#gamergate alpha males dark enlightenment empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil SJWs evil women feminism gamebros irony alert misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed omega males oppressed men PUA

Vox Day: Actually, it's about keeping women out of gaming

Vox Day: Defending video gaming against icky girls
Vox Day: Defending video gaming against icky girls

Leave it to Vox Day, the proudly reactionary sci-fi author and game developer, to say what most of his #GamerGate comrades spend so much energy denying: that their little movement is at least in part a backlash against women in gaming. At least against real women, with their own opinions.

As Vox writes in a post on his Alpha Game blog,

Games have long been an escape from women and social pressure for many young men, so it should surprise no one that they aren’t particularly keen on seeing their retreat invaded by the very things from which they are escaping.

So why exactly do guys want an escape from women? Well, as Vox once explained in an interview with “Dr. Helen” for her book Men On Stike,

Women can be entertaining, but they’re expensive, inaccessible for most men, and from the male perspective, shockingly unreliable.

What makes it worse, Vox suggests on his blog, is that the kind of guys who play a lot of video games aren’t exactly the guys scoring the top quality women.

When people ask a gamma or an omega if he wouldn’t rather be out and about “with a real girl” instead of playing games, they should first keep in mind what sort of “real girl” is probably on offer for him. And considering the alternatives, who can truly blame him if he looks at his choices and decides that games and porn are genuinely the better option.

Huh. Aren’t you a game developer, Vox? I thought the first rule of GamerGate is that journalists and developers shouldn’t insult their customers.

But GamerGaters were quick to pardon Mytheos Holt for calling them all a bunch of dateless losers, and I suspect they’ll do the same with Vox, because no matter how pathetic he thinks most gamers are, it’s clear he thinks women are worse.

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10 years ago

Ugh. Vox Day. He’s a toxic little mite. I got in a blogwar with him many years ago

Bill Bicknell (@BillAtTheEnd)

“shockingly unreliable”

well my monitor is covered with coffee now.

If only we had thought to upgrade to the latest, more stable build of Women!

10 years ago

And here’s a picture of him with a flaming sword:

10 years ago

Okay I know what a beta is but what on earth is a gamma or an omega?!

Harry Thornton
10 years ago

Translation of what he’s saying: “Ewwww, we don’t want girly-girl cooties in our boy’s club!”

10 years ago

Funny, how I retreat to gaming to escape men.

lacerta viridis
lacerta viridis
10 years ago

I don’t know why I’m still surprised every time when I realise that these guys really, really don’t think of women as human beings, but I am. It’s just so… weird.

Games have long been an escape from women and social pressure for many young men

No woman in the history of the universe has ever felt the need to escape from anything, of course.

Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
10 years ago

tomtom94speaks, those are the third and last letters in the Greek alphabet, and in the excessively reductionist and simplistic model of species hierarchy that uses “alphas” for the toppers and “betas” for the second best, gamma means the real mediocrities and omega the lowest of the lowly.

Basically calling people racial inferiors.

GOBACK (@JoeKlemmer)
10 years ago

Expensive, inaccessible and shockingly unreliable? What, women are made by Microsoft?

If women are from Venus and men from Mars, these guys are from Uranus.

10 years ago

Does he not realise single player games exist? Is he confused and thinks gamergate is about tabletop games like D&D and Warhammer which need other people to play? Or is it just too threatening to him that a woman might be playing a game by herself in the privacy of her own home. Like, he wouldn’t even know, but the thought haunts him, because he is so cripplingly insecure?

Have you noticed though that this kind of rightwing chucklehead likes to talk about the motivations of groups of people as if they are all complete idiots, meanwhile making sure it’s obvious they don’t mean they are part of that group. But they still want to be considered an expert on what the group thinks.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Games have long been an escape from women and social pressure for many young men, so it should surprise no one that they aren’t particularly keen on seeing their retreat invaded by the very things from which they are escaping.

I’ve been gaming for longer than 90% of #GamerGate has been alive. Some of the other women here have been gaming for even longer. So, y’know, myth busted and all that.

10 years ago

Uh oh! The jig is up! One of the commenters caught on to what gamer gate is *really* about: “Frankly I’m quite disappointed at just how few of you, throughout this whole GG thing, have been able to work out for yourselves that feminists (obviously) want to control video games in order to keep them from being used as a platform for VR sex.”

10 years ago

I thought it was alphas are the ones women want, betas are the ones they settle for, gammas are the ones they won’t even look at and omegas have opted out of the game entirely.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


As a #Gater, he probably doesn’t consider anything other than Call Of Battlefield Honour to be a “Real” game.

10 years ago

@ lacerta viridis: “I don’t know why I’m still surprised every time when I realise that these guys really, really don’t think of women as human beings, but I am. It’s just so… weird.”

Yeah, Vox Day doesn’t seem to think black people are actually human, either. The quote can be found here (it’s pretty vile):

10 years ago

I prefer to believe he thinks it’s all about online poker….

lacerta viridis
lacerta viridis
10 years ago

@Mike Wow, I… really should also not be surprised to learn that this asshole is also a huge racist, but that’s pretty disgusting. What the fuck.

10 years ago

Games have long been an escape from women and social pressure for many young men, so it should surprise no one that they aren’t particularly keen on seeing their retreat invaded by the very things from which they are escaping.

Funny, but this woman plays solitaire games to escape from assholes on the Internetwebpipes.

And I really don’t appreciate being lumped in with “things”, either. We’re PEOPLE, you idiotic nit!

And for the thousand millionth time, I gotta ask:

How is this guy even married? And have we established for sure that his purported wife even exists? And which game IS the “alpha” game, anyway? And how fucking ironic is it that a guy who’s preaching PUA games is now sticking up for the antisocials and asocials who inhabit the “gaming” world of No Cootie-Ridden Girls Allowed?

10 years ago

Women can be entertaining, but they’re expensive, inaccessible for most men, and from the male perspective, shockingly unreliable.

Sexbots. How do you work them?

10 years ago

When people ask a gamma or an omega if he wouldn’t rather be out and about “with a real girl” instead of playing games, they should first keep in mind what sort of “real girl” is probably on offer for him. And considering the alternatives, who can truly blame him if he looks at his choices and decides that games and porn are genuinely the better option.

#ForeverAlone…because why should less-than-perfect women get any action at all?

10 years ago

Uh oh! The jig is up! One of the commenters caught on to what gamer gate is *really* about: “Frankly I’m quite disappointed at just how few of you, throughout this whole GG thing, have been able to work out for yourselves that feminists (obviously) want to control video games in order to keep them from being used as a platform for VR sex.”

Shhh! Don’t anyone tell them that some feminists are already using vidyagamez for cybersex…and having fun at it! Good golly, they might even be VR-sexing one of these unsuspecting mooks as we speak…the horror! THE HORROR!!!

Vanir (@Vanir85)
10 years ago

And this guy is a sci-fi writer?
I shudder to think what kind of future he envisions as “positive” for the human specie.
Have a feeling I would prefer his Dystopias to his Utopias….

10 years ago

Theodore Beale is a closet mangina.

10 years ago

Huh? When I started reading this, I thought that the guy was going to come out against GamerGate but Vox Day sounds like he’s just as misogynistic as as the rest of them. Besides, if these gamebros are so butt hurt that they can’t get a date then it seems highly illogical that they don’t want women in gaming. Women are more likely to like men who share the same hobby with them, aren’t they? ; -)

10 years ago

seeing their retreat invaded by the very things from which they are escaping.

And yeah, he just called women things. Right there.

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