alpha males beta males creepy douchebaggery emotional abuse empathy deficit evo psych fairy tales mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains jokes PUA rape culture sluts

When an Alpha Male 2.0 comfort bombards a Type 2 VYW: A Somewhat Horrifying Red Pill Glossary

This will make more sense after you read the post, I think.
This will make more sense after you read the post, I think.

Is your love life lacking acronyms and made-up words?

In love, as in every other aspect of life (except perhaps talking to cats), it pays to increase your word power. Happily for all of us I have discovered a wondrous Red Pill Glossary on Black Dragon Blog (tagline: “Love Women While Staying Free”), which includes a wide assortment of terms that will be new even to the most advanced Alpha.

Most would-be PUAs (Pickup Artists) can tell an AFC (Average Frustrated Chump) from a DHV (Demonstration of Higher Value). But here are few other acronyms you may not have encountered:

CTF – Cheating Time Frame. The amount of time you have installed in your brain before you will cheat on a monogamous partner. …

EFA – Early Frame Announcement. The strongly conveyed but unspoken overall message to a woman non-verbally conveying who you are and why you’re there. …LSNFTE Long Soft Next For Temporary Exclusivity.

I didn’t make this one up, seriously. What all that apprently means:

A common occurrence with Alphas in nonmonogamous relationships where a woman leaves the Alpha, who will not give her monogamy, so she can get a traditional boyfriend or husband who will.

Huh. Maybe she’s leaving you because you’re the sort of person who goes around talking about CTF and LSNFTE, OK?

TEP Three Exchange Process. Pitching a first date to a woman on the third or fourth email exchange with her on a dating site.

WHY DO YOU NEED AN ACRONYM FOR THIS? How many spammy messages are you sending out on OK Cupid anyway?

VYW – Very Young Woman, a woman between the age of consent (usually 18) and 23. VYW have the lowest ASD of any age group, by far.

Oh, whoops, I forgot: ASD is “Anti Slut Defense,” which Mr. Black Dragon defines as:

A condition created by societal programming experienced by women wherein they attempt to avoid sex, even if they want it, so as to not look or feel like a “slut” or “inappropriate” or not like “a lady”.

I think this is his complicated way of saying that no means yes.

There are three different types of VYW’s by the way. You can look them up yourself.

Now that you’ve mastered some of the most useful acronyms, let’s give acronyms a Hard Next and move onto actual words. And made-up words.

I might as well start with Hard Next, huh?

Hard Next – A permanent breakup. Where a man leaves a woman, never contacts her again, and literally never sees her again (or at least never again in a sexual context). …

This is not to be confused with a Soft Next, which is apparently a synonym for “acting like a douchebag.”

Soft Next – When a man removes a woman from his life for a short period of time, usually three to seven days, during which he completely ignores all communication from her, because of drama she gave him. At the end of the soft next, the relationship resumes as normal.

Or she tells him to go fuck himself because he’s being an immature asshole.

The Soft Next is not to be confused with the Stinky Next, which is when a man leaves a woman after letting out a fart so noxious that he’s too embarrassed to ever speak to her again.

Ok, I made that one up. But these are all real:

Betaization – The slow process by which a woman transforms a man she’s in a relationship with from an Alpha to a beta, usually by means of drama, demands, rules, sex (giving or withholding), or threats. Betaization is a completely natural part of a woman’s biological makeup … .

Comfort Bombardment – A process by which you get a woman comfortable about you after the first date is scheduled via online dating but prior to actually meeting her in real life. Comfort Bombardment raises the odds of sex considerably and reduces the odds of flaking. …

This is also useful if you’re planning to start a cult; you can use it alongside “love bombing.”

Disney – Any thought derived from societal programming that monogamy, child rearing, or traditional marriage is pleasant and/or permanent in the modern era. …

And for the fellas:

Guy-Disney – The incorrect thought men have that somewhere out there is a girl who will love you forever, never cheat on you, never get bored with you, and never break up with you.

This is not to be confused with:

Hanna-Barbera — In which someone plays a bongo drum very quickly every time you run.

Ok, I made that one up too.

There are more, but I think we’d probably do better just to make up some of our own.






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10 years ago

AUFUL – Acronym-Using Fucked Up Loser
pretty much self-explanatory, really.

10 years ago

“This will make more sense after you read the post, I think.” is probably the most accurate statement I have read all day. Seriously, where have you gone wrong in your life when you are saying things like “Long Soft Next For Temporary Exclusivity” often enough that you need to abbreviate them?

10 years ago

I’m picturing a bunch of these guys clustered in a corner somewhere, just texting streams of acronyms to each other and giggling every time a pretty girl walks by.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


10 years ago

A common occurrence with Alphas in nonmonogamous relationships where a woman leaves the Alpha, who will not give her monogamy, so she can get a traditional boyfriend or husband who will.

Why yes. Sometimes people who want monogamy will break up with someone who doesn’t. Is this supposed to be a surprise?

A condition created by societal programming experienced by women wherein they attempt to avoid sex, even if they want it, so as to not look or feel like a “slut” or “inappropriate” or not like “a lady”.

In other words, more vulnerable due to a lack of life experience and lower alcohol tolerance. It’s not being worried about looking like a slut that makes us over 23 year old women not want to touch PUAs with a ten foot pole. In fact women generally get more confident and less likely to give a fuck about what people think as we age. It’s just that we’re wise to sleazeball tactics.

The slow process by which a woman transforms a man she’s in a relationship with from an Alpha to a beta, usually by means of drama, demands, rules, sex (giving or withholding), or threats. Betaization is a completely natural part of a woman’s biological makeup … .

You know it’s serious when the ellipses are followed by a period! I though alpha males couldn’t be tamed? Due to their superior alphaness. Something tells me that “betaization” is just their way of saying “growing the fuck up.”

10 years ago

I think these guys spend more time discussing how to approach and trick women than they do actually going out approaching and tricking women. Because these conversations have to have gotten awfully long if acronyms are the best choice for the things you say.

10 years ago

They should continue to use as many acronyms as it takes to wall off their insipid concepts from the rest of civilized language.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

i like how a man can break up with a woman permanently, signified by “hard” next, but when a woman breaks up with a man to find a ltr, that’s a nonpermanent or “soft” next. says a lot that this guy can’t conceive of a woman never wanting to see him again, so he has to frame this as a temporary separation.

Kate Minter
Kate Minter
10 years ago

OMG, I am so OLD. For those not familiar with OLD, it is when you have aged to such a degree that you are no longer in touch with modern dating parlance 😉

10 years ago

Soon, PUA methods will and a man in jail in New Jersey. Its about time

Lisa C (@hppykittystudio)

“Something tells me that “betaization” is just their way of saying “growing the fuck up.””
@weirwoodtreehugger -We can’t have ‘growing the fuck up’ or ‘big boy pants’ in Alpha land….only tantrums and crappy acronyms.

Truly creepy, these folks…

10 years ago

None of this sounds very “alpha” to me, unless “alpha” is synonymous with “loser”.

10 years ago

The red pill has acid in it, doesn’t it?

Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
10 years ago

Now I regret hoping aloud for non-GamerGate posts. Somehow this is even worse and an even deeper display of crushing, myopic foolishness. It’s this ugly, skeezy outgrowth of a fundamental social misunderstanding that’s being exploited by jackasses to make other jackasses more like them so when they talk about how women are all sluts and whores and unlicensed courtesans of exceptional yet misdirected sexual prolificacy they won’t feel so alone and vulnerable to inner doubts about “Is this a real thing, or am I just being stupid?”

If I dealt with this kind of thing so often my brain would probably die.

(Also, what in Hell’s own name is up with guys insulting women using those words when to them their sexual availability is the summum bonum of their odious subculture? I just don’t understand this)

10 years ago

Guy-Disney – The incorrect thought men have that somewhere out there is a girl who will love you forever, never cheat on you, never get bored with you, and never break up with you.

They would have to have a term denigrating this belief, wouldn’t they? It is an “incorrect” thought for them.

Lisa C (@hppykittystudio)

@Moggie -in this case, yes.

10 years ago

… when you have aged to such a degree that you are no longer in touch with modern dating parlance

God help human civilization if that’s what these “terms” are.

10 years ago

I may have done a bad thing. I asked Mr.Grump to read this post. He only got a little bit read before he walked away shaking his head and muttering about ‘bushed losers’. I’m afraid his brain may be broken. 🙁

10 years ago

BarnBurner, I’m confused. Are you saying that PUAs aren’t Alpha enough to get sex without lying about themselves? I mean… That would imply that they’re not actually all that Alpha, because Alphas are sexually desirable to every women. It might even mean that they’re betas masquerading as Alphas.

And we all know that can’t be true!

10 years ago

Also, what in Hell’s own name is up with guys insulting women using those words when to them their sexual availability is the summum bonum of their odious subculture? I just don’t understand this

They need their little egos propped up at all times. They need women to be “sluts” for them and only them. If a woman has had other partners, he isn’t special. It isn’t a conquest. Never forget that these people hate women and think we exist only to make them feel strong and powerful.

10 years ago

It’s everything pseudo-science there in one post.

1. The treatment of every idea that comes through your head as requiring specific jargon.
2. The false rigor created by adding hard numbers to bullshit concepts
3. The making “hard rules” to explain things you haven’t even thought to test rigorously
4. And, of course, the typical manosphere rebellion against the established order that’s just out to screw you. Why else would anyone reject our ideas?

It’s odd how many stupid things are practically defined by these characteristics.

10 years ago

I think I need bongo drums. Cuz I would love to sit by the public track and Hanna-Barbera someone.

10 years ago

GDI (jee dee ai) n. Acronym for God Damned Idiot; a general derogatory term for a human being who is extraordinarily rude, stupid, and out of touch with reality. ie: Wow, this Red Piller is a GDI.
plural GDIs or GDI’s
see also: GDI Joe

GDI Joe (jee dee ai jo) n. A real terrorist hero; a person who builds an entire philosophy and lifestyle around being a GDI. ie: Whoa, dude, you live off donations and so people can listen to you harass women on Twitter and whine about how evil women are? That’s your job? Mmmkay, GDI Joe.
Synonyms: MRA, PUA, Red Piller
Antonyms: gentleman, lady, friend, decent human being
See also: Paul Elam, Julien Blanc

10 years ago

SNAFU: situation nonsensical, acronym fucked up

10 years ago

TURDS: Touting Underhanded Rapey Dating Scenarios

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