#gamergate 8chan bullying conspiracy theory entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny transphobia

8channers defend themselves against charges of transphobia with more transphobia

Panning for poop on 8chan
Panning for poop on 8chan

Yesterday, I noted some of the nasty transphobia that had shown up in a recent /gg/ thread on 8chan, undercutting somewhat the claims to respectability we’ve been hearing a lot of from GamerGaters recently. Well, 8channers noticed my post, and weren’t exactly pleased about it.

But their responses to my post, well, they didn’t exactly suggest that the transphobia I saw in the earlier thread was some sort of fluke.

Oh, sure, some of the commenters complained, as my critics often do, that I had “quote mined” the earlier thread.



Sitting cheek by jowl next to these comments were comments of a rather different sort. Trigger Warning for threats, transphobia, homophobia, etc.








So, yeah, there’s really no need to posit vast conspiracies sending paid shills to shitpost on 8chan when it’s pretty clear a sizeable portion of their userbase is happy to post crap like this for free.

And there’s no need to mine for quotes like these when there are so many of them just sitting right there on the surface.














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10 years ago

Not sure why dude thinks anyone cares about his screen shots.

10 years ago



At least it’s something that could be mildly amusing. I’m curious to see where this rabbit hole leads.

10 years ago



I didn’t see the comment a moment ago, therefore it is still in moderation or rejected.

10 years ago


Kirby, he’s never going to stop piddling all over the room if you keep rewarding him for doing so. All the rabbit hole leads to is more puddles on the floor.

10 years ago

That was a pretty solid flounce. Not terribly original, but simple and elegant. I give it a 6.

Reduced immediately to -4 by failure to stick, of course.

10 years ago

Sorry, -6.

I met a girl who sang the blues and I asked her for some happy news…

10 years ago

Screen shots are the ultimate ‘gotcha’ because they prove…things…and…stuff.

All my comments got moderated when I was a new commenter. It’s called a ‘jerk filter’ because it filters out jerks, sort of.

10 years ago

Cassandra, if the point is rewarding me, then you would be doing the same. It is not my point though.

10 years ago

But she just smiled and turned away

10 years ago

Helter skelter in a summer swelter

(I want it to be summer right now – Kittehs, can I come visit?)

10 years ago

‘Cause the players tried to take the field
The marching band refused to yield

10 years ago

The birds took off with the fall out shelter

It got up to single digits here today! The cold snap seems to be over! It’s supposed to get up to -5 by the weekend, but I don’t believe it.

Australia sounds very good, right now.

10 years ago

It’s been raining enough to make building an arc seem like a good plan here. Climate change, I see you and I don’t like you at all.

10 years ago


I went down to the sacred store where I’d heard the music years before

10 years ago


I didn’t see the comment a moment ago, therefore it is still in moderation or rejected.

Probably because it contains slurs. This was the comment you were so proud of? The one that would clear up all misconceptions and justify your first post? Yeesh.

10 years ago

Got snowed in, myself, Sunday and spent a few hours getting well acquainted with a shovel. Then, two hours later, repeating. Then a plow finally showed up.

The department apparatus would have made it out, because 4 WD big truckness, but my little personal vehicle? Nope.

… and now it’s raining. Yay! Foot of slush time!

10 years ago

It’s been alternating between comfortably warm and cold-enough-to-suck-but-not-enough-for-winter over here. On a day-by-day basis.

Let it snow! Let it snow!
So the cold is justified.
Let it snow! Let it snow!
My winter’s far too dry.

10 years ago

Why do some people prefer to endlessly argue and complain about how mean we are? It would be so much easier to just say “sorry, I won’t do that again” or just realize the culture here isn’t a good fit and just leave. What is mackey even getting out of this? If zie is just trolling, aren’t there more entertaining ways to do it?

10 years ago

@ contrapangloss – Oh, no!! I hate rain after snow because I am a really bad skater. Hope the ice doesn’t turn out too bad.

10 years ago


Comments with slurs automatically go into moderation (if the slurs have been used enough for David to set a filter for them), and if he sees them first in the mod bin, usually he just deletes the little uglies.

Did you have a comment sans slurs that you’re whining about and can screenshot?

Because, really?

That comment was supposed to make us all go:

“Oh, you poor misunderstood Mackey! Here, join our inner circle and sniff this lovely scented candle! Have some bon-bons! Do you need a hug?”

If it was, it is completely unsuccessful.

10 years ago

@ WWTH – but how will we know how mean and bad and very wrong we are, if Mackey doesn’t tell us again and again and again and again.

10 years ago

Because it entertains them to see people argue back, I’m guessing. Which would be fine if they were entertaining us too, but in this case, nah.

10 years ago


You questioned me, I provided the link, where is the slur in the link?

Is there anyone here who wants to discus things honestly?

10 years ago

I like that surrealist insult generator that Puddleglum linked to.

Hey, Mackey, your lustful sexual fluids smell like purple tongue fat.

10 years ago

Slur aside, the moderated comment was just another whine about how unfairly he’s being treated. Anyone who cares more about how they’re being treated than about the original point they were trying to make is not someone I want to talk to.