#gamergate evil SJWs racism

#GamerGate, meet #Ferguson; #Ferguson, meet #GamerGate

Not a video game
Not a video game

If you grit your teeth and do a search for #GamerGate and #Ferguson together on Twitter, you will find Tweet after Tweet from worried #GamerGaters earnestly imploring their comrades not to make any connections between the two hashtags. Why? Because they know that those who cross the streams are likely to Tweet things like the following.

This what happens when #GamerGaters try to make sense of what is happening in Ferguson.

Oh, and yes, these are all genuine #GamerGaters; check out their timelines for proof, and you’ll also see some of the terrible racist crap some of them have been tweeting and retweeting.

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Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
10 years ago

I’m still puzzled as to how Jenna finds the tweet she cited objectionable. Ethics in journalism matters a lot more with regard to real world issues than it does to bayonetta reviews or “”””collusion”””” over “gamers are dead” articles. lmao.

10 years ago

I guess next comes prepositions, adverbs, nouns (oof, that’ll be a fun time)…

And when the trolls finally figure out how English works, we’ll finally be able to engage their ideas. And won’t that be a party.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

the adjective troll eventually became entertaining, but so far this one is putting me to sleep.

10 years ago


Suggestion: Take a break from the video games and learn some reading comprehension. You’ve got a dictionary (I suggest looking up the difference between ‘compare’ and ‘contrast’ while you’re at it) on hand, so you’re already on your way! Your false equivalency was embarrassing enough that I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t a member of a hate group that’s ruining the video games I enjoy so much.

On the other hand, thanks for reminding everyone of one of the most important laws of GamerGate: Any time an article makes GamerGate look bad, GamerGaters will show up in the comments to make GamerGate look worse.

Jennifer Keller
Jennifer Keller
10 years ago

Hey Jennifer why don’t you go tweet with Anne Coulter and be happy.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

i really don’t want to rag on people for whom english may not be a first language, but we really do need language skills in common to communicate in any meaningful way.

10 years ago

Sea lions really do smell just awful.

10 years ago

Aww (and by aww I mean ughhhhh), gamergaters really do say the darndest things

I am morbidly looking forward to seeing what they’ll come up with next

10 years ago

but did you see the creepy dolls in the ‘View Similar Images’? Cuz those were awesome, and frankly, worth the search.

That was hilarious.

10 years ago

Jennifer, why would you post a tweet that proves David’s point and disproves your own? I am genuinely confused by that.

As for the OP, these gamergaters have no shame, do they?

10 years ago

Okaaaaaay, these sad little gamergate brats need to get off Twitter, turn off their computers and rethink most of their life choices.

10 years ago

Um, apologies for focusing on a fairly minor detail, but…

Shota Loli Trap

Shota Loli Trap

Shota Loli Trap

What kind of person goes around with a name like that, and expects people to focus on anything but the fact that he seems to have an interest in drawings of underage kids? Did he somehow miss the fact that the rest of the world rather frowns on that?

I’m just staring at that username, and trying to think of an explanation as to how a person could register and use it without, at any point, stopping and thinking “huh, I wonder if this might make me look bad?”.

Another Holocene Human
Another Holocene Human
10 years ago

So I apologize about OT (did the logorrhea thing about Ferguson on Balloon Juice today) but this was too perfect not to share:

Curious about actual ethics in game journalism? See number #4 in this hilariously snarky takedown of Ubisoft’s latest fiasco:

10 years ago

Damn SJWs talking about whatever white cop who won’t even be taken to trial for murdering a black kid… and distracting the attention for really important issues like ethics in games journalism.

10 years ago

You have to be understanding about the #FergusonRiots. After all, don’t white people riot every time a black suspect is acquitted?

They don’t have to. They have much more “civil” ways of expressing their outrage, which are a hundred thousand times as loud. That is, in the very few cases where that actually happened.

10 years ago

I know Sarah. The cognitive dissonance here is astounding, and not in a good way. If I was a psychology major, I could most likely write an entire thesis on Gators. (Not that I still wouldn’t do it with a Graphic Design degree, or read one if someone did write one because I find the way that their brains work morbidly fascinating.)

“Unarmed black people getting gunned down by police because there’s an institution of racism in America where we fear and hate people for being black is EXACTLY what us straight, cisgendered white males go through for liking games! We’re both so oppressed!”

How many sub-basements in the barrel do you think they have now?

10 years ago

Did Troll McManyFace stop posting after it was demonstrated that her avatar image is shared by others? I was hoping for more dictionary drama.

Also, “Trolly, trolly, trolly, get your adverbs here!
Jenn and sock and puppet, using adverbs here!”

10 years ago

David Futrelle, I’m sure you are *more than aware* that being twitter hashtags anyone can use them, including those who have an axe to grind *against* those that use them (anti-GGs use the GG tag *all the time* to hurl abuse or troll).

Furthermore, there are always going to be some people with a lack of perspective that will see 1+1 and make 5, it doesn’t *change* or *reflect* on a consumer revolt like #GamerGate, any more than a few people combining it with the tag #Arrow would mean everyone in #GamerGate are die-hard Arrow fans.

The only thing more strained and ridiculous than a GamerGate/Ferguson connection would be logic-bending claims such as this article.

10 years ago

I think she disappeared because I didn’t want any hugs. That would be like the creepy dolls wanting to give hugs. And I can read all I wanto to about that at the Bloggess’ website, which would be a lot funnier.

10 years ago

*want to

10 years ago

Hey guys. I’m @PKtheHedgehog. I just wanted to apologize for what I said. It was insensitive and I really didn’t word my thoughts well at all. All I honestly meant to say is that we live in a corrupt society full of greed and hate. And I just want that to end. I honestly in my heart of hearts believe that #GamerGate is the group that’s suffering from more hate here, and maybe I am legitimately so naive that I’m being fooled, but that’s how it honestly seems to me. All I wish is for a world that lives without any kind of prejudice or hate. That’s honestly all I meant to say and I truly am sorry for offending anybody. If there’s anything I can do to make up for it I will do everything within my power possible.

10 years ago

Wait, so this articles are supposed to be about GamerGaters saying “LOOK THIS THING IS JUST LIKE OUR THING?” Cause… the pictures don’t really reflect that. I mean… Hold on, let me break out my numbers:
1. A person’s talking about how Ferguson has nothing to do with them.
2. A direct comparison (+1)
3. That’s… That just includes the GG hastag. It’s not actually comparing them.
4+5. This doesn’t even vaguely try to talk about GamerGate. Not even a tiny bit. White people, sure, but not GamerGate.
6. That’s not comparing them. That’s just saying “Hey, I know important crap’s happening, but we can’t stay distracted”
7+8. A… A vague comparison at best. Sure. (+2)
9. Half of it saying “Hey, these aren’t related” half of it saying “eh, it’s related through money and corruption.” (+1/2 kinda)
10. Someone saying DON’T COMPARE these. (-1)
11. A joke. Kinda like this article’s appearing to be at this point.
12. A joke in poor-taste. Not comparing the two.
13. THE SAME PERSON FROM 10 STILL SAYING DON’T COMPARE THE TWO. Plus another person saying don’t do it as well! (-2)
14. Someone saying Anti-GG is distracted, so GG can move forward. Not a comparison.
15. An anti-GG comparing them and a GG supporter saying it’s wrong (-2)
16. Another half hearted comparison. (+1)
Final comparison score: – 1.5
All this article proved was that people talked about Ferguson while SOMETIMES including the GamerGate hashtag. Some of these people disagreed with each other. Some of these people cracked jokes. If the article wasn’t about people comparing GG to Ferguson, what was it about? The GamerGate is a community involving multiple types of people that talk to each other regularly and have different opinions on a subject? Not even all of these tweets were racist or offensive. Not even HALF of these tweets were racist or offensive! Not even half of them even MENTIONED race at all! What’s the disgusting outrage that’s turning people into “literal, living volcano[es] of rage” or how this is a “new low” or even co-opting the anything?

10 years ago

re: racists and “huurrrr! riots!”: A friend of mine linked to this:

10 years ago

Sorry about that – didn’t know it would imbed.

Liz Baker (@wizardofliz)


You have to be understanding about the #FergusonRiots. After all, don’t white people riot every time a black suspect is acquitted?

They don’t have to. They have much more “civil” ways of expressing their outrage, which are a hundred thousand times as loud. That is, in the very few cases where that actually happened.

The link to the OJ Simpson trial actually makes an even better point:

Simpson was indicted, TRIED, and then acquitted. The grand jury refused to indict Wilson, and, at this rate, he will never be tried.

So yeah. There’s an enormous gap in the amount of justice people in these two situations were afforded.

(Also, to be blunt, there was a serious question as to whether or not Simpson actually murdered his wife. There is ZERO question as to whether or not Wilson murdered Mike Brown, only question in some people’s minds as to whether or not it matters.)