Yesterday, I noted some of the nasty transphobia that had shown up in a recent /gg/ thread on 8chan, undercutting somewhat the claims to respectability we’ve been hearing a lot of from GamerGaters recently. Well, 8channers noticed my post, and weren’t exactly pleased about it.
But their responses to my post, well, they didn’t exactly suggest that the transphobia I saw in the earlier thread was some sort of fluke.
Oh, sure, some of the commenters complained, as my critics often do, that I had “quote mined” the earlier thread.
Sitting cheek by jowl next to these comments were comments of a rather different sort. Trigger Warning for threats, transphobia, homophobia, etc.
So, yeah, there’s really no need to posit vast conspiracies sending paid shills to shitpost on 8chan when it’s pretty clear a sizeable portion of their userbase is happy to post crap like this for free.
And there’s no need to mine for quotes like these when there are so many of them just sitting right there on the surface.
Could you possibly import some of that snow and ice down south to New England? We were promised a snow storm that turned into a bunch of rain… I was quite disappointed.
::checks weather report::
No can do, kirbywarp, the wind chill is only -30 here. We don’t actually have any cold to spare, right now. Will send you some when it drops to -40.
Rain in winter stinks, though, so you have my sympathies. Hope it dries up for you before it freezes!
A long long time ago I can still remember how that music used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance, I could make those people dance and maybe they’d be happy for a while…
But February made me shiver
With every paper i’d deliver
I like this new tradition.
Bad news on the door step
I couldn’t take one more step
Shoot, I can’t count.
i couldn’t take one more step
(I’ve had to fire up YT on another tab to listen to classic rock, though. Worked through the Jethro Tull thing, and now I’m onto Don McLean)
It’s OK. We just all got excited by the 10.
The marching band refused to yield
During my often mentioned stint at the VA hospital, I dealt with a number of veterans who had been diagnosed with various mental illnesses, including paranoid schizophrenia. I never felt any threat of danger from any of them. One even assured me that, although he knew I worked for Them, he didn’t hold it against me, as I wasn’t actively engaged in tormenting him. He seemed more to be pitied than feared, really.
Also, random happiness note: the radio station is playing a jazz version of Baby Elephant Walk. Adorableness made audible.
I can’t remember if I cried /
When I read about his widowed bride
I can’t remember if I cried
But something touched me deep inside/the day the music died
I can. 12
I had one psych rotation in nursing school (I managed to weasel out of the other one I was supposed to do). It was probably a very unhealthy ward, as it turned me completely off psychiatric nursing as a speciality. I was more nervous of the staff than I was the patients. The patients were mostly psychotic, but an awful lot of the staff were mean.
So, bye bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye
I haven’t read the thread yet, but 14
Crap. 11.
There are no comments of yours in the pending/moderation queue, Mackey. I’m guessing David did that. In other words, dumbass, you’re making yourself really unwelcome here.