#gamergate facepalm racism

Things #GamerGaters Actually Believe, Part 294: Gamers are as oppressed as African Americans in the Jim Crow era

These are some actual Tweets posted yesterday by @FartToContinue, a fairly prominent #GamerGater.

fart1 fart2 fart3

A few minutes with Google image search reveals that two of the images are photoshopped versions of photos documenting or depicting racial segregation in the Jim Crow era in the United States; one of the signs was originally directed at … hippies.

The originals:




H/T — @PixelGoth on Twitter

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10 years ago

This is a bit OT, but it’s got racism and sexism together in a tidy little package (a package of sh*t, that is).
What’s really galling about ‘Custer’s Revenge’ is that he and his troops did actually capture FN women and girls to keep as sex slaves. I think it’s part of why he was so hated.

10 years ago

Twitter account suspended


10 years ago

Grumpy old nurse,
That’s horrible and disgusting. It’s also disgusting that it’s the nudity and not the racism that prompted YouTube to remove the videos of it.

10 years ago

@ weirwoodtreehugger – yeah, there’s really no bottom to this slime barrel. Peel back the layers of this onion, and you just get more angry. There’s so much Very Wrong (TM) packed into this ‘game’ that one could probably write an entire thesis on it.

10 years ago

What on earth does freeze peach mean?

Oh and I wouldn’t use the term First Nations to refer to anyone but Canada’s native population. It was a term created by them to both protest Canada’s habit of claiming that Canada was built by French and English colonists alone. It doesn’t really apply outside of Canada.

10 years ago

That should say:

Oh and I wouldn’t use the term First Nations to refer to anyone but Canada’s native population. It was a term created by them to both protest Canada’s habit of claiming that Canada was built by French and English colonists alone and as a form of identity (most terms predating FN are horribly racist). It doesn’t really apply outside of Canada.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


“Free speech.” Mocking the morons who don’t know what free speech means but scream it at the drop of a hat.

10 years ago

Fuck that guy. I think its really pathetic that a shitty troll like PFTC actually has a following. How much of a loser do you have to be to follow a troll around youtube. thumbs-upping their every comment like its liquid fucking gold.
He is just such a piece of shit. Ugh.

10 years ago

Good point, dudeinthewoods. My own biases are showing, and I apologise for broadening a term beyond its appropriate usage. I also apologise to any non-Canadian North American Indigenous people that I may have offended by doing so. Thanks for pointing that out!

Freeze peach is a sarcastic way to point out that someone is stretching free speech beyond its intended usage to places where the concept doesn’t apply (eg; I can say anything I want on YouTube – or any other private communications network – and you can’t tell me to shut up or pull my privileges no matter how offensive I am because I have the “Right of Freeze Peach”!)

10 years ago


10 years ago

No worries grumpyoldnurse. 🙂

I should have noted that First Nation doesn’t apply to the Inuit or the Metis, those groups are considered seperate from FN by the government (the Indian Act says as much) and as far as I know, generally prefer to be identified as Metis or Inuit.

10 years ago

Fart’s Freeze Peach…got frozen? Ah…what great news on this grey November day.

10 years ago

@ dudeinthewoods – I’m actually a little embarrassed that I got called on this, because I should bloody know better! I was typing quickly, though, and slipped up on what is common usage for where I live, and how I usually speak. The regionalism is inappropriate in describing non-Canadian stuff, though, absolutely!

Any Inuit persons I’ve met and actually discussed this stuff with definitely prefer not to be called First Nations. As far as Metis persons, it depends on the context! I had a cousin who was very politically active and insisted that the Metis people were FN (she actually used to lay it on a bit thick about how Metis culture was better than either European or North American), but she was old enough to remember the bad old days of residential schools for kids like her that were “too Indian” and also being rejected by folks with treaty status for being “too white”, and not really fitting in anywhere.

Anyway, I didn’t mean to babble for quite so long. I do appreciate the call out, though, as a reminder to try to take off my blinders and look at the big picture. 🙂

10 years ago

Gaming. Some asshole would use Jim Crow for gaming, and in the wake of Ferguson and all the awfulness this has spawned from racists all over the place. My twitter feed has been full of retweets that make me want to abandon humanity for a cave.

I just…. *dry-heave*

I used to teach some civil rights history, for sociology and a background on the theories we learn about social classes and stratification.

I tried my hardest to make it clear how systematic racism is and was, and how differential death and arrest rates are the child of years of violence against Black people perpetrated from top to bottom.

Thinking about someone I taught or really anyone exposed to this history using the images from that period for gaming, because they’re pissed they have to share gaming with other people….

I cannot express my fucking fury.

10 years ago

I think I lost my ‘touch’ in memes and did someone say peaches? I found a recipe in peach smoothies. Be sure to add male tears to them.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

@ dudeinthewoods, I honestly did not know that. Thank you.

10 years ago

You’re welcome. 🙂

10 years ago

I’m just trying to think how hard you’d be laughed out of the room if you tried subsituting any other hobby into GooberGrape’s awful memes.

Some suggestions:
– woodcarving
– pottery
– traditional dancing of [insert nation here]
– stamp collecting
– crochet
– calligraphy
– medieval recreationism

10 years ago

“Thou hast no escape, scoundrel – thy princess is not in yonder castle; nay, she is here, before thee, and thou cans’t force her out!”

10 years ago

I still want that Vermont based ice cream company to come out with a flavor called Freeze Peach. Just because.

10 years ago

On a more historical note I’m kind of curious how one was meant to tell hippies apart from “normal” people? Are they compelled to wear tie dye at all times?

10 years ago

On a more historical note I’m kind of curious how one was meant to tell hippies apart from “normal” people?


It’s hard for people who didn’t live through it to comprehend how vital it was for “normal” people to have very, very, very neat hair. There were still a lot of older men wearing Brylcreem on their short back and sides hair then. Their wives had permed, short hair. Their daughters were expected to use hair rollers and other devices of torture to shape their hair, preferably short, but always controlled. If it was long, the best approach for straightening it was, literally, to iron it. I tried that a couple of time myself.

If you look at pictures of The Beatles you can see the progression for men. Originally they were clean cut young men in suits with meticulously clean hair even though it was a bit long at the collar. A lot of people preferred it to the greased/ rocker/ Elvis look. Then look at their later dress and grooming. Horror!

Just washing your hair and letting it naturally do its thing singled you out in a big way.

Have you ever watched the musical Hair? I know a lot of people were shocked beyond reason at the nude scene, but the big issue was, in fact, hair.

10 years ago

Oh, I forgot. For women, lipstick, stockings and high heels were the signature “normal”. Just going out in public without makeup even though you were otherwise conventionally dressed made you a bit different. No stockings and you were definitely one of “them”.

10 years ago

Thinking about someone I taught or really anyone exposed to this history using the images from that period for gaming, because they’re pissed they have to share gaming with other people….

That’s why GG has attracted so many of the MRA types. It’s the same mentality they share: Not getting exactly what you want = horrific evil oppression by those not letting you have exactly what you want.

Basically an “It’s not faaaaiiir!” type toddler tantrum.

10 years ago

It’s like kids in the playground – “But I don’t want to share my toys!”