
Whoever said that a picture is worth a thousand words clearly hasn’t been looking at the artwork of #GamerGate — unless by “a thousand words” you mean the word “poop” repeated a thousand times.
Nonetheless, to honor the hard work of GamerGate’s unsung graphic heroes, and on the off chance that I might not be fully grasping the subtle meanings of these aesthetically impaired visionaries, I would like to present to you all today a series of [] incomprehensible GamerGate Cartoons, which I have collected from 8chan and Twitter and various other places I don’t even remember.
CONTENT WARNING: Cartoon violence, misogyny, raging anti-Semitism, really bad drawing.
1) Zoe Quinn Vomits Vivian James
In this lovely comic, #GamerGate nemesis Zoe Quinn projectile vomits #GamerGate’s imaginary girlfriend Vivian James after being punched in the stomach by 4Chan’s vidya board. But #GamerGate isn’t about Zoe Quinn, we don’t even know who she is, right guys?
2) Damsel in Dis Dress
In this cartoon, #GamerGate nemesis #2, Anita Sarkeesian, responds to gentle criticism from Mr. 4chan vidya board by putting on a very peculiar outfit and crying for help. But #GamerGate isn’t about Anita Sarkeesian, that is, Anita WHO?
3) Fickle Female
In this exquisitely drawn miniature masterpiece, a fickle female demands that games be made to suit her, but then refuses to buy these games since she, as a female, does not actually play games. But #GamerGate isn’t about defining games as a male thing, where would you even get that idea, wow, I think you’re the real misogynist here.
4) Anita Refund!
In this somewhat perplexing entry, Anita Sarkeesian — rendered as a crude stereotype of an evil avaricious Jew — warns her followers about evil video games, then happily walks off with a giant bag of cash as “logic” and … a Nazi? attack them. The video game characters stand by innocently. But #GamerGate isn’t anti-Semitic, I mean, that’s just a caricature of Anita, she’s not Jewish, you must be the anti-Semite for even thinking that was anti-Semitic.
5) Weapons of Mass Distraction
In this cartoon, a little easier to understand, an evil Jewish puppetmaster distracts 4Channers — represented by the old Nazi dude — with Vivian James. While Mr. 4Chan gives generously to the Vivian James video game project, Zoe Quinn and the other real enemies are ignored. But #GamerGate isn’t anti… oh, ok, I guess this cartoon is pretty massively anti-Semitic. But it’s, er, for the lulz. The lelz? Top kek?
6) Muh Shekels Muh Diversity
What the hell, did I wander onto Stormfront or something? In this cartoon, Vivian James beats up a Jewish Reddit alien for betraying the cause of vidya games. I don’t know why she has the face of George Costanza.
Ok, I’ve got to be able to find a cartoon that’s not filled with vicious bigotry, right? I mean, #GamerGate is about ethics in journalism, right? Ah, I’ve got it:
7) Games Media, Take My Hand!
In this one, #GamerGate just wants to keep gaming media from drowning, but snobby gaming media considers this help to be harassment? Apparently threats and doxxing and boycotts and slander are just #GamerGate’s way of helping? Huh. I’m thinking this cartoon is nearly as offensive, in its way, and the ones preceding it.
But I have to admit that the draftsmanship is excellent.
8) Vivian Just Wants to Play Video Games Send Emails
In this cartoon, evil ghosts, representing who the fuck knows what, try to distract Vivian James from her appointed task: sending emails to advertisers. Vivian shakes them off and KEEPS SENDING EMAILS.
I’m kind of worried about Vivian. She doesn’t seem to have much joy in her life. Her friend Gilda, with the hat, at least seems to enjoy her job delivering mail.
For all the holy tapdancing monkeys in the universe, what the Hell was THAT!?
I’m pretty sure that the dress in #2 is supposed to represent Peach from the Super Mario Bros series. It just isn’t drawn very well.
La dee dah dum dee doo, we don’t learn anything from our mistakes and will continue to use neonazi imagery for showing how oppressed we are.
Free Vivian James! Poor kiddo.
I want to write a heroic short story about Vivian’s enslavement by Gamergate and her escape from their clutches. Or her rescue from their clutches with the help of SJWs.
Or a comic (if I could draw) of her standing facing the viewer, repeating the same GG rhetoric that they’ve given her, until in the next cell her expression turns to urgency and she cries “HELP ME! They’re keeping me hostage! They’ve doxxed my family and they threatened to rape and kill me if I don’t comply. Don’t believe any of them, it’s all about misogyny! The SJWs were ri-” [dragged off scene by a small group of dark figures].
#6 looks like a shopped version of an original cartoon where vivian beats up reddit (without all the antisemitic shit).
Oooh, and for people who don’t know, apparently Gilda is the avatar of Reddit. The little red and blue balls on her hat are upvotes and downvotes, and the top stalk is meant to look like Snoo’s.
Reddit isn’t well liked, apparently, hence the derp face.
Yeah I don’t think Vivian is really enjoying her time as GG’s fake girlfriend. Look how unhappy she is playing that Nintendo DS! Cheer up, Viv! Let’s play Animal Crossing together!
Although I guess she’s unhappy because she was so recently in… a giant… Zoe Quinn???????? I don’t understand.
Actually… it’s about ethics in games journalism.
That line never gets old.
I thought it was about feminists criticising that scientists shirt, or has #Shirtgate faded out?
Doxxing, harrassment, death threats, slurs, lies, over-the-top military rhetoric, and vicious blood drenched anti-Semitic cartoons are personified by a frowny guy gently tapping Anita Sarkeesian on the shoulder and saying “Hmm, I kind of disagree”???
I love how they think they’ve been Ever So Calm And Reasonable throughout this whole farce. My land, you can practically smell the Earl Grey and crumpets wafting off their rhetoric! *fans violet hanky*
So is Mel Gibson going to star in the GamerGate movie or…
Buttercup Q. Skullpants, you mean like this This internet classic?
Just noticed the guy in the Zoe Quinn picture has one really well-muscled arm and one really spindly one. Make of that what you will.
Why is the disembodied head of George Clooney leering at Vivian James?
Misogyny and antisemitism are good, but Nazis are bad?
Bigotry is crucial to ethics?
How stupid these guys are actually makes me sad for them. Not as sad as I am disgusted and angry, but still sad. I can’t even begin to imagine how the world must mystify them and how much they have to rely on their privilege to get anywhere in life. It must make life confusing and scary for them. I know depression. I know feeling out of control, worthless and confused. If that’s how they feel and no meds can help, it must hurt. It reminds me of why you should never put pinch collars on dogs. The collar hurts them when they try to jump on people. They don’t know that the jumping and the collar cause the pain. They start to think that the people they jump on are hurting them. They can begin to fear and hate strangers. It can ruin a dog and put people in danger from the dog.
The difference is that these people are malicious. They enjoy terrorizing safe targets. They encourage others to terrorize the people they target. Dogs are better people than these people.
Since when is antisemitism hip again? I thought the right-wingers were full-on hating muslims these days. Ah, *channers are all for the retro revivals I suppose.
Also, “Ghosts may lie, and divided we fall” makes me laugh, because they are happy to throw half their movement under the bus in a heartbeat to absolve themselves of any responsibility in policing their own abhorrent behavior.
I guess that makes sense but it really looks like a figure skating costume to me.
I’m really, struggling to make sense of why Jason Alexander’s face is shopped onto Vivian James. I can not think of a single explanation that makes sense. Somehow I doubt he’d appreciate being depicted as committing an anti-Semitic hate crime in the name of a misogyny movement though. I’ve never heard or seen him speak about social justice issues specifically but he did write a glorious rant against the NRA and the anti-gun control right so I’d assume he’s more on the progressive side. Plus we worked alongside Jewish people for many years on Seinfeld.
I thought Vivian James was supposed to be gamergate’s daughter. So why would we she be expelled by Zoe Quinn? Wouldn’t that make Vivian her daughter? And why is 4Chan depicted with evil looking red eyes? That gives them the appearance of being the villains. Is the artist purposely wanting to look like the bad guy or is he does he just not understand symbolism so basic a 6 year old could get it?
#2 would actually be more accurate if the puncher was shouting “DON’T CALL US MISOGYNISTS!” while he was attacking a real woman to rescue an imaginary woman they designed to always agree with them. It’s basically GamerGate.jpg.
I meant he worked on Seinfeld. Not we. Where did that come from?
I didn’t know Reddit was owned by “the Jews”! Not a Jew, not some Jews, but apparently all Jews collectively! I’ll have to ask about that next time I’m buying bagels.
Didn’t you know Moggie? All Jewish people know each other! In fact they all work together as a hivemind. Just like feminists!
Well, I just got lectured by one of the tabletop bloggers I’ve been reading lately about how “shitty people are everywhere” and moderates have to allow for extremists. Did you know that anti-GGers have been making death threats and doxxing? They’re just as bad as the extremists of GamerGate, donchaknow!
Jesus, it’s Friday. I don’t have time for this David Brooks shit.
To quote an older cartoon character, “Wot the heck?!?” If this was a class, the highest grades I’d give for any of this would be a “C-“.
*waves hands in the air, makes scary face* DA JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!!