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Super Fun Anita Sarkeesian Pop Quiz

GamerGate may have to retire this bit of propaganda.
GamerGate may have to retire this bit of propaganda.

Today, a quick quiz to see how closely you’ve been following controversies in the world of video gaming.  Well, a quiz that’s sort of been shoehorned into a poll. The correct answer(s) come after the bump. Enjoy!

ANSWER: The only quote from Sarkeesian was the final one. The rest of the quotes come from disbarred attorney Jack Thompson, the infamous anti-videogame crusader who, in one of the more headsmackingly ironic twists in the whole #GamerGate saga, is garnering plaudits from #GamerGaters because he said a few negative things about Sarkeesian in an interview with Jordan Owen for the allegedly forthcoming alleged documentary The Sarkeesian Effect.

Here are a few Tweets I’ve borrowed from a Storify collection put together by the indefatigable @a_man_in_black.

Boy, it seems like only yesterday that Sarkeesian’s enemies were comparing her to Jack Thompson in order to make her look bad. Oops, my bad. It was the day before yesterday.

For the sources of all the Thompson quotes, see here. Sarkeesian’s quote is from here.


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Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

And the feminist barbie hacker website was found and crashed (based on content I’m guessing by 4-chan) with horse porn, stallman, gnu’s, racist slurs, anime, and shrek. I’m (also) guessing those hid all the rampant misogyny I kept expecting.

The saddest part is that, aside from the horse porn and racist slurs (and probable rampant misogyny) that their submissions were *still in fact better than the book*.

10 years ago

Wow what a one sided article! Mocking and silencing gamers for FREE SPEECH! Real classy. Thompson has the courage to stand up for what he believes. This is what happens when SJWs force there fascism onto the gaming world
Thanks a lot feminazis.
And im saying this as a completely authentic non binary queer person of color so #nachoshield i mean #notyoureshield. #lookwhatyoumademedoMISANDRY

On a different note: this is the kind of article that makes me want to grab people who say “both sides have valid arguments,” and smack their faces into a computer screen and scream CAN YOU NOT READ!
(P.S. I really am trans and gay, but pasty pasty white.)

SJW Princess (@anwyn)
10 years ago

@katz I had to use resin, Etsy won’t let me sell human byproducts. Spoilsports.

10 years ago

So the Jack Thompson Vindication Brigade is supporting Jack Thompson.


kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

StarStorm – you put it so much better than I was about to. They’re doing their damndest to prove him right.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

TRIGGER WARNING for the Feminist Hacker Barbie homepage and user submitted improvements page. This link is safe (and awesome) and so is the create your own (link on the page I’m linking). Seriously, stay off the homepage and don’t browse other’s work. This isn’t mine, but it is so good.

10 years ago

I cant stand “based” as a descriptor. I grit my teeth every time I see it.

Verbing nouns is acceptable silliness. Adjectiving verbs is just bloody stupid.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Adjectiving verbs is just bloody stupid.


Grilled salmon.

Neutered cat.

Burned wood.

10 years ago

Grilled salmon.

Neutered cat.

Burned wood.

Split peas?

*ducks and runs*

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

forced perspective?

Also I improved Barbie.

10 years ago

Hmm, I guess my analogy is incorrect, because you modify a noun into a verb (eg. “verbing”); and modifying a verb into an adjective is, as you point out, actually part of the language. But “grill” is a verb, and “grilled” is an adjective.

“Based” is itself a verb, and you never “base something”. Something is either “based at [location]”, or “based on [subject]”. So it’s more using an unmodified verb in the place of an adjective.

(Which seems curious to me; I would expect this formulation to have a different or qualifying identifier to other verbs… and it probably does, but I don’t have enough linguistic knowledge to figure it out.)

Anyway… I think I’m out of my depth talking about the nitty-gritty of language, so I’ll leave it there. But I still maintain that whatever it is, it’s wrong, and the sort of thing up with which I will not put!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

All you need for a fantastic party!

I’m afraid I’d also need some aged bourbon and some tie-dyed shirts if the party is to be fantastic.

10 years ago

(just testing to see if I’m a cat now, or what. please ignore…)

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

But “grill” is a verb, and “grilled” is an adjective.

“Grilled” is the past tense of “grill.” “I grilled salmon.”

“Based” can be used as an adjective, although I’ve never seen it by itself. I saw it just today in one of those articles about Julian Blanc. It referred to him as “US-based Julian Blanc.” That’s obviously not the construction being used here, but it’s not completely from Mars.

Brass Eye
Brass Eye
10 years ago

Hi everyone, long time lurker first time poster here.

I just wanted to comment on the whole “based” thing because the way GGers have been using bothers the hell out of me (though I have never used the term myself). As others said it comes from independent rapper Lil B, meant to mean a kind of almost carefree lifestyle not being concerned what “haters” think and such. The thing is I just know the man himself would really not like GGers using it the way they are, since he himself is very progressive and an outspoken feminist (which is almost unheard of in the hip hop world). Some people at r/GamerGhazi were talking about messaging him about it so maybe he denounce their co-opting of it. Which I think would be hilarious.

Anyway, just goes to show that another one of their “heroes” would hate them as well.

10 years ago

I’m trying to think of a way that GamerGators can get dumber, but I don’t think there is one. They are beyond parody at this point.

At least they’ve managed to transform the concept of the “bottomless barrel”.

It used to be a joke. Now it’s a reality.

10 years ago

To be fair, it _is_ completely for Mars, but not for grammatical reasons.

10 years ago

“Based” is itself a verb, and you never “base something”. Something is either “based at [location]“, or “based on [subject]“. So it’s more using an unmodified verb in the place of an adjective.

(Which seems curious to me; I would expect this formulation to have a different or qualifying identifier to other verbs… and it probably does, but I don’t have enough linguistic knowledge to figure it out.)

It’s all about the tenses. For ‘base’, we don’t normally use Simple Present Tense (I’m capitalizing because I feel like it). ‘I base my statement on the fact that I am a cat.’ Instead we use Present Progressive Tense ‘I am basing my statement on the fact that I am a cat’.

10 years ago

I keep thinking that “based” is a permutation of “debased”, though I’m not entirely sure what it would mean in that case.

10 years ago

Some (unsubstantiated, as far as I can tell) rumours claim the “based” in Based God is abbreviated from “freebased”.

Freebasing is smoking crack, so it makes a bit more sense in that context: like “grilled”, “freebased” could either be past tense (He freebased this morning), or the end state of the action (Don’t talk to him, he’s freebased).

So perhaps Lil B was frequently out of his gourd on crack (or at least accused of it), and decided to reclaim the word for himself.

Don’t care. Still sounds stupid. Hate it.

Get off my lawn.

10 years ago

All your base are belong to us.

10 years ago

I was around to see the meme spread, and yes, “Based” comes from Lil’ B calling himself “Based God”. It started with some other people being called same, then it morphed into “Based X” for whatever you think is cool.

10 years ago

I’m just amused that it is the conservative reactionaries who hate all change and are raging against the fact that people with other opinions get a platform consider themselves to be the ones who don’t care about what society says.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago