![Internet Aristocrat: Fighting corruption with targeted abuse](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/tumblr_ncah5seuud1rcltzfo1_500.jpg?resize=500%2C500&ssl=1)
YouTube garbage blabber Internet Aristocrat — you know, the guy that helped to kick off #GamerGate with the first video attacking Zoe Quinn but who’s since broken from the “movement” for reasons — has been working himself into a lather over Women, Action & the Media’s Twitter reporting initiative.
So he’s decided to take a principled stance against this terrible threat to free speech — or at least free speech that includes targeted abuse and bigoted slurs — by posting a series of detailed, logical essays elucidating the dange …
Nah, who am I kidding. He responded by posting a series of inane photoshopped images on Twitter and calling WAM! Executive Director Jaclyn Friedman a, well, it starts with a c.
Here’s his photoshopped pic of one of WAM!’s webpages, with testimonials from assorted feminists turned into jokes about poop and patriarchy:
![Click for larger version. Not an actual page on WAM!'s website.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/wamphotoshop.png?resize=580%2C519&ssl=1)
Here’s his photoshopped picture of Anna Holmes, a member of WAM!’s board of directors, sitting on a toilet:
And here he’s combined an attack on WAM! with a weird misogynistic attack on … Anita Sarkeesian’s collaborator on Feminist Frequency, Jonathon McIntosh, a frequent target of IA’s abuse.
This little bit of photoshop wizardry inspired one of IA’s followers to concoct an even worse photoshop disaster featuring McIntosh, working some extra racism and homophobia into the mix.
While IA continues his, er, protest — his Twitter timeline is currently filled with puerile, slur-filled personal attacks — there are other more heartening reponses to WAM!’s program. Here one concerned #GamerGater warns his comrades not to let evil SJW’s “trap” them by … luring GGers into abusing them.
The logic here is a bit absurd. If you’re abusive on Twitter, or anywhere, that’s your fault, not the fault of someone “provoking” you through the devious strategy of asking you questions. But the effect of warnings like this may be that GGers will think twice before abusing people. Thus cutting down on abuse on Twitter.
Hey, I’ll take it.
FULL DISCLOSURE: WAM! is awesome. Jaclyn Friedman is awesome. Fuck you.
I heard about this “InternetAristocrat” guy around 3-4 years ago, when he trolled the “Commentary Community.” (If you want a basic idea of what that community was like, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOGyVBVZmZA ) He’s been doing this kind of shit for years, under other names, such as “GamesGoodMeBad”, and “Jim81Jim”. If you’re morbidly curious, you can find some of his old videos if you search around on youtube and other sites. Here’s a great post on reddit talking about what he’s done: http://www.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/2hyrcy/best_new_twitter_account_to_come_out_of_gamergate/ckxaqk2
I love that Internet Aristocrat’s followers can’t tell photoshopped jokes from reality, and call it “Poe.”
That’s not Poe. That’s delusion. You’ve convinced yourself feminists are caricatures, so that even vile stuff like IA’s seems real. They accuse feminists of humorlessness but their rage prevents them from seeing obvious (terrible) jokes.
David, you’ve got a typo. I think you meant “bigoted slurs” not “bigoted sluts”. Ironically, your typo is a bigoted slur …
P.S, one of the people he did a video on, spax3, wasn’t much better. Here’s a reddit post from a former friend of his on a /r/GamerGhazi post of a reupload of his video on him: http://www.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/2izzjy/internet_aristocrat_in_2009_turns_out_he_was/cl7gdvn
I still laugh at gamergators promoting free speech, since their most coherent goals are (a) NO WOMEN ALLOWED and (b) SJWS SHUT UP! And there is nothing free-speech about trying to claim that people with different politics than you reviewing games is journalistic corruption that requires a coordinated harassment campaign to deal with.
Also, fucking freezing rain, man. I was sliding on the pavement trying to scrape my windows clean when I thought to check to see if work was closed. And yes, it is delayed for “nonessential” staff.
I’m a researcher on flex time. I have decided that applies to me. But I don’t know if it will be much better at 10 am–it hasn’t gotten above freezing in a week.
There’s only one adult I know of that has complained about having to wipe their own ass. And it’s not a feminist. It’s Roosh.
I’m trying to wrap my head around that “Sitting in the bog with pants on” ‘shop and failing. Is she only in the bathroom to escape the kids for a few minutes? Does IA not know that you’re supposed to remove your pants before taking a shit? Do her jeans have a secret buttflap? Do jeans with secret buttflaps even exist? Why are my ears bleeding?
Well, and this dude:
Still not a feminist.
So his way of ‘satirising’ WAM is to doa load of toilet ‘jokes’?! Sorry, I have to say it again – is he a child or just behaving like one?
I guess he…told…them?
People like this think they are clever.
That still blows my mind.
It’s somewhat ironic that not only his name, but also his worldview is outdated by about 200 years.
Cue sick joke about “the (Internet)Aristocrats” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Aristocrats
The “activists” whining about women/games/journalism/Cheetos/basements have actually moved beyond self parody.
Isn’t Gamergate’s own mascot’s slogan “Shut up and play!”? Kinda hard to claim you’re fighting for free speech when your mascot is telling people to shut up.
So he photoshopped a picture of a member of the board of directors or Women, Action, & the Media sitting on the toilet, and this is supposed to be “cleaning up corruption in videogame journalism?”
And it’s “baseless accusation” that “gamergate members love Jack Thompson?” Wasn’t it just yesterday that they were celebrating Thompson as a champion of free speech, or something? Weren’t they just calling him “based” (which is supposed to be a good thing) just yesterday?
Do they listen to themselves? Do they actually think about what they write and post?
I was pointed to this Gamergate-approved recommendation list today: http://t.co/cwbhrdEOxI . http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6859671/ . There’s a definite theme among the games there, and I’ll give you a clue – it’s not about quality or ethics.
I have no idea what Internet Aristocrat thinks he’s proving with this juvenile BS but then I was stuck on the ‘bigoted sluts’ typo for two minutes trying to make sense of that sentence.
@davidknewton – I can’t think of anything more ethical than refusing to play games from people who don’t support GG.
“Matt Roszak supports GamerGate. According to him, he just wants to make videogames without the risk of backlash just because of politics.”
Replace “Matt Roszak supports GamerGate” with “Zoe Quinn does not support GamerGate” and see how amenable they’d be to that excerpt.
It’s a nice racket they’ve got going. Anything remotely related to a political group must therefore be politics, which means they must not be a part of any game criticism. Therefore, QED, since feminism exists as a political movement, you aren’t allowed to talk about gender in games.
Ow. My brain.
Does that mean that, since #gamergate is basically a political movement, this list embodies exactly what they wish to fight? A list of games approved by their political relations to a topic rather than by merit? If they had any credibility whatsoever, they’d be honor-bound to fight themselves.
… There’s a #NotYourShield on Twitter whose profile says “Resident house [racist slur I’m not typing] of GamerGate.” I think I’m done with Twitter for today.
This is one of those rare moments when I am tempted to emulate Kevin Thompson from *Daria* and confuse Aristocrat with Aristocat.
That’s fairly typical 4chan “self”-deprecation going on there.
Proof that gamergater “oppressed nerds” have much in common with the macho dudes they complain about being bullied by.
Poopy butt jokes? IA is either actually a child or never matured past seven. But that’s true for most GGers, too.
On that Gawker thread, Miz Jenkins immediately comes in to support the rapey frat bros. I remember her from Jezebel – did she eventually get banned? She used to troll a bit less obviously, I guess she’s decided that subtlety is too much effort.
Also, frat bros in my homeland? No thanks. I say we punt them all into the North Sea.
No True Gamergater?