Yesterday, I noted some of the nasty transphobia that had shown up in a recent /gg/ thread on 8chan, undercutting somewhat the claims to respectability we’ve been hearing a lot of from GamerGaters recently. Well, 8channers noticed my post, and weren’t exactly pleased about it.
But their responses to my post, well, they didn’t exactly suggest that the transphobia I saw in the earlier thread was some sort of fluke.
Oh, sure, some of the commenters complained, as my critics often do, that I had “quote mined” the earlier thread.
Sitting cheek by jowl next to these comments were comments of a rather different sort. Trigger Warning for threats, transphobia, homophobia, etc.
So, yeah, there’s really no need to posit vast conspiracies sending paid shills to shitpost on 8chan when it’s pretty clear a sizeable portion of their userbase is happy to post crap like this for free.
And there’s no need to mine for quotes like these when there are so many of them just sitting right there on the surface.
@Cthulhu’s Intern:
And the title of your paper must be: Unser Existenzkampf
GGers, their title should be corrected to: Unser Todeskampf
Kellie Gator:
Yeah, that’s a total right-wing talking-point right there. These guys aren’t merry pranksters tipping both sides’ sacred cows for the lulz, they’re just the old same conservative, authoritarian, right-wing bullies that always come scuttling out when their rock is disturbed.
Cthulu’s intern – just make a few bizarre memes featuring badly drawn stick figures and word ratatouille. Voila: critical thought!
Re: quote mining, these guys are such bottom-dwellers that they get the intellectual bends every time one of their horrible hadalpelagic ideas is dredged out from the abyss and hauled into the light of day. Their shitweaselry simply can’t survive in an oxygenated environment.
So what’s GG icon “Weev” been up to since he got out of jail, anyway?
Oh, that wacky troll! What a scamp, I…wait, what!?
George W. Bush literally excused the Abu Ghraib torture scandal by claiming it was the fault of “a few bad apples.” I think some people have decided that means the phrase is ironclad.
“But but but you can’t PROVE that every single vicious, spiteful, transphobic post in the entire thread wasn’t the product of SJW SHILLS getting paid to make us channers look bad!”
Thus Spake ZaraBogdan Cvetkovic:
Speaking as somebody who likes anime and manga… there are some waifish characters whom one could, theoretically, use as an icon for non-creepy reasons. Some of them are powerful, capable, and just plain likeable. (I recommend just about anything by Miyazaki Hayao — he likes making movies about girls and young women, but they aren’t sexualized or damseled.)
But I suspect, for a lot of the angry dudebros of 4chan, the reasons are darker. Manga and anime have a lot of characters who are superficially cute, but also yielding and obedient to male figures. They’re “empowered,” but only in ways guaranteed not to threaten male privilege, and many of them are explicitly depicted as under the benign control of some male or other. This certainly isn’t an indictment of all anime and manga, but it’s definitely a recurring theme..
So if you think those eeevil Western Women are too pushy and emasculating… if you loathe the discussion and compromise required of a real relationship… if your ideal woman is a domestic servant you can have sex with… then a perky but obedient 2-D girl might be just the fetish for you!
Am I the only one who thinks of this whenever anyone invokes GamerGoober Poe?
But there’s nothing more sadistic than an infant
Waving his pistol in my face
He wants me right down on my knees
Crumbling in disgrace
But he underestimates my mind
I know he’s messing with my head
-Poe, “Trigger Happy Jack”
Ok, so the rest of the song doesn’t fit, no matter how much GamerGoober wishes otherwise. And I can’t stand Poe.
What do you mean? I have known some with paranoid schizophrenic episodes. They can get quite scary when you think about what they will do upon others or themselves when they live up to their delusions (thankfully none I know did, and I was never a part of the delusions, so not scared for myself).
Phobia doesn’t only mean fear of something. Phobic also means “being disgusted by something”.
+ It’s not like root words always equate to exact translation regarding how the word is used.
Piss off.
Social Injustice Warriors arguing they’re not disgusting while doing disgusting stuff.
I wanted to go and say “are you pissed”?
But I will change this to “it looks like that there are too many here that judge on too little evidence”, you included.
I did take your welcoming “Piss off.” to look over the conversation again. I did not understand deorihde’s comment yesterday, as I said. Today, I may understand where the comment is coming from, but the comment was short and cryptic. I was in no way intending to say that people should generally be afraid of schizophrenics because there may be some who have strong delusions and are not under treatment. Not at all.
Have I still misunderstood what people are trying to say (without being explicit)?
Please take your projections out on someone else (or even better on no one?).
go step on all the legos in the world, fool. this is not a “let’s bring in mad people to conversations that have nothing to do with mad people just to say nasty things about them” blog. the only person insisting on talking about schizophrenics is you. I realize that one of those 8channers brought it up first, but nobody except you felt a need to examine that comment in depth and to the detriment of schizophrenics. the rest of us understood that that was a horrible thing to say about both schizophrenics and about trans people and that no further commentary on its horribleness was needed.
Only you decided that it would be cool to turn that into a discussion about how scary schizophrenics are, and this is not a welcoming environment for a discussion about how scary schizophrenics are.
get a fucking clue and fuck off.
Possible irony – it’s the fact that so many people are so unwilling to accept the boundary of “we don’t talk about people with mental illnesses in that way here” that finally convinced me of why that boundary needed to exist. I used to be one of those people saying “X is crazy!”, but not any more, and this shit is big part of the reason why.
Mackey. This is me wearing my moderator had and quoting from the site comments policy (which is right up there at the top of the page):
Which word? And who told me to drop it?
So let me get this straight. You were very frightened but not for yourself, of course, about what a person might do if they did what you though they might do which they didn’t but they could have so you know all about it and we shouldn’t object to your specious bullshit?
Is that about right?.
Boundaries, dude. If you refuse to respect this one it tells us nothing at all about schizophrenic people and a whole lot about you.
“Boundaries, dude. If you refuse to respect this one it tells us nothing at all about schizophrenic people and a whole lot about you.”
I think it is all down to misinterpretation. Two postst where I try to explain that are in moderation. Otherwise there are more and more people piling up.
“f you refuse to respect this one” Which one exactly?
Nope, not playing this game with you. Bye, dude.
Everybody, is it possible to have a reading of my first post on this thread which means I do not have to defend myself against always more people? Only joking here 😉
What happened to comments under moderation?
Mainly because this is not the space to unload exactly how or how not scared you are of people with mental illnesses, any more than it would be for how scared or not scared you are of particular racial groups.
And now you’re just being fauxlite (is that a thing? I kinda want that to be a thing) and JAQing off; which again, this is not the space for.