
Whoever said that a picture is worth a thousand words clearly hasn’t been looking at the artwork of #GamerGate — unless by “a thousand words” you mean the word “poop” repeated a thousand times.
Nonetheless, to honor the hard work of GamerGate’s unsung graphic heroes, and on the off chance that I might not be fully grasping the subtle meanings of these aesthetically impaired visionaries, I would like to present to you all today a series of [] incomprehensible GamerGate Cartoons, which I have collected from 8chan and Twitter and various other places I don’t even remember.
CONTENT WARNING: Cartoon violence, misogyny, raging anti-Semitism, really bad drawing.
1) Zoe Quinn Vomits Vivian James
In this lovely comic, #GamerGate nemesis Zoe Quinn projectile vomits #GamerGate’s imaginary girlfriend Vivian James after being punched in the stomach by 4Chan’s vidya board. But #GamerGate isn’t about Zoe Quinn, we don’t even know who she is, right guys?
2) Damsel in Dis Dress
In this cartoon, #GamerGate nemesis #2, Anita Sarkeesian, responds to gentle criticism from Mr. 4chan vidya board by putting on a very peculiar outfit and crying for help. But #GamerGate isn’t about Anita Sarkeesian, that is, Anita WHO?
3) Fickle Female
In this exquisitely drawn miniature masterpiece, a fickle female demands that games be made to suit her, but then refuses to buy these games since she, as a female, does not actually play games. But #GamerGate isn’t about defining games as a male thing, where would you even get that idea, wow, I think you’re the real misogynist here.
4) Anita Refund!
In this somewhat perplexing entry, Anita Sarkeesian — rendered as a crude stereotype of an evil avaricious Jew — warns her followers about evil video games, then happily walks off with a giant bag of cash as “logic” and … a Nazi? attack them. The video game characters stand by innocently. But #GamerGate isn’t anti-Semitic, I mean, that’s just a caricature of Anita, she’s not Jewish, you must be the anti-Semite for even thinking that was anti-Semitic.
5) Weapons of Mass Distraction
In this cartoon, a little easier to understand, an evil Jewish puppetmaster distracts 4Channers — represented by the old Nazi dude — with Vivian James. While Mr. 4Chan gives generously to the Vivian James video game project, Zoe Quinn and the other real enemies are ignored. But #GamerGate isn’t anti… oh, ok, I guess this cartoon is pretty massively anti-Semitic. But it’s, er, for the lulz. The lelz? Top kek?
6) Muh Shekels Muh Diversity
What the hell, did I wander onto Stormfront or something? In this cartoon, Vivian James beats up a Jewish Reddit alien for betraying the cause of vidya games. I don’t know why she has the face of George Costanza.
Ok, I’ve got to be able to find a cartoon that’s not filled with vicious bigotry, right? I mean, #GamerGate is about ethics in journalism, right? Ah, I’ve got it:
7) Games Media, Take My Hand!
In this one, #GamerGate just wants to keep gaming media from drowning, but snobby gaming media considers this help to be harassment? Apparently threats and doxxing and boycotts and slander are just #GamerGate’s way of helping? Huh. I’m thinking this cartoon is nearly as offensive, in its way, and the ones preceding it.
But I have to admit that the draftsmanship is excellent.
8) Vivian Just Wants to Play Video Games Send Emails
In this cartoon, evil ghosts, representing who the fuck knows what, try to distract Vivian James from her appointed task: sending emails to advertisers. Vivian shakes them off and KEEPS SENDING EMAILS.
I’m kind of worried about Vivian. She doesn’t seem to have much joy in her life. Her friend Gilda, with the hat, at least seems to enjoy her job delivering mail.
I have literally no idea what’s going on in that fourth one. So Anita Sarkeesian wants her followers to be beaten up by logic and Nazis? And that’s… bad… but makes Mario happy? Also this will cause her to gain money and possibly rip out her own earring and wear it on her arm? I just…are they going for utterly incomprehensible here? Is it some sort of dadaist thing? I’m completely lost. GamerGate has defeated me with its sheer logics and my feeble lady brain cannot handle it 🙁
Ah, I see I was totally ninja’d, although it was ssj2 Gohan that punched cell, not Krillian. Krillian just carried around her unconcious body like a creeper.
Anyway, it was funny as heck 15 years ago, and it is still funny as heck today. Let me make amends by giving you some brain bleach of Imperfect Cell being overcome by the life force of the furrinatti.
I think that’s the “professional victim” card being played, seasnakes. Many GGers believe that Sarkeesian fabricated threats to grow rich.
The ones who fabricated GG of course know full well that they themselves were responsible for the harassment from the beginning on. They’ve admitted that much.
Isn’t /pol/ kind of known to be anti semitic?
All this talk of “The Jews” has me thinking of “Bubble Boy”. TW joke at Bubble Boy’s incompetent, anti semitic parent’s expense. http://youtu.be/yFz9WX8Zwnc
#3 is called Antigonish. I don’t care if it’s referring to the Canadian town or the delightfully surreal poem by Hughes Mearns, because neither one has anything to do with this crappy comic, and I can’t stand the thought that searches for the word might bring people to this putrid heap of tortured logic and venomous misogyny.
Nah, Gohan pulled that one off. Not Krillin.
GabbaGibblers obviously think they’re Hephaestus, Zoe Quinn is Zeus and Vivian James is Athena. It’s pretty straightforward and definitely makes sense.
Oy vey, does it ever. You want I should make them some lox-and-bagel sammitches?
Lava soap! Gojo! You can even buy Pompeii-pumice soap, for all the times you need to remove that unclean feeling you get after changing the oil in your car and read about Gamergate.
Gojo! Haha! The only time I’ve used that soap was when I took some classes that required me to do printmaking. It is the only thing that gets printmaking dye off your hands. And the first couple of times, it makes your hands so soft afterwards.
And then if you are me, it eventually turns your hands into swollen, dry, cracked wrecks, but so does regular soap in the winter.
The worst thing about the whole “professional victim” angle is that the harrassing crowd are actually ANGRY that Anita Sarkeesian got compassion for her struggle…
What the hell did they expect her to get?! Scorn? “Only luuuuuuzers get death threats!”
They think everybody else has the same lack of empathy they do.
I think I get the message behind the cartoon of Quinn being punched until Vivian comes out of her.
If you abuse women enough, they’ll behave themselves. Punch us enough and we’ll become docile and compliant. We won’t complain. We will become what the ‘gaters want us to be.
I really can’t find any other message in it.
The lesson is clearly that if you hit an actual woman, she’ll vomit a fictional one that agrees with everything you believe in.
ReDuRan is what I use to get the dye off my hands when I make a big mess painting silks.
@wordsp1nner, I spend the entire winter trying to find a hand cream that works.
Ok, I think I’ve figured out how this works
RE Super duper extra strong hand cream, the gardener’s one from Crabtree and Evelyn is good.
Sir Rugglesby III, never before have I beheld such a mastery of the parodist’s art. As surely as the Sun rises, and as surely as I have seen some preposterously stupid shit pour from the hands of #GatorGait, this is likely some of the best humor to come out of this idiotic mess. Well done.
The original post…yeah, this is basically like the propaganda post, but somehow even funnier AND more disgusting. I didn’t think that was possible, but, but these ridiculous people defy expectation it seems. Not only for basic civil standards but for art as well. As the internet gets more widely used, I wonder if things will get any worse. Lots more people means lots more chances that some will have a similar set of tastes to the people who brought us the channer subculture.
Sir Rugglesby: Beautiful. Don’t forget to post it to our DA group!
Sir Bodsworth does it again!
Thanks, all
@ Katz – I’m probably going to look like a huge idiot for asking, but what is DA?
Oh, of course. Duh.