#gamergate evil SJWs racism

#GamerGate, meet #Ferguson; #Ferguson, meet #GamerGate

Not a video game
Not a video game

If you grit your teeth and do a search for #GamerGate and #Ferguson together on Twitter, you will find Tweet after Tweet from worried #GamerGaters earnestly imploring their comrades not to make any connections between the two hashtags. Why? Because they know that those who cross the streams are likely to Tweet things like the following.

This what happens when #GamerGaters try to make sense of what is happening in Ferguson.

Oh, and yes, these are all genuine #GamerGaters; check out their timelines for proof, and you’ll also see some of the terrible racist crap some of them have been tweeting and retweeting.

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10 years ago

What a clusterfuck of an article. #GamerGate is a twitter hashtag where anybody can take part in. I know. It blows your mind. Because of that, there are all kind of people in #GamerGate.

This doesn’t blow our minds. You’ve been saying this since the beginning. It wasn’t convincing two months ago. It’s not convincing now.

10 years ago

What a clusterfuck of an article. #GamerGate is a twitter hashtag where anybody can take part in. I know. It blows your mind. Because of that, there are all kind of people in #GamerGate.

#GamerGate is nothing.
Also, #GamerGate is everything.
Depends on what the spineless fools are responding to.

As for the tweets…*spits*. How do you respond to human garbage because I just don’t know.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Remember: They support #GamerGate.

No shit, Sherlock, which is why we’re saying that they’ve been duped. That was sort of like responding to “The ocean is wet” with “Remember: The ocean contains water.”

… Of course, the number of #TotallyTheirShields that aren’t proven sockpuppets is somewhere in the single digits, so this is all kinda moot, isn’t it.

10 years ago

media narrative on both resistance revolts

Which aspect of the Gator revolt has the media falsely represented again? The weak boycott of SWJ-afflicted gamer websites was covered, as was the related email campaign to their advertisers. What other vaguely reasonable activities have the Gators tried and failed at? Outsiders focus on the asshole tweets and shitty memes, because, let’s be honest, that’s what Gators spend the vast majority of their time and effort on.

10 years ago

Hyatt ~

Talking about how oppressed you are on your high-end smartphone #sjwproblems #AntiSJW

It got worse. And then he started complaining about how haters are taking his words out of context.

Sounds about right. Reminds me of all the segments on right wing “news” where they go around the inner-city asking low income people if they own typical household appliances, and then the big reveal…the also are on food stamps! *gasp*
Like nobody who lives in my government subsidized apartment complex are oppressed because they legally must provide us with refrigerators! Checkmate, poor people!

10 years ago

Oh, you want more of how the media sees gamergate? Here you go, then. They even tried to helpfully explain how being a woman on the internet works in gaming terms at the end.

10 years ago

Hey proxieme , thanks for posting that storify! I’ve been hoping to come across a collection of those pictures. I notice a lack of storm troopers and tear gas in most of the images, too. Almost like they treat white people with more humanity.

Bogdan Cvetkovic
10 years ago

I’m watching the Abduction from the Seraglio by Mozart on YouTube right now. Even a guy like Osmin, the harem overseer who gleefully wants to hang a young couple, is a way more charming and likable character than these GG assholes.

10 years ago

Cassandrakitty, you can still sing about duckies without bathtimes!

*starts singing*

Put down the ducky.
(Put down the ducky.)
Put down the ducky!
(Put down the ducky!)
You’ve got to put down the ducky if you want to play the saxophone!

10 years ago

Actually I think I’ve decided on weird-ass rock lyrics the next time someone tries weird-ass comments a la Valerie. Scaramouche, scaramouche, do you do the fandango?

10 years ago


Oh, you want more of how the media sees gamergate? Here you go, then. They even tried to helpfully explain how being a woman on the internet works in gaming terms at the end.

This article is amazing. : D

My favorite bit:

[…] I wouldn’t blame women for voluntarily choosing to play something soothing and non-threatening in their free time, since they spend so much of the rest of their time being forced to play a terrifying survival horror MMORPG colloquially known as “The Internet”. Women are the hardest hardcore gamers there are, by miles.

I’m saving that bit for later.

10 years ago

Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening me!

(I’m totally down for that one…)

10 years ago

I am just a poor boy, nobody loves me would be appropriate in so many situations too. It’s their battle cry!

10 years ago


Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
10 years ago

But seeing as we’re talking about google image search, has anyone information about “deutschefolkhero” or is this person new? That comment doesn’t make much sense to me, but the avatar is an image of Udo Pastörs, who is a prominent Nazi politician in Germany. So, deutschefolkhero, why do you use that image? Seems at least problematic to me, but maybe there is some irony in your name and image.

10 years ago

Beelzebub has the devil put aside for him.

10 years ago

*insert guitar solo here*

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
10 years ago

I love Charlie Brooker. His assholish TV persona often gets on my nerves, but he is one of the most intelligent media critics I know, and his programs are genuinely enlightening about what’s going on behind the camera. He also spent the last fifteen years arguing that videogames are a serious medium that influences people’s lives in positive ways.

10 years ago

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

So you think you can love me and leave me to die-ee-ie! m/

10 years ago

I see what you did there, Kittehs.

paythepiper (@demonsthenes13)

Well, the gamergaters and the looters do have one thing in common: taking advantage of this situation to bring their own message to the forefront. Plus, I’m pretty sure both messages are just as convoluted.

10 years ago

Well, you and the gamergaters have one thing in common – being disingenuous assholes.

Also, Beelzebub has the devil put aside for you, buddy.

paythepiper (@demonsthenes13)

Well, you are right about me being an asshole and quite possibly about the devil being put aside for me. But my sincerity about them not using Ferguson for their little Gamergate battles because well, that’s bullshit, isn’t in question.

But alas, anyway the wind blows.

10 years ago

Looking at your timeline I’m honestly baffled as to why you’re talking about looters, since it’s such a classic dogwhistle, but assuming that you are sincere about not wanting to see gamergaters appropriate this for their dumb little tantrum about women in gaming, maybe avoid the dogwhistle in question? It really does play right into the hands of the people who want to spin what’s going on in Ferguson in the most negative way possible.

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