
Whoever said that a picture is worth a thousand words clearly hasn’t been looking at the artwork of #GamerGate — unless by “a thousand words” you mean the word “poop” repeated a thousand times.
Nonetheless, to honor the hard work of GamerGate’s unsung graphic heroes, and on the off chance that I might not be fully grasping the subtle meanings of these aesthetically impaired visionaries, I would like to present to you all today a series of [] incomprehensible GamerGate Cartoons, which I have collected from 8chan and Twitter and various other places I don’t even remember.
CONTENT WARNING: Cartoon violence, misogyny, raging anti-Semitism, really bad drawing.
1) Zoe Quinn Vomits Vivian James
In this lovely comic, #GamerGate nemesis Zoe Quinn projectile vomits #GamerGate’s imaginary girlfriend Vivian James after being punched in the stomach by 4Chan’s vidya board. But #GamerGate isn’t about Zoe Quinn, we don’t even know who she is, right guys?
2) Damsel in Dis Dress
In this cartoon, #GamerGate nemesis #2, Anita Sarkeesian, responds to gentle criticism from Mr. 4chan vidya board by putting on a very peculiar outfit and crying for help. But #GamerGate isn’t about Anita Sarkeesian, that is, Anita WHO?
3) Fickle Female
In this exquisitely drawn miniature masterpiece, a fickle female demands that games be made to suit her, but then refuses to buy these games since she, as a female, does not actually play games. But #GamerGate isn’t about defining games as a male thing, where would you even get that idea, wow, I think you’re the real misogynist here.
4) Anita Refund!
In this somewhat perplexing entry, Anita Sarkeesian — rendered as a crude stereotype of an evil avaricious Jew — warns her followers about evil video games, then happily walks off with a giant bag of cash as “logic” and … a Nazi? attack them. The video game characters stand by innocently. But #GamerGate isn’t anti-Semitic, I mean, that’s just a caricature of Anita, she’s not Jewish, you must be the anti-Semite for even thinking that was anti-Semitic.
5) Weapons of Mass Distraction
In this cartoon, a little easier to understand, an evil Jewish puppetmaster distracts 4Channers — represented by the old Nazi dude — with Vivian James. While Mr. 4Chan gives generously to the Vivian James video game project, Zoe Quinn and the other real enemies are ignored. But #GamerGate isn’t anti… oh, ok, I guess this cartoon is pretty massively anti-Semitic. But it’s, er, for the lulz. The lelz? Top kek?
6) Muh Shekels Muh Diversity
What the hell, did I wander onto Stormfront or something? In this cartoon, Vivian James beats up a Jewish Reddit alien for betraying the cause of vidya games. I don’t know why she has the face of George Costanza.
Ok, I’ve got to be able to find a cartoon that’s not filled with vicious bigotry, right? I mean, #GamerGate is about ethics in journalism, right? Ah, I’ve got it:
7) Games Media, Take My Hand!
In this one, #GamerGate just wants to keep gaming media from drowning, but snobby gaming media considers this help to be harassment? Apparently threats and doxxing and boycotts and slander are just #GamerGate’s way of helping? Huh. I’m thinking this cartoon is nearly as offensive, in its way, and the ones preceding it.
But I have to admit that the draftsmanship is excellent.
8) Vivian Just Wants to Play Video Games Send Emails
In this cartoon, evil ghosts, representing who the fuck knows what, try to distract Vivian James from her appointed task: sending emails to advertisers. Vivian shakes them off and KEEPS SENDING EMAILS.
I’m kind of worried about Vivian. She doesn’t seem to have much joy in her life. Her friend Gilda, with the hat, at least seems to enjoy her job delivering mail.
It would seem surrealism is alive and well.
Don’t bother. It’s such a secret conspiracy not even jews are aware of it!
I could have sworn George Costanza was a Jewish character, which would make that horrid piece of antisemitism even more ironic.
Also, I am 85% certain that Quinn in the vomit picture was traced from a smut manga. It has about the same quality of horror.
All my Jewish friends will simply plotz when I tell them they own Reddit!
“Focus! Don’t lose sight of goal.”
Which is…? Oh yeah, Zoe Quinn “ethics in videogame journalism”.
(I keep forgetting, because those posts keep shifting.)
Shit. Strikethrough mode is borked.
Strikethrough in HTML is <del></del>
I’d go into all kinds of analysis about the Zoe Quinn gut punch picture, but the heart of the matter is, it’s an excuse to indulge in violence against her that is justifiable on the surface of it.
I hope it was good for whoever drew it.
It’s like masturbation. There’s a resting state, an arousal, a period of growing tension, a cathartic act is performed, there’s a resolution period, wash, rinse, repeat.
*justifiable on the surface of it, but not if you actually think about the symbolism.
Sorry, my mind wandered ahead the wankery.
Y’know one thing really bugs me about Viv. Channers had a shot at championing a real non-stereotypical gamer, a “normal girl who plays video games” as they like to parrot, and their idea of a normal girl, indeed a normal person, is an anti-social, bored, monosyllabic, shut-in. Yeah. Totally normal.
/v/, confirming the worst stereotypes about gamers in the public’s eye and making everyone else who plays games look fucking terrible by association since 2003!
Basically a harem-anime archetype, which bit them real hard in the ass when their whole point of creating a female character was to show they weren’t misogynistic or objectifying.
Poor Vivian James. Now they’re making her turn down a big wad of cash and George Clooney’s floating head in favor of churning out boring, inscrutable Reddit comments.
I’m pretty sure that’s a violation of international sweatshop labor laws.
@ikanreed that comic is perfect!
Wow, and I thought I couldn’t draw. At least now I know I can’t draw better than these dudes can’t draw.
Wait… Vivian James is supposed to be the daughter of the movement? That’s creepy, gamergators shouldn’t be allowed to have kids, even if they are just are.
It’s hilarious that the “child” of their movement is as un-diverse as they want video games to be. A white, redhead (which redheads are like the white people wet dream) who is antisocial just like them. They couldn’t even make a minority character, probably because they’re all racists who rhink only white people are attractive. Despite Vivian being “their daughter” at best they couldn’t stand an “ugly” woman, at worst Vivian is their wet dream as well as “their daughter.”
I think they believe that antisemitism is so in the past, there is absolutely no way that they can be taken seriously if they act antisemititc. You get to be appalling and have a built-in defense for why someone is stupid for being appalled by you, which apparently is the whole point of the internet, now.
Of course, the fact that your friends are next to youi legit complaining about how the Jews own Reddit is kind of taking away from the whole thing.
You know, Reddit needs less kvetching and kibitzing. And more kvelling.
Why does the gator who’s punching Zoe Quinn have red eyes and no nose? He looks like Lord Voldemort. And what’s with the random lens flares on his head?
As for the Mr. Game Maker cartoon, how lazy do you have to be to not only draw stick figures in MS Paint, but then flip them horizontally? I know it took whole entire seconds to draw them, but at least redo the writing on the hat so it isn’t backwards.
Anti-semitism features also rather heavily in the logs of #burgersandfries.
By the way, has anyone seen that some people in those logs seem to admit that they’re the same group that harassed Anita Sarkeesian all the time?
= “We caused the harassment that led to her Kickstarter success” = “We harassed back then and are still into it”
And more, not as convincing stand-alone:
So I saw this over at GamerGhazi, and I thought I should share it. TRIGGER WARNING for extreme transphobia.
The longer they draw this thing out, the less coherent they become.
What does Vivian James even represent? I thought she was supposed to be a totally neutral “average girl who likes video games”, but if she’s an active agent for GamerGate, helping them send emails and stuff, doesn’t that prevent her from being their shield?
Is she being held hostage by the SJWs somehow? Is she with GGers? Have other characters joined her canon?
That’s the problem with a figurehead who’s just an empty mouthpiece through which anyone can voice their agenda – GamerGate will die out in part thanks to lack of consistency.
As for what’s going on with the vicious anti-Semitism… Maybe they’re ok with Nazis, just not like, those feminazis, who they constantly compare to actual historical Nazis, but the ones in their movement, the neo-nazis, who distance themselves from the image of actual historical bad-guys and Indiana-Jones villain Nazis, but are more into the whole actual Nazi “philosophy” thing; they’re A-OK, because the enemy of my enemy is, well, still my enemy, but only because they think gamers are dorks, not because of any of that racism stuff, and something about Jews being an acceptable target for hostility because they’re totally controlling everything, and who said anything about those cartoons being anything to do with Jews anyway? They’re about those Eeevil EssJayDoubl– Um, I mean, people we deny this movement had anything to do with in the first place. It’s actually about ethics in video game journalism. STOP BULLYING US BY POKING HOLES IN OUR PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY DEFENSES.
@Buttercup, those aren’t lens flares, those are angry veins.
George Costanza has a history with /pol/.
She’s writing those emails with a pen and delivering them with envelopes? Oooookay.
And why do they think we won’t buy the video games, if they make what we like? I already spend way too much money on video games, and I’m very limited by what I’ll actually enjoy. If I were offered more things to my taste, I would spend more.
I guess they really do believe that the animated gamer girl truly is the only real one.
As for the anti-semitism, I just can’t wrap my head around that, at all. What does religion have to do with this, at all?
I’m getting the impression that they believe that if they are not ACTUALLY physically assaulting someone, then they are exercising restraint.
Probably because they feel the need to actually restrain themselves to keep from actually physically assaulting someone with whom they disagree.
But, hey, putting someone’s home address out there, along with rape and death threats, and whipping up your followers into a frenzy is no problem, right? Because no one has ever heard their leaders say “So and so deserves to be raped and murdered,” and then actually followed through on their leaders’ instructions, right? No one has ever ACTUALLY incited a mob to riot, right? No one has ACTUALLY convinced another person to do the wet-work for them, right?
Nope, it’s just words, and words can never hurt. Ever. Under any circumstances.
@Falconer Ah, thanks for the explanation. I’m from the old-fashioned “big black scribble cloud in a dialogue balloon” school of cartoon anger. Is that how all the kids are wearing their veins nowadays?