#gamergate 4chan 8chan a woman is always to blame anti-Semitism antifeminism comics creepy entitled babies evil SJWs gross incompetence literal nazis men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim zoe quinn

#GamerGate explained in 8 terrible, horrible, no good cartoons

Some people should probably not try to draw cartoons
Some people should probably not try to draw cartoons

Whoever said that a picture is worth a thousand words clearly hasn’t been looking at the artwork of #GamerGate — unless by “a thousand words” you mean the word “poop” repeated a thousand times.

Nonetheless, to honor the hard work of GamerGate’s unsung graphic heroes, and on the off chance that I might not be fully grasping the subtle meanings of these aesthetically impaired visionaries, I would like to present to you all today a series of [] incomprehensible GamerGate Cartoons, which I have collected from 8chan and Twitter and various other places I don’t even remember.

CONTENT WARNING: Cartoon violence, misogyny, raging anti-Semitism, really bad drawing.

1) Zoe Quinn Vomits Vivian James

In this lovely comic, #GamerGate nemesis Zoe Quinn projectile vomits #GamerGate’s imaginary girlfriend Vivian James after being punched in the stomach by 4Chan’s vidya board. But #GamerGate isn’t about Zoe Quinn, we don’t even know who she is, right guys?


2) Damsel in Dis Dress

In this cartoon, #GamerGate nemesis #2, Anita Sarkeesian, responds to gentle criticism from Mr. 4chan vidya board by putting on a very peculiar outfit and crying for help. But #GamerGate isn’t about Anita Sarkeesian, that is, Anita WHO?

3) Fickle Female

In this exquisitely drawn miniature masterpiece, a fickle female demands that games be made to suit her, but then refuses to buy these games since she, as a female, does not actually play games. But #GamerGate isn’t about defining games as a male thing, where would you even get that idea, wow, I think you’re the real misogynist here.


4) Anita Refund!

In this somewhat perplexing entry, Anita Sarkeesian — rendered as a crude stereotype of an evil avaricious Jew — warns her followers about evil video games, then happily walks off with a giant bag of cash as “logic” and … a Nazi? attack them. The video game characters stand by innocently. But #GamerGate isn’t anti-Semitic, I mean, that’s just a caricature of Anita, she’s not Jewish, you must be the anti-Semite for even thinking that was anti-Semitic.

5) Weapons of Mass Distraction

In this cartoon, a little easier to understand, an evil Jewish puppetmaster distracts 4Channers — represented by the old Nazi dude — with Vivian James. While Mr. 4Chan gives generously to the Vivian James video game project, Zoe Quinn and the other real enemies are ignored. But #GamerGate isn’t anti… oh, ok, I guess this cartoon is pretty massively anti-Semitic. But it’s, er, for the lulz. The lelz? Top kek?


6) Muh Shekels Muh Diversity

What the hell, did I wander onto Stormfront or something? In this cartoon, Vivian James beats up a Jewish Reddit alien for betraying the cause of vidya games. I don’t know why she has the face of George Costanza.


Ok, I’ve got to be able to find a cartoon that’s not filled with vicious bigotry, right? I mean, #GamerGate is about ethics in journalism, right? Ah, I’ve got it:

7) Games Media, Take My Hand!

In this one, #GamerGate just wants to keep gaming media from drowning, but snobby gaming media considers this help to be harassment? Apparently threats and doxxing and boycotts and slander are just #GamerGate’s way of helping? Huh. I’m thinking this cartoon is nearly as offensive, in its way, and the ones preceding it.

But I have to admit that the draftsmanship is excellent.

8) Vivian Just Wants to Play Video Games Send Emails

In this cartoon, evil ghosts, representing who the fuck knows what, try to distract Vivian James from her appointed task: sending emails to advertisers. Vivian shakes them off and KEEPS SENDING EMAILS.

I’m kind of worried about Vivian. She doesn’t seem to have much joy in her life. Her friend Gilda, with the hat, at least seems to enjoy her job delivering mail.

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10 years ago

So Zoe Quinn has been threatened with a lawsuit by the guy who runs The Fine Young Capitalists (which is looking ever more skeezy the more I read about it). So she released this:

I may be mistaken, but I was under the impression that TFYC operated from outside of the United States? It seems like a ridiculous amount of effort to sue someone in a foreign court system for (basically) saying mean things about you. Especially since libel and slander are notoriously difficult to successfully sue over – and the things she’s saying are, well, true. It sounds like empty threats, unless they really are stupid and quick to anger.

…Besides, would anyone have ever heard of these scam artists if they hadn’t used her for publicity? They should be offering her a share, not threatening suit.

“problem glasses”


…Since when are “otherkin” and “headmates” SJW things?

10 years ago

They have patriarchy twice. They must think it’s particularly bad.

Plus, they use all those terms in their infographic, which must make them the biggest SJWs of all!

10 years ago

Hmm.. infographic… visualisation that provides information.

Need alternative term for these.



M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


I call them GBBs. “Glenn Beck’s blackboards.”

10 years ago
10 years ago

“Problem glasses”: this reminds me of high school students deciding which brands of footwear are acceptable this year. I bet all those SJWs wear Vans instead of Chucks!

10 years ago

Re: GoJo: I love that stuff. Perfect for post messy painting/staining & after working on oily machines.

Lava Soap’s great, but always struck me as a bit more heavy duty. Like, “I’ve been working on cranes all day and will have perma-black creases in my hands unless I pull this stuff out,” heavy.

Re: winter moisturization: Coconut oil twice a day. It’s not an instant fix, but consistency pays off (and you end up smelling like cookies, so it’s a win-win 😀 ).
This is coming from someone who has cracked and bleeding fingers by mid-winter if she doesn’t take extensive measures.

10 years ago

And, ohhhh – this is slightly OT but ties into addressing most of the posts here (or, well…the trolls on the posts here, anyway):

I wouldn’t usually link to BuzzFeed, but this seems like something with actual explanatory power.

10 years ago

Someone else who has hand problems in the winter* here! Working in a dusty workshop means i’m always having to wash my hands. If I don’t use some sort of moisturiser, the backs of my hands just get totalled (even to the point of bleeding sometimes). Most of the time I just use some random generic stuff that’s been laying around the house for years (my dad used to have the same problem).

Luckily what I do involves larger things (vs small, fiddly work like what a mechanic would be doing), so I can get away with wearing gloves the majority of the time and avoid getting all the nasty oil and grease on my skin.

*Actually, it’s only November and it’s already started for me.

10 years ago

That glasses “graphic”…there’s more projection there than the drive-in. I get the feeling that “SJW” replaces “hipster” in some way, like in a “I know it’s an insult but now it’s rendered meaningless because I use it for everything/everybody” way. Also, “directionless, faux-intellectuals who vastly overestimate their self worth and importance” sounds more like GGers than the people they hate. Actually, that describes right-wing assholes and MRAs as well. It’s a bit hilarious that they unintentionally describe themselves with this stuff.

10 years ago

I’m pretty sure that the first pic is a reference to cell from dbz getting punched so hard that he puked up A. 18.

It reminded me of an older joke about Captain Falcon performing an abortion via Falcon Punch. There’s a cartoon of him making Princess Peach puke a fetus* in much the same manner**.

*Yes, I know it makes no sense.
**The Falcon Punch is a straight punch with a distinctive exaggerated pose. Judging by the size difference, the punch angle and “Zoe”‘s wide open mouth, yeah, it is basically traced from Gohan punching Cell.
***I am a hopeless nerd.

10 years ago

That glasses thing is so stupid (obviously). But those styles aren’t even “outdated” looking, or some obscure, hipster thing. Large plastic frames are a very popular current style. What kind of glasses would be acceptable for gamers to wear, I wonder.

10 years ago

And glasses frames are really expensive, especially if you have more than basic eye issues to correct – even today it makes the lenses thicker. The thicker the lenses (microns), the more limited the frame options.

And given that we all buy our frames from whatever is available from the optometrist at the time we need them, it’s not like glasses-wearers are putting in special orders for the frames.

This is just like blaming first-home buyers for how expensive houses are.

I wonder how many of these GGers drool over Google Glass, which if you’re going to talk about hipster, pretentious glasses, those spring to mind.

10 years ago

I think that the George Costanza mask in #6 is supposed to be a reference to the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry and George took a limo meant for a guy who got stuck in Chicago and then ended up getting mistaken for the leaders of a Neo-Nazi group because the guy who got stuck in Chicago turned out to be the leader of one such group.

10 years ago

I feel bad for Vivian

As for dragon ball series im not much of a fan for them, I just like Trunks, 17 and 18. I watched the abrideged series on youtube and its so funny.

10 years ago

Shouldn’t there be a “very bad” in between no good and drawings? Or am I the only one who picked up the Judith Viorst vibe here? I’d say they could move to Australia, but they’re probably banned.

10 years ago

One of the things (just ONE) of the things that bother me about Vivian James is the similarity to Ellen James. Remember “World According to Garp”? The Ellen Jamesians were the most appalling caricature of feminists I had seen up to that point.

I may be giving these burbling whatsits more credit than they deserve, here.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Oy, demosthenes, we’ve got enough home-grown misogynists here, don’t send any more our way!

Though if we could shove ’em all into the prison camps detention centres, instead of the innocent people there now, that might not be such a bad thing.

9 years ago

Oh god do your skills get any worse with editing images and grammar? I mean seriously you must be targeting idiots, then again you are the psuedo-journalist who supports raping boys

9 years ago

Reading comprehension: still not a GG class skill.

9 years ago

The images are all terrible. But they were made by gamergaters, not David. What a sad, stupid necro that was.

Boris Baran
9 years ago

Well, no movement infested by reactionary elements can do it without antisemitic conspiracy theories (we’re to blame for everything, right?) and in case of Sarkeesian, it is a rather fucked-up case of irony of fate, as the Armenians were victims of genocide, too and unlike the Germans, Turkey doesn’t even acknowledge it (and jail people, who publicly do).

9 years ago

I like how in # 3 the guy was either, too lazy or unable to replicate the artistic masterpiece that is “GAME MAKER” on the lefthand side of the page so he just copied it and flipped it horizontally.


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