#gamergate evil SJWs racism

#GamerGate, meet #Ferguson; #Ferguson, meet #GamerGate

Not a video game
Not a video game

If you grit your teeth and do a search for #GamerGate and #Ferguson together on Twitter, you will find Tweet after Tweet from worried #GamerGaters earnestly imploring their comrades not to make any connections between the two hashtags. Why? Because they know that those who cross the streams are likely to Tweet things like the following.

This what happens when #GamerGaters try to make sense of what is happening in Ferguson.

Oh, and yes, these are all genuine #GamerGaters; check out their timelines for proof, and you’ll also see some of the terrible racist crap some of them have been tweeting and retweeting.

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10 years ago

“gamergators aren’t the only ones that can be racist”

the craaaaaaaaaaaaazy twitters that jenn is holding up aren’t saying anything racist, though; they’re noting that the same people het up about SJWs are het up about black rioting from the perspective of “those savages, the police did nothing wrong”.

pointing out people trying to make these things related is JUST AS BAD as relating them, don’t you know.

10 years ago

Hot dang, my browser didn’t update at all.

Ok, let’s see… Oh, we got ourselves a pedant here. See, the OP talks about “drawing connections” and “making sense of” Ferguson events. Not just comparing and contrasting. If you’ll notice, all the tweets are about finding similarities between the two.

Why do you think it’d be relevant to talk about how anti-gg folks are saying the two are different? How would that correct what bias?

10 years ago

puddleglum: those twitters have different avatars if you click on them, having done the google image search myself.

10 years ago


Yeah, for some reason I was behind on the chat log, and I was trying to cede as much ground as possible to make a point. Turns out it’s becoming irrelevant.

10 years ago

Someone with the screen name “Shota Loli Trap” with a kiddie porn avatar is trying to lecture others on moral high grounds? Really? REALLY!?

Jennifer (@JennOfHardwire)

Puddles, you might want to click on the links you found when you added my avatar to Google image search. I’ll wait.


I have a hug ready for when you need it.

10 years ago

Don’t mind me, I’ll just be sitting here until Jennifer has a point.

André (@AndreMurgo)
10 years ago

What a clusterfuck of an article. #GamerGate is a twitter hashtag where anybody can take part in. I know. It blows your mind. Because of that, there are all kind of people in #GamerGate. Everybody is free to think however they want. Revolucionary, isn’t it?

to Cyberwulf:
#NotYourShield was a way for not white not male people (the only ones taking part in #GamerGate, according to the media) to stand up and say “I support GamerGate and am not white or male”. It has nothing to do with being duped. By saying such a thing you’re just implying that they are fools that have been deceived. Remember: They support #GamerGate.

10 years ago

Oops, my bad. I just assumed all the shields were you.

10 years ago

so yeah it seems to be like this:

gamergater: “my struggle for ethics in games journalism is just like the struggle of the african-americans in ferguson” or, worse, gamergater 2: “this is what happens when SJWs are about, isn’t it terrible to be white these days”

anti-gg: “oh jeez are these people really saying this”, “aren’t these people terrible for saying this.”

jenn: “both sides are talking about this! bias!”

10 years ago

The post is about gamergaters saying that injustice of Ferguson is just like the perceived oppression of gamers and about other gamergaters hating that comparison and saying racist things about the Ferguson protesters. You claimed “anti-ggers” were doing the same thing. When asked for evidence you linked to a tweet that wasn’t actually saying Ferguson is like gamergate.

Are you all caught up now? Do you understand why you’re being mocked?

10 years ago

Puddles, you might want to click on the links you found when you added my avatar to Google image search. I’ll wait.

That took one millisecond.

10 years ago

“a tweet that wasn’t actually saying Ferguson is like gamergate.”

and wasn’t about saying racist things about the Ferguson protestors, either.

10 years ago

katz, honestly, click on them; the avatars aren’t the same. let that die; jenn is ridiculous enough on her own.

10 years ago

puddleglum: those twitters have different avatars if you click on them, having done the google image search myself.

Weird, you’re right. I wonder why it does that.

10 years ago

probably she’s been RTd on their twitter feed; her image will be on those retweets, and google finds the image on those pages.

10 years ago


I think it’s because all the accounts that show up have retweeted Jennifer, so the page contains her image.

10 years ago

aww, ninja’d.

Ah well. I guess Jennifer can claim victory that we couldn’t pin her down as a sock, and her original claim of bad journalism will waft gently in the lonely winds, abandoned.

10 years ago

katz, honestly, click on them; the avatars aren’t the same. let that die; jenn is ridiculous enough on her own.

Give me a break. I was looking it up when you said that.

10 years ago

@katz, but did you see the creepy dolls in the ‘View Similar Images’? Cuz those were awesome, and frankly, worth the search.

10 years ago

Unfortunately, I think this kind of sentiment is about as prevalent among the American public in general as it is GGers. I’m not saying that in defense of GG, it’s ridiculous and awful, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were only marginally worse than most people on this.

10 years ago

Oh look, a dictionary troll. They smell a bit like a sea lion, too.

She also claimed that comparing is saying how things are different. Did anyone else catch that?

Sorry, dictionary troll. That’s contrasting. Play again Y/N?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

this is the stupidest troll since the one that didn’t know how adjectives work.

10 years ago

@katz, but did you see the creepy dolls in the ‘View Similar Images’? Cuz those were awesome, and frankly, worth the search.

Haha, I did notice that! Jennifer, according to Google, you look like a creepy baby doll.

10 years ago

@Policy of Madness

Indeed! This one has moved up to not knowing how *verbs* work! Such progress!