off topic open thread racism

No indictment: Open thread to discuss Ferguson

Not photoshopped. Police gather under holiday sign in Ferguson tonight.
Not photoshopped. Police gather under holiday sign in Ferguson tonight.

Open thread on Ferguson. No trolls, no MRAs, etc.

Post useful links in the comments; I’ll add some to the post.

EDIT: Links after the jump.

Protest planned in Toronto


Bail and legal fund for the protesters:

Articles on what’s going on:

10 ways you can help the people of Ferguson:

Grand juries indict 99.99% of the time (literally)

Darren Wilson’s “injuries?”


The full grand jury report:

Home-made tear gas mask tutorial:

Petition #HandsUp: We Demand National Change to Protect Citizens and Communities from Police Violence and Misconduct:

Donations to collaborate with the legal fund for the people arrested in protests in Ferguson:

Edmonton protest:

A letter from the forensics office complaining that they had not been given adequate access to the crime scene evidence to make a ruling

Update on the situation in Ferguson:


A list for donations you can give to Ferguson’s schools:

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Rob Christie
10 years ago

I don’t feel like I have anything useful to say, but I don’t feel like I can just keep my mouth shut, either.

That said, this is a fucking shameful disgrace and I don’t know what to do or say about it, or if I should even say anything at all. I haven’t felt this ashamed about anything in…ever.

10 years ago

i think this is just gross and their reasons didn’t mAke sense! Zimmerman and now this? Speaking as a person of mixed heritage it makes you feel expendable!

10 years ago

For any folks in Toronto, there’s a peaceful protest being planned at the US embassy tomorrow evening:

10 years ago

The racists are swarming the Pharyngula thread about this. Let’s hope they don’t come here – though they’ll get their arses bounced even faster if they try, there being more of us to do it.

10 years ago

If you live in the Boston area, there’s a protest scheduled in front of the Boston Police B2 headquarters in Dudley square at 7pm, Tuesday 11/25. Please consider coming and supporting Mike Brown’s family as well as the many other victims of police violence.
I know there are other events planned in other cities, but I’m not aware of the details.

10 years ago

I want to cry. I want to rage. I am terrified for the people of Ferguson. Last time the police were throwing tear gas on peoples’ lawns. They’ve been arresting people on trumped up charges for months. Dear gods above and below, protect them, somehow.

10 years ago

^^^Everything Deoridhe said.

Michael (contemplativemoorings)

It was sadly inevitable. Police officers are generally exempt from criminal charges even when internal investigations find a shooting unjustified. No police officer here in Seattle has ever been charged for a shooting even when off-duty. First among equals, et al.

10 years ago

What I find sadder than anything, Michael, is that absolutely everyone seems to have been expecting this, even though statistically only 1 in 11,000 grand juries choose NOT to indict.

That really says everything, I think.

10 years ago

In case anyone is collecting guys making jokes, caught these two lined up:

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
10 years ago

I’m not surprised, but I’m still pissed off. If somebody tries to tell me we live in a post racial society or that minorities/woman/gays/anybody who’s not the “norm” need to stop complaining then I’ll throw my computer out the window in a fit of rage.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Apparently the KKK turned up in Ferguson tonight (with Confederate flags, in case anyone was still buying that “heritage not hate” crap).

10 years ago

For anyone tracking dudes mansplaining or making dumb #Ferguson jokes, here’s a two-fer:

10 years ago

I just wish the mainstream media would be honest enough to admit that what’s been happening in Ferguson is essentially martial law.

10 years ago

I can’t possibly know what it’s like to be black in America, but I am still deeply, deeply ashamed of our “system of justice”.

I’ve seen calls for people to not stand during the pledge of allegiance in schools tomorrow, and to wear black. I can’t do the first (Too old for that), but I will be wearing black tomorrow.

What happened today is yet another travesty. However, Darren Wilson CAN be brought up on these charges again. Simply because the grand jury didn’t indict him, it doesn’t mean that we can’t try again and hope for justice this time.

Here’s a few petitions:

There is nothing on this Earth that would keep me from getting this guy locked up where he belongs. He doesn’t deserve to be sitting with a happy newlywed family on Thanksgiving with 400K in his bank account like he’s a goddamned “hero”. He deserves to be locked up with the rest of the murderers.

As for help for those people who actually deserve it, I’ve found these links via tumblr:

Bail and legal fund for the protesters:

Articles on what’s going on:

10 ways you can help the people of Ferguson:

I’ve also been informed that you can donate to Operation Help or Hush.

10 years ago

Not surprised. Cops can kill with impunity, especially black men.

10 years ago

Been blasting Rage Against The Machine, Public Enemy, and various other anti-racism bands ever since I heard. I am mad, sad, disappointed, and frustrated all at once. This is just shit. 🙁

Catherine von Überwald
Catherine von Überwald
10 years ago

I was expecting this but it still makes me so very angry.
Everything about this decision is corrupt and horrible. How anybody can think that killing young people and children (the Cleveland case is the most recent but not the only time a child was killed) can be hand-waved as something regrettable but unimportant and not worthy of justice?

And then after they decide to let a murderer walk free they have the nerve to ask for “Tolerance”?!
What should black people just accept that racist cops like to kill them? And be tolerant about it?

I just can’t.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
10 years ago

One thing I find annoying about the media coverage of what’s happening is how the CNN anchors keep going on about the burning businesses. On one level, yes, it’s too bad for the people who own those businesses. On another: boo fucking hoo, I don’t care about property while black people’s lives are being treated as expendable. This country would probably be even worse without the threat of this kind of violence; it often seems like that’s the only thing that serves as a motor for substantial change.

10 years ago

“Tolerance” is cop speak for “do what we say, even while we kill you, because we can make it worse.”

10 years ago

@Deoridhe: Basically, the “tolerant my intolerance!” excuse used by MRAs and so many other bigots, except with many more guns. -_-

10 years ago

Ugh, you can bet the MRAs are loving this.

10 years ago


Of course they are. They only give a shit about black men’s lives being in jeopardy when they’re using them to shit on feminists, or to drop the “why don’t you worry about REAL issues?!” “argument”.

They don’t give a flying fuck about the injustice of it all until they can use it as a “gotcha” against people who actually do care.

Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
10 years ago

There’s something very bizarre about the idea of people who are ordered to enforce the law, but are protected from the consequences when they break it.
I’m hardly worldly enough to fully grasp something like this, but such injustice is sadly predictable, given the KINDS of people who are most targeted by police app ads and to whom the idea of making people obey them has a definite appeal. It’s the same way with politicians, they are elected not because they have good qualities but because they have qualities/resources that make them get elected more than others. While some legitimately want to keep order and help resolve crap, there’s always the others, people attracted to the force because it’s an avenue to power and control over others that they couldn’t have otherwise. And when you add the power to inflict violence at no cost to themselves, it’s like giving petíte jackbooters the keys to the candy store.

I think the protests are, if anything, showing remarkable restraint given what’s being done to them. If there’s any luck in the world I hope the national legal system stops defaming itaelf and corrects this gross abuse of power and station.

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