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Pickup sleazeball Julien Blanc banned from Britain; has not yet developed self-awareness

Good news, everyone! Futurama reference aside, this actually is good news: Julien Blanc, the creepy PUA who taches men how to “pick up” women by assaulting and gaslighting them, has been barred entry into the UK.

Here’s Newsweek with some of the details:

Controversial California ‘pick-up artist’ Julien Blanc has been denied entry to the UK, after a petition to prevent him hosting dating seminars in the country branding them “misogynistic”, amassed over 120,000 signatures.

The UK home secretary, Theresa May, has banned Blanc from entering the country on the grounds that his activities are “not conducive to the public good”, as the self-described “dating guru” was preparing to visit the UK in February as part of a world tour.

For more, see TheGuardian, The Telegraph, and The Daily Mail.

And watch the video above; it’s an interview he gave on CNN. The combination of his self-pity and his complete lack of self-awareness is astounding. Apparently he wants us to think that he’s a misunderstood dogooder who’s just trying to help socially awkward men find their future wives.

“I’m not going to be happy to feel like I’m the most hated man in the world,” he tells the interviewer. “I’m overwhelmed by the way people are responding.”

That I don’t doubt.

He also tells the interviewer that the pictures of him choking women were “a horrible attempt at humor. They were also taken out of context, in a way.”

Watch his body language as he says that last bit; he seems to deflate partway through,  presumably realizing that no one is going to buy this obvious bullshit. But he rallies and keeps going, trying to excuse his behavior by saying “you can make anything look bad in a picture.”

These were, of course, pictures he proudly posted on Twitter with the hashtag #ChokingGirlsAllAroundTheWorld.

He now says he’s “reevaluating” the stuff he puts out. He might want to reevaluate his soul.

Check out the #TakeDownJulienBlanc hashtag on Twitter for the latest; there are still more countries he needs to be kept out of.

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10 years ago

Is it Finland, maybe?

10 years ago

Oh that video was hilarious.

10 years ago

I’d guess Finnish, as well.

Hee! Yeah, I’ll be right with you (nom nom).

10 years ago

What I’d like to know is why this hasn’t happened to Roosh left and right.

10 years ago

Maybe he doesn’t like picking up dog treats off the ground with his mouth?

10 years ago

I know “koira” is “dog” in Finnish, so thirding that guess.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

OMG that video doesn’t even need the sound on! XD

Michael Lindsay
10 years ago

“I was just joking” does not cut it.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Loved the video! Of the dog, that is.

Julien Blanc, on the other hand… Blech.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
10 years ago

This is what we need to teach people of all ages: ‘Joking around’ or ‘Just having a bit of fun’ isn’t joking or funny if the person you’re joking with or just having a bit of fun with isn’t also in on the joke or having fun. If your ‘joking around’ is about abusing someone, then what you’re doing is ‘Making someone the victim of your joke’. If your ‘just having a bit of fun’ is about taunting or harassing or torturing someone, then you’re ‘making fun of someone’ or ‘having fun at someone else’s expense.’ People who genuinely have a sense of humour don’t find comedic pleasure in abusing or torturing other people, and when they do make fun of people, it’s of people who have more power than they do, not those with less.

10 years ago

We have a petition going to keep this arsehole out of Ireland too. We have enough problems as it is, we don’t another predator on our streets. And man, that CNN interviewing isn’t holding back at all. Good!

10 years ago



10 years ago

“You can make anything look bad in a picture.” Um, I don’t think you’d have to make any special effort to make CHOKING PEOPLE look bad.

10 years ago

Potterchic: this guy also forgets that it’s not like we screen capped those pictures from a video he did, they’re images that HE TWEETED HIMSELF. If its anyones fault for making him look bad its his. We took them in the entirety of the context they were in, more in fact as we noted that in videos he said he choked them as an opener and endorsed grabbing random women in public. So yeah. He really didn’t know what he was saying when he blurted “out of context”.


@NonServiam and @tinyorc… hey Irish pals! The petition is on; it isn’t terribly easy to find even if you Google it. We definitely need to get the word out.

10 years ago


Yep, it’s Finnish alright. Koira is indeed dog, and mestari could mean master, champion or expert (among others). The little I know about the show, I guess an adequate translation could be Dog Expert, as the onus appears to be on the young dog trainers, not the dogs themselves.

tl;dr: Yep, Finnish.

10 years ago

No soup for you, italics mammoth!

10 years ago

Funny, you mentioned his body language, David! Actually the first thing really popping in my mind, was: “oh! He is claiming, that many guys have invited him to their weddings and is shaking his head, while doind so. He’s lying!” And I’m pretty sure he indeed did lie about that and probably other stuff!

Any weddings he would have been to were either blood relations, or else he was crashing ’em. Because who’d marry a PUAsshole?

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

“The most hated man in the world”? Oh, honey, no. You’re no more significant as a villain than you were as a regular Joe, and your fifteen minutes will soon be over.

10 years ago

the comments on youtube are so horrible :S

They kind of complain about how ”feminism is controlling the media” because they don’t agree with the way the reporter interviewed him, lol

And they actually tried to justifiy his behavior… I mean it is clear that those seminars don’t seem to teach men to RESPECT women in the first place.

And they also agrue that somehow men are poooor poooor things who don’t have enough confidence and by being an ”alpha male” (disrespectull asshole) they totally gain confidence …..

Tina S
Tina S
10 years ago

Omg, he so totally is not taking responsibility in that interview. There is no way that he is so ignorant that he thought he was joking.

10 years ago

He’s coming to Finland soon… And Finnish law doesn’t really have a way to tell him not to. I just told a friend that I hope nobody attends his expensive seminar that doesn’t offer any of the (horrible) advice you can’t get from the internet for free or that people will only turn up to mock and question him and his methods.

Unless of course The Giant Claw appears and carries him away.

10 years ago

Can he at least be booted out of Finland once he gets there, Catfish?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Is there any good public info of his schedule?

10 years ago

It takes a special kind of idiot to buy in to that whole PUA thing. I’m just not sure the amount of media attention he is getting is a good thing. A lot of special kind of idiots could flock to him after finding about the snake oil he is selling.