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Pickup sleazeball Julien Blanc banned from Britain; has not yet developed self-awareness

Good news, everyone! Futurama reference aside, this actually is good news: Julien Blanc, the creepy PUA who taches men how to “pick up” women by assaulting and gaslighting them, has been barred entry into the UK.

Here’s Newsweek with some of the details:

Controversial California ‘pick-up artist’ Julien Blanc has been denied entry to the UK, after a petition to prevent him hosting dating seminars in the country branding them “misogynistic”, amassed over 120,000 signatures.

The UK home secretary, Theresa May, has banned Blanc from entering the country on the grounds that his activities are “not conducive to the public good”, as the self-described “dating guru” was preparing to visit the UK in February as part of a world tour.

For more, see TheGuardian, The Telegraph, and The Daily Mail.

And watch the video above; it’s an interview he gave on CNN. The combination of his self-pity and his complete lack of self-awareness is astounding. Apparently he wants us to think that he’s a misunderstood dogooder who’s just trying to help socially awkward men find their future wives.

“I’m not going to be happy to feel like I’m the most hated man in the world,” he tells the interviewer. “I’m overwhelmed by the way people are responding.”

That I don’t doubt.

He also tells the interviewer that the pictures of him choking women were “a horrible attempt at humor. They were also taken out of context, in a way.”

Watch his body language as he says that last bit; he seems to deflate partway through,  presumably realizing that no one is going to buy this obvious bullshit. But he rallies and keeps going, trying to excuse his behavior by saying “you can make anything look bad in a picture.”

These were, of course, pictures he proudly posted on Twitter with the hashtag #ChokingGirlsAllAroundTheWorld.

He now says he’s “reevaluating” the stuff he puts out. He might want to reevaluate his soul.

Check out the #TakeDownJulienBlanc hashtag on Twitter for the latest; there are still more countries he needs to be kept out of.

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10 years ago

“Taking it out of context” is so overused. To the point of ridiculousness sometimes. There’s a discussion on Vice about Tyler Cooks confession of raping a stripper and one of his fan boys is insisting that it was “taken out of context.” There is no context in the world that would rectify what Tyler or Blanc or any other sexual predator has done.

Also, it’s not “taking it out of context” if most of what you say and do is still supportive of assault and manipulation. That IS the context!

10 years ago

They’re already gathering signatures in Argentina (no official visit announced, but he did intend to visit next-door-Brazil)

10 years ago

It was good to see he was banned from coming here. It wasn’t good to see Milo Yiannopoulos defending Blanc on channel 4 news.

Katherine XII
Katherine XII
10 years ago

Reality is a context that some people find to be anathema.

10 years ago

“Taking it out of context” is the new “it’s satire!”

10 years ago

For me it was the smirky little inward chuckles he was doing as the presenter described him – absolutely repellent behaviour.

Hopefully Mrs Blanc will tell her son over the holiday period what an awful boy he has been.

10 years ago

I’d like to ask him what kind of context he thinks would justify his behavior. Then I’d like to watch him squirm as every one of the contexts he suggests get shot down as just as morally reprehensible. That would be entertainment!

10 years ago

I look forward to the day when the last nation state on Earth has banned Julien Blanc and he’s forced to either live on the seas or in space.

10 years ago

“I’m not going to be happy to feel like I’m the most hated man in the world.”

Sleazy Creep to English translation:

“I just found out that our increasingly global community is increasingly unwilling to let me get away with despicable behaviour just because I’m a straight white man, and I don’t think I like it.”

His sense of entitlement is astounding. News like this fill me with hope for humanity. Thanks for this article, David.

10 years ago

So is he calling the Victorian Police and their domestic violence task force liars? Because they responded to the petition and determined that there was merit to the petition?

Is he calling the Australian Department of Immigration liars — wait don’t answer that

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

I say we open the borders of Ferdinandea for him. He needs *somewhere* to live. Or was that dive?

Citizen Justin
10 years ago

As a Brit I’m glad that this POS has been banned from entering my country.

If there is a downside, the fact that this has made the national news has increased awareness of the existence of such people, possibly giving the others more publicity – including any who may be resident in the UK.

10 years ago

I think if all countries ban him, he may feel right at home in the Garbage Island.

(And if not, well… too bad?)

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

But but but….FREEZE PEACH!!!

Oh wait…the UK doesn’t have a First Amendment. There is no right to free speech over there. Nor, frankly, in most places in the world. Not the US-sanctioned version, in any event.

10 years ago

Pretty much every body of land that can comfortably support humans already has some, we’re the rabbits of the not-animal kingdom, and the everything else I suppose.

10 years ago

Also, the story of Ferdinandea later inspired the Discworld novel, Jingo.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
10 years ago

I’m surprised and stunned: I didn’t think Milo Yiannopolis was a real person.

10 years ago

I hope you don’t mind I also use this thread to vomit a little…

I was looking for training material on equality at work (an Important Big Multinational company) and among very professional and useful documents I also found an summary of the book “Is There Anything Good About Men”, which seems to come from the WTFarrel school of thought.


I reported the content to the company, I hope they AT LEAST take it down from the learning section…

10 years ago

At least as of yesterday, his tweets are “protected”. Probably because they’re full of vile drivel.

Also, even though Canada has taken no formal measures to bar him yet, RSD has cancelled all dates for here. Guess someone has seen the writing on his own wall…

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

The one and only review of that book:

A balanced book that will enrage the gender police. But nowadays, common sense is just offensive.

I… “Gender police”? That’s one of those infamous Amazon joke reviews, right? ಠ_ಠ

10 years ago

Wow. In response to being asked if he’s apologizing because he got got caught, or if he’s actually sorry:

No, I’m extremely sorry. Like, I feel horrible. I’m not going to be happy to feel like I’m the most hated man in the world.

That just sums it up, doesn’t it? It’s not that he’s sorry that what he was showing was hurting women, that men might have been taking his advice and assaulting women on their own, that he’s contributing to a culture that is extremely harmful to women and people as a whole. He’s sorry that he’s hated. It’s all about him, not once does he mention that he’s regretful that anyone might have been hurt by his reprehensible actions and postings.

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