#gamergate 8chan bullying conspiracy theory entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny transphobia

8channers defend themselves against charges of transphobia with more transphobia

Panning for poop on 8chan
Panning for poop on 8chan

Yesterday, I noted some of the nasty transphobia that had shown up in a recent /gg/ thread on 8chan, undercutting somewhat the claims to respectability we’ve been hearing a lot of from GamerGaters recently. Well, 8channers noticed my post, and weren’t exactly pleased about it.

But their responses to my post, well, they didn’t exactly suggest that the transphobia I saw in the earlier thread was some sort of fluke.

Oh, sure, some of the commenters complained, as my critics often do, that I had “quote mined” the earlier thread.



Sitting cheek by jowl next to these comments were comments of a rather different sort. Trigger Warning for threats, transphobia, homophobia, etc.








So, yeah, there’s really no need to posit vast conspiracies sending paid shills to shitpost on 8chan when it’s pretty clear a sizeable portion of their userbase is happy to post crap like this for free.

And there’s no need to mine for quotes like these when there are so many of them just sitting right there on the surface.














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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I will not be around here any more.

Good riddance.

10 years ago

I’ll just leave! That’ll show them!

10 years ago

Lack of self-awareness… Think about it. (I decided to reply after several days thinking about It)

10 years ago

>And unreflected, I do not care what you think about it. Learn some manners, please

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

JFC don’t promise to leave and then not leave.

(I decided to reply after several days thinking about It)

“several days” being “about 30 minutes” today.

10 years ago

Stop being stupid. I didn’t comment for several days

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

You said you were leaving. I celebrated! Then 30 minutes later you commented again after having thought about it for several days? You said you were leaving. Fucking leave.

You don’t fit in here. We don’t want you. Nobody here wants you. You said you’d skip so fucking skip. Why is “nobody wants you” not getting through your thick skull?

10 years ago

Ah ha ha ha. Mackey’s still trolling around, complaing about how mean everyone is?


Mackey, I will put in a vote for you to be allowed to stay, but only if you admit that when you were complaining about your comments being in moderation, they weren’t.

Now, think of me as you like, I will not be around here any more. Bye!

Lack of self-awareness… Think about it. (I decided to reply after several days thinking about It)

And unreflected, I do not care what you think about it. Learn some manners, please

This is some sort of performance art, right?

10 years ago

We skipped the light fandango, did cartweels across the floor.

10 years ago

(Or is it tripped? Don’t remember.)

10 years ago

Oh dearie me, Mackey, Mackey, Mackey, there is a time stamp on every post, fer crying out loud.
Enormous mendacious disembodied anus…
Sing it to the tune of Kokomo, if you would pls.

10 years ago

Fuck off, troll. This is a mockery blog, not a niceness blog. You’re not wanted and you’re just proving again that you’ve no respect for boundaries. Keep this up and your comments will just get deleted.

10 years ago

In January, we’ll get another post.

“Lack of patience… think about it.”

Just after another “alright, I’m leaving” post.

Pocket Nerd
10 years ago

Thus Spake ZaraPolicy of Madness:

JFC don’t promise to leave and then not leave.

That’s gotta be some kind of record for yo-yo flouncing.

10 years ago

Just the fact that it took two days to make one post saying they’re leaving, then 30 minutes to fail the landing. It’s like watching someone psyche themselves up for twenty minutes to attempt a cartwheel or something, then they immediately fall on their ass.

10 years ago

Which would at least make an entertaining video!

10 years ago

Just the fact that it took two days to make one post saying they’re leaving, then 30 minutes to fail the landing. It’s like watching someone psyche themselves up for twenty minutes to attempt a cartwheel or something, then they immediately fall on their ass.


Been there! Only, not the internet flouncing with immediate yo-yo. The cartwheel! Yep. No videos because I’m clever like that. BWAHAHAHA!

10 years ago

I don’t care what you think! I’m totally going to prove I don’t care by coming in here and telling you how much I’ve concluded I don’t care after I spent two days thinking about my not caring!

10 years ago


“You don’t fit in here. We don’t want you. Nobody here wants you. You said you’d skip so fucking skip. Why is “nobody wants you” not getting through your thick skull?”

How do you know? Both wrt to your suggestion and that I do not get it?

“Mackey, I will put in a vote for you to be allowed to stay, but only if you admit that when you were complaining about your comments being in moderation, they weren’t.”

Of course they were.

“Enormous mendacious disembodied anus…”

Like that one 😉

“Fuck off, troll. This is a mockery blog, not a niceness blog. You’re not wanted and you’re just proving again that you’ve no respect for boundaries. Keep this up and your comments will just get deleted.”

Why? Did I offend anyone? Did I say “Fuck off, troll.”? Did I forget to mock anyone?

“Just the fact that it took two days to make one post saying they’re leaving, then 30 minutes to fail the landing. It’s like watching someone psyche themselves up for twenty minutes to attempt a cartwheel or something, then they immediately fall on their ass”

Sometimes I really don’t care, it is not like comments on Internet blogs are really important. Sometimes I just can help myself 🙂

10 years ago

I guess it’s the Mackey Hour again. Tune in for your one or two smug comments, then sit back and wait til tomorrow for any sort of response.

Of course they were.

Briefly, perhaps. You can tell because above your comments in italics there would be a little “this comment is awaiting moderation” message.

However, by the time I arrived here, there were no comments of yours that I missed when reading through the thread the first time. So no, when you were complaining about moderation, there was none.

And making the long and tedious hike back to your original point, no, the comments I read did not excuse your first post as you claimed they would.

Now, how about finding a more interesting subject to troll with than “you are all so mean, but it’s not like I care about comments or anything, which is why I keep coming back to make one more post,” hmm?

10 years ago

Oh dear, he peed on the rug again.

10 years ago

I think the long delays in commenting are for him to go out and refill his bladder…

10 years ago

Thebewilderness – thanks so much for the Kokomo. I am in a pharmacy trying to get my son’s prescription filled (long story), and I think it’s the first time I’ve laughed out loud in hours.

Mackey – how can we miss you when you won’t go away? Then again, we won’t even if you do.

10 years ago


Where should I upload the screen shot?

10 years ago


Any image sharing service would do. There are plenty. How about imgur? Or tinypic or something. You’d be aiming for a screenshot that confirms you had comments still in moderation by the time I posted this comment, not just any old screen shot of a comment in moderation. That happens to every new commenter.

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