even to the most advanced Alpha.

Most would-be PUAs (Pickup Artists) can tell an AFC (Average Frustrated Chump) from a DHV (Demonstration of Higher Value). But here are few other acronyms you may not have encountered:

CTF – Cheating Time Frame. The amount of time you have installed in your brain before you will cheat on a monogamous partner. …

EFA – Early Frame Announcement. The strongly conveyed but unspoken overall message to a woman non-verbally conveying who you are and why you’re there. …LSNFTE Long Soft Next For Temporary Exclusivity.

I didn’t make this one up, seriously. What all that apprently means:

A common occurrence with Alphas in nonmonogamous relationships where a woman leaves the Alpha, who will not give her monogamy, so she can get a traditional boyfriend or husband who will.

Huh. Maybe she’s leaving you because you’re the sort of person who goes around talking about CTF and LSNFTE, OK?

TEP Three Exchange Process. Pitching a first date to a woman on the third or fourth email exchange with her on a dating site.

WHY DO YOU NEED AN ACRONYM FOR THIS? How many spammy messages are you sending out on OK Cupid anyway?

VYW – Very Young Woman, a woman between the age of consent (usually 18) and 23. VYW have the lowest ASD of any age group, by far.

Oh, whoops, I forgot: ASD is “Anti Slut Defense,” which Mr. Black Dragon defines as:

A condition created by societal programming experienced by women wherein they attempt to avoid sex, even if they want it, so as to not look or feel like a “slut” or “inappropriate” or not like “a lady”.

I think this is his complicated way of saying that no means yes.

There are three different types of VYW’s by the way. You can look them up yourself.

Now that you’ve mastered some of the most useful acronyms, let’s give acronyms a Hard Next and move onto actual words. And made-up words.

I might as well start with Hard Next, huh?

Hard Next – A permanent breakup. Where a man leaves a woman, never contacts her again, and literally never sees her again (or at least never again in a sexual context). …

This is not to be confused with a Soft Next, which is apparently a synonym for “acting like a douchebag.”

Soft Next – When a man removes a woman from his life for a short period of time, usually three to seven days, during which he completely ignores all communication from her, because of drama she gave him. At the end of the soft next, the relationship resumes as normal.

Or she tells him to go fuck himself because he’s being an immature asshole.

The Soft Next is not to be confused with the Stinky Next, which is when a man leaves a woman after letting out a fart so noxious that he’s too embarrassed to ever speak to her again.

Ok, I made that one up. But these are all real:

Betaization – The slow process by which a woman transforms a man she’s in a relationship with from an Alpha to a beta, usually by means of drama, demands, rules, sex (giving or withholding), or threats. Betaization is a completely natural part of a woman’s biological makeup … .

Comfort Bombardment – A process by which you get a woman comfortable about you after the first date is scheduled via online dating but prior to actually meeting her in real life. Comfort Bombardment raises the odds of sex considerably and reduces the odds of flaking. …

This is also useful if you’re planning to start a cult; you can use it alongside “love bombing.”

Disney – Any thought derived from societal programming that monogamy, child rearing, or traditional marriage is pleasant and/or permanent in the modern era. …

And for the fellas:

Guy-Disney – The incorrect thought men have that somewhere out there is a girl who will love you forever, never cheat on you, never get bored with you, and never break up with you.

This is not to be confused with:

Hanna-Barbera — In which someone plays a bongo drum very quickly every time you run.

Ok, I made that one up too.

There are more, but I think we’d probably do better just to make up some of our own.






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10 years ago

A condition created by societal programming experienced by women wherein they attempt to avoid sex, even if they want it, so as to not look or feel like a “slut” or “inappropriate” or not like “a lady”.

Why do I have a bizarre feeling that one day, Mr. Black Dragon will be attempting to explain the definition of “Anti-Slut Defense” while he’s on the stand being questioned and trying to defend himself at a rape trial?

10 years ago

I was going to say that I never wanted to be a lady…but that is not quite right.
As a child I had ‘lady’ fantasies. The point is that in those, I was not me. I knew early on that I as I would never be lady-like.

10 years ago

Being a brumby was my childhood fantasy – I was immersed in the Silver Brumby books in those years. 🙂

10 years ago

“Maybe she’s leaving you because you’re the sort of person who goes around talking about CTF and LSNFTE, OK?”

Unlikely since the majority of them comeback eventually as he claims.

“Or she tells him to go fuck himself because he’s being an immature asshole”

Which basically never happens. Every man could find that out if he tried but betas are too afraid to even think about it..

“Why do I have a bizarre feeling that one day, Mr. Black Dragon will be attempting to explain the definition of “Anti-Slut Defense” while he’s on the stand being questioned and trying to defend himself at a rape trial?”

You have this bizarre feeling because your information about blackdragon is based on leftist cherry picked quotes. Had you read any actual advice from him, you would he advices to never keep going if a woman says no or stop.

“The Soft Next is not to be confused with the Stinky Next”

And you wonder why they call you intellectually flatulent?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Unlikely since the majority of them comeback eventually as he claims.

And your evidence for this is…..?

Oh, because he “claims” they do!

I have some frozen Nigerian assets you might be interested in.

Had you read any actual advice from him

This wasn’t actual advice? Then why wasn’t it labelled as such?

As for cherry picking, the whole PUA tree is nothing but cherries. (Actually, sour grapes would be more apt.) I have yet to see a single sensible, realistic piece of advice coming from a PUA that doesn’t view women as fuck-trophies (at best) or wayward property to be bullied, manipulated, gaslighted, and abused into doing what the man wants (at worst). Maybe it “works” , but in the same way that holding up a convenience store “works” as a get-rich-quick scheme.

Reducing complex human relationships to a bunch of acronyms is pathetic and misguided.

10 years ago

“Maybe she’s leaving you because you’re the sort of person who goes around talking about CTF and LSNFTE, OK?”

Unlikely since the majority of them comeback eventually as he claims.

“Or she tells him to go fuck himself because he’s being an immature asshole”

Which basically never happens. Every man could find that out if he tried but betas are too afraid to even think about it..

“Why do I have a bizarre feeling that one day, Mr. Black Dragon will be attempting to explain the definition of “Anti-Slut Defense” while he’s on the stand being questioned and trying to defend himself at a rape trial?”

You have this bizarre feeling because your information about blackdragon is based on leftist cherry picked quotes. Had you read any actual advice from him, you would he advices to never keep going if a woman says no or stop.

“The Soft Next is not to be confused with the Stinky Next”

And you wonder why they call you intellectually flatulent?

Go fuck yourself.

It’s funny because you’re being an immature asshole, and I’m responding contrary to your claims.

Black Dragon might have good advice. Sure. Yet he’s also the type of person who thinks that Guy-Disney is a thing ie: disparaging as if it’s a conspiracy the fact that not all stories end happily ever after and he was just told now. That’s is an odd thing to say and do.

As for his advice specifically, I have to admit that I am less than impressed. Basic common sense advice (“don’t spend time on people who give you nothing in return”) cloaked in adversarial verbiage (“because women are incapable of acting logically”) and peppered with weird hints at some seriously skewed relationships with peole in general (“so what if I’m with one person and see another I’ve slept with? Just act calm and avoid any drama…”)

Not that impressive.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Also, just because there’s an occasional, accidental piece of “be a decent human” advice, that doesn’t magically absolve the whole. A glass of water with vomit mixed into it is still undrinkable, no matter how tiny the ratio of vomit to water is.

10 years ago

Every man could find that out if he tried but betas are too afraid to even think about it..

That you’re the kind of person to use “beta” without any trace of awareness already tells me about the quality of whatever arguments you have. Protip: trying to reduce human relationships into a model based on an outdated model of wolf behavior is a classic case of garbage in, garbage out.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

What Fibinachi said. It’s a handbook on how to avoid mature adult relationships. Girlfriend giving you “drama”? Cut her out of your life completely for three to seven days! That’ll show her!

No woman is going to voluntarily hang around for long with a manipulative tool who disappears every time she wants to talk about why he’s cheating on her. For guys like that, it’s true that the happily ever after of Guy-Disney doesn’t exist. Classic self-fulfilling prophecy.

10 years ago

And even then. Sure, there’s times when you need to not talk to someone for a while.

But good god damn is there a difference between:

“We are both seriously upset right now and should take a week apart to relax, then reasses after that time”
“You’ve dismayed me so I’m giving you the silent treatment until you come seeking my approval and preemptively apologize so you validate my superior position in this constant power struggle”

I mean, can you not see that? It’s not an “alpha” thing to do. Needing space is a completely valid factor in a lot of situations. But apparently if you sn you fb she’ll rt and bb asap to drop to her knees for the bj, amiright kkthx?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

In the first case, it’s about keeping the relationship intact. In the second case, it’s about keeping the “alpha’s” ego intact.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

your information about blackdragon is based on leftist cherry picked quotes.

I love how you just threw “leftist” in there. You literally can’t imagine someone disagreeing with your ideas on their merits – they must be brainwashed or liars or whatever you think motivates “leftists” to act like women are people.

As for “cherry picked”, feel free to show us the comments that aren’t misogynistic, or the context that makes the above comments acceptable. Hell, feel free to define “cherry picking” (spoiler: I’m betting you can’t).

“Or she tells him to go fuck himself because he’s being an immature asshole”

Which basically never happens. Every man could find that out if he tried but betas are too afraid to even think about it

So are you just ignoring the women who say this is how we’d react, or are you calling us liars?

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Yet he’s also the type of person who thinks that Guy-Disney is a thing ie: disparaging as if it’s a conspiracy the fact that not all stories end happily ever after and he was just told now. That’s is an odd thing to say and do.

I especially like the implication that wanting to find a long-term lover and partner and live a long and happy life together is weak and unmanly. Rejecting that impulse for the approval of a handful of creepy woman-hating scumbags seems like a miserable way to live.

10 years ago

The “leftist” bit is weird. What’s the opposite? Rightist? Isn’t it normally considered conservative if you’re “Right” leaning? How does that square with having a never ending series of barely mature lovers that you leave the moment they start making any particular demands on your time?

10 years ago

Sorry, the “Barely mature” dig is probably unnecessary and also silly. It’s just that the VYW thing makes for such easy laughter.

10 years ago

Nice replies, everyone.

I rather suspect that Jemand was just another drive by troll, though. What’s up with trolls that run out from under their bridges to moon passersby and then slink away before they can even watch the horrified/confused reactions of their targets?

10 years ago

“Maybe she’s leaving you because you’re the sort of person who goes around talking about CTF and LSNFTE, OK?”

Unlikely since the majority of them comeback eventually as he claims.

“Or she tells him to go fuck himself because he’s being an immature asshole”

Which basically never happens. Every man could find that out if he tried but betas are too afraid to even think about it..

BRB, fighting through the laughter fits over someone who uses terrible pickup advice from some internet random speaking for women.

Know what happened to a dude who tried this trick on me? I replaced him. That’s what you do with people you have no interest in beyond sex, an attitude most often fostered by the man in some misguided attempt, like the above advice, to make a woman loyal through fear of abandonment. His “grand re-entrance” was met with being told to take a hike, and I ended up having to block his number because he just couldn’t accept that acting like a toolbag meant getting the boot.

So please–try this advice with a woman you’re really into. See how that plays out for ya. Just don’t blow up her phone for months on end when she tells you to fuck off with your manipulative bullshit, because it’s incredibly irritating and creepy.

In my experience, you get what you put into a relationship. If you make it clear it’s superficial, the other person will usually also treat it that way. Sometimes there’s a disparity between what one person wants and what the other expresses, and I’ve been on both sides of that fence. It isn’t even remotely a gender thing, and it isn’t something that happens anywhere near as often as PUAs like to promote to scam idiots like Jemand.

10 years ago

I like Jemand boasts about well being an asshole works but then takes umbrage at the suggestion that these kinds of misogynistic attitudes about women might lead to rape. What a complete lack of self awareness he displays.

Learning all about the manosphere these last couple of years has made me more glad than ever to be a “leftist” who only socializes with people who are also left leaning. I never have to encounter these people in meat space because they move in completely different circles.

10 years ago

I like Jemand boasts about well

Looks like someone is severely coffee deprived. That was supposed to be “I like that Jemand boasts about how well”

10 years ago

Who wants to go for a sleigh ride? This sleigh is pulled by teal deer! Wheeeeee!

Ah, the double think is strong with these doods. Their claims are so contradictory they’re entertaining.

“Men who women stay with and love for a long duration or lifetime are losers”

“I hold the secret to making women stay! Pay attention to me, not those losers women like or the women themselves. Only listening to Douchey McDudebros can lead you to happiness in your love life with my advice on how to abuse and cheat on women!”

How stupid do you have to be to buy into that convoluted mess of bullshittery?

If you want to date more than one woman, just say so. Not all women want exclusivity. Not all women want long term relationships. Many enjoy having multiple partners themselves and don’t mind if their lovers do too.

Of course, there’s the rub. These guys don’t want consensual open relationships with equals who enjoy spending time with them. They want someone to hurt, to control and to manipulate so that they can make someone else feel as bad as they feel about themselves. They seek to trick women into sex because they can’t imagine anyone having it with them out of genuine attraction. Everything they write about sex and relationships screams of inadequacy, fear and self loathing. Any man who claims he has to abuse a woman to keep her is telling you he’s not just bad at relationships or unlucky in love but that he’s a failure as a human being and on some level, he knows it.

My husband is my best friend, my lover and my hero. He’s kind. He’s honest. He’s funny. He has the patience of a saint and every year he get’s more beautiful to me. There’s a reason these jerks want to believe that men like him and like the men who regularly comment here (you guys rock) are not worth imitating: They couldn’t do it themselves. Somewhere along the way something in them got broken or didn’t develop. Their empathy and conscience malfunction. Maybe they purposefully beat them back to feel “strong” and “manly” because they don’t really know what those words mean. I don’t know, but they clearly think very little of themselves and yet when they want something they think they deserve it even if “it” is another human being. I’m not sure why they can’t see that or why they’d rather pretend they are the bestest instead of deeply flawed, but I suspect that it has to do with the burden of shame and the work to get better being too scary for them to handle.

I think that’s often true of bigots.

I know from experience that asking for help is hard. Admitting failure or personal weakness is not a blast. It’s so much easier to blame a situation or another person than to take a good long look at yourself and say, “Well, that’s horrible. It’s wrong to inflict that on other people and myself. It’s not who I want to be and I’m not going to be able to change it alone. Better get started on that yesterday.” It must be even harder when you’ve spent years telling yourself that admitting a fault or asking for help means you aren’t a “real man”. The irony being that the real weakness is succumbing to the temptation to ignore the ugly things you see and pretending they don’t exist. That is letting fear and false pride rule your life. That is being a slave to the fear that you can’t get better.

These men are not tough. They’re bitter. They’re scared. Many would probably be happiest without any romantic relationships (so many people are and considering what these guys think of women…), but admitting that would again render them not a “real man”. The only thing worse than being these men must be being their victims.

10 years ago

Think you just nailed it, Lea!

10 years ago

Jesus, are you liberals truly this blind? Blackdragon is probably one of the best role models any man can ever have. He has never said anything that even hints at abusing women or treating them unfairly. I’ve been reading him for five years and you guys are truly talking about a completely different person. I don’t have time to address all of your garbage, but I do want to clarify two things:

1. ASD (anti-slut defense) is real. Are you people actually saying that women would NOT be less inhibited about sex if we got rid of slut shaming tomorrow? Of course they would! When a woman (especially a young woman) says no to sex, do you really believe her no is always from a position of strength, and never from a position of cultural/religious/feminist/social circle brainwashing??? Do people honestly think that every woman owns herself? Most people, sadly, don’t own themselves. Most people are sheep.

Many girls are super horny and would love to have sex, but think they’re moving too fast for society’s liking (it’s only the first date) and are worried that their friends won’t respect them or the guy will think she’s a slut, so they restrain themselves out of real or imaginary peer pressure, thus declaring war against their own desires. It’s rather pathetic, actually, but this is how a lot of (especially young) women are. Women constantly say no despite sincerely wanting to say yes. It’s in their DNA to “protect their eggs” despite their own urges. I can’t believe I even have to point this out. In the manosphere, all of this is commonsense biology. But you guys apparently need your hands held through basic knowledge.

And Blackdragon never said to a rape or force a woman who said no because of ASD brainwashing. He just gives techniques to overcome the religious/cultural/feminist/social circle brainwashing so that the real her can shine through while being safe from society’s sexual shaming tactics.

2. @Lea: From your overwhelmingly cliché response, it is clear that you have never read a single post on BD’s blog. He has never advocated cheating on, abusing, or hurting women. He advocates open relationships in which the women (just like the men) can sleep with other people as well. He never advocated one way open relationships or cheating of any kind. Your entire response was one big generic cliché which liberals pull out of their asses every time they confront anyone who disagrees with them. You are not fit to give anyone a psychological evaluation or project your nonsense unto the PUA community.

Now, if you hold true to the cliché and one dimensional liberal format, you will next say that you apparently “hit a nerve” with me, or give me the “you just can’t handle that I’m a powerful woman” argument. Both the “hit a nerve” and “you just can’t stand how cool I am” clichés are well documented and laughed at in PUA circles. Stop projecting your own insecurities and weak needs to think you’re so strong and powerful (and other psychobabble) unto us. .

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

There’s that random and unfounded complaint about “liberals” again.

What do we think, folks? Same idiot, different screen name or two different idiots parroting from the same source? I want to vote for the latter because it would make #2’s “sheep” comment extra funny.

10 years ago

So what are you then? Non-liberals? Seriously?

Shit! I forgot the “personal attack in the absence of a counter-argument” cliché. Keep them coming.

10 years ago

Oh yes, because the shit your little mate advocates isn’t abusive at all, no, of course not. Treating women like malfunctioning sex-dispensers is sooooo not dehuamnising, oh no. Playing skeevy mind games and trying to distress and manipulate people is just so admirable.

Fuck off, troll.

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