Today, a quick quiz to see how closely you’ve been following controversies in the world of video gaming. Well, a quiz that’s sort of been shoehorned into a poll. The correct answer(s) come after the bump. Enjoy!
ANSWER: The only quote from Sarkeesian was the final one. The rest of the quotes come from disbarred attorney Jack Thompson, the infamous anti-videogame crusader who, in one of the more headsmackingly ironic twists in the whole #GamerGate saga, is garnering plaudits from #GamerGaters because he said a few negative things about Sarkeesian in an interview with Jordan Owen for the allegedly forthcoming alleged documentary The Sarkeesian Effect.
Here are a few Tweets I’ve borrowed from a Storify collection put together by the indefatigable @a_man_in_black.
In retrospect, Jack Thompson doesn't really seem like that bad of a guy.https://t.co/gUnoRssTpZ #GamerGate #OpSKYNET #NotYourShield
— BenLuke (@ben_legion) November 18, 2014
Can't you just smell the irony of Jack Thompson signing up against corruption? Maybe the media lied?#Solution6 #GamerGate #OpSKYNET
— Mr.Bones (@40KEKS) November 18, 2014
The things Jack Thompson is saying are reasonable. He just never upheld them as a lawyer. #GamerGate
— Jackie Brown (@GOBBBluth) November 18, 2014
Bobby K and Jack Thompson just go to show that people are more complex than how we demonize them. #GamerGate's been amazing, man.
— 華胥の亡霊 🍥 (@saigyoujisama) November 18, 2014
>inb4 this thread gets screencapped by man in black to prove we totes love jack thompson pic.twitter.com/HFRC1O0dCD
— zaratustra (parody account) 🍉 (@zarawesome) November 18, 2014
Boy, it seems like only yesterday that Sarkeesian’s enemies were comparing her to Jack Thompson in order to make her look bad. Oops, my bad. It was the day before yesterday.
For the sources of all the Thompson quotes, see here. Sarkeesian’s quote is from here.
I don’t think Barack Obama is hated worldwide. Julian Blanc thinks he’s the most hated man in the world. Obama has done some hate-worthy shit like those drone strikes, but I don’t think that has put him above Putin in the world hate olympics.
“What the bloody hell does “based” mean? Why do they call it “vidya”? Why don’t Gamergate speak like normal people?”
Guys I know we’re here to make fun of people but Manboobz newbies come to me regularly wondering what the eff the deal is about “scented candles”, “whore penguins”, and “shut up woody” (I can’t even explain the last one).
Let he who hasn’t got their own in-jokes and memes cast the first stone. 😛
God that Barbie book is infuriating. It gives the message that a) girls can’t work computers without the help of a man and b) successful female computer scientists are successful because they got a man to help them and then took all the credit.
POM, it’s also the classic ploy abusers use to get sympathy. Because hate is a “bad” emotion, unless it’s directed towards the opposing sports team you are a fan of or women/minorities/LGBTQ/the homeless…
Puddleglum, YES! No text. Just a tiny vial, or even set of vials in rainbow hues. *OR* have the text be a fictitious address for FHC! Because no way am I giving the real address to the MRA’s.
As an actual “computer engineer,” that story made me cringe so dang hard. They should have called Barbie a “designer” (because that’s all she does, she’s apparently pretty clueless about hardware and software), which would have then made the authors realize they weren’t actually writing her as a technically savvy person, they were just further reinforcing the idea that girls do artsy stuff while boys do all the technical work.
I get one aspect of what they were trying to do… they were trying to show Barbie as inexperienced in the field, to act as an avatar of girls who aren’t experienced with computers but would like to be. Therefore they show her not knowing things and going to others for help. But good grief, have her actually *do* things after learning! And, you know, be women in a book with the assumed purpose of showing that women can be competent engineers.
There’s a line between showing gender parity and reinforcing gender segregation… Guess which one this book does.
There’s a HT notbuyingit. I haven’t yet seen a petition to have it recalled and replaced with something less misogynist. Like literally anything from the 50’s.
“Shut up Woody” is from our pet troll, Woody, who successfully pulled off his troll challenge.
He liked doing two sentence “Paul Elam is the bestest person ever and totes trustworthy” posts.
We got bored.
Shut up, Woody.
That Barbie book lost me at page 1 when it depicted Barbie eating nothing for breakfast but a little cup of yogurt. The remainder of it was just one non-surprise after another.
A cup of yogurt, alone, is not a healthy breakfast, but that’s apparently what Barbie eats, and Barbie is size 00. QED for the most regressive body-image and food-police message.
True enough. I hadn’t considered that, but it’s a point well made.
It’s just so much worse than regular overt misogyny. Barbie can be anything (as long as “anything” is defined as “thin and beautiful”), and look at the shiny equality bauble, you just have to reach for it aaaannnnd *BAM* Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster right to the noggin silly girlz of all ages. Let the men take care of that for you cupcake. Just…GLARB. So annoying. Did you really need to pretend you weren’t going to be awful? You knew you were. The headdesk…it is enormous.
Speaking of Putin, he fills this role decently; he was a bit of a boogieman on the right, a “brutal thug” and “kleptocrat” who was going to “rebuild the USSR”.
Then, after cracking down on LGBT rights and negotiating the destruction of Syria’s WMD, suddenly he’s a “strong leader” who “gets things done” and “stands up for traditional values”.
I don’t think it’s quite a perfect mirror (that would probably be something like Ayers or Chomsky?), but it’s pretty close in my opinion.
Oh, or maybe the way the briefly praised the Clintons for a few years when Hillary was Secretary of State, before they remembered that they needed to tear her down again before the elections?
I think the scented candle image should have a link to the welcome package.
Or, we need our own wiki. O.o
That Barbie thing is just so baffling. Why not just call the book I Can Be A Game Designer? No shame in that!
Also, I have no idea was based actually means, but I automatically assumed it was a funny spelling thing, like vidya, to mean “best”
(Not that renaming the book would make the needing the boys to do the “real” work and fix everything ok. Just that the misleading title is weird by itself.)
I apologise if this has been linked before, but someone fixed that awful barbie book – http://www.themarysue.com/feminist-hacker-barbie-site/
Just call the book “I can be a helpless incompetent feeemale stealing teh menz jobs whilst simultaneously (or a shorter word, whoops, my bad) making them work harder pass me a bonbon”.
Molly Ren:
Ah yeah, nothing wrong with a good in-joke in and of itself, obviously! But the point is that Mammoth jokes, for the most part, stay on WHTM and I sincerely doubt regulars casually drop-in references to whore penguins and hard chairs into conversations about feminism when not actively chatting about this blog. GlamourGlob, on the other hand, uses code words and obscure memes and incomprehensible hashtags as part of its public-facing “activism”.
Nooooo. Of course not. That… that would be silly.
Yeah… silly…
Ah yes. Lets not forget, this tactic is coming from the guy who tweeted an abuse wheel as a guide.
Barbie has a hideous kitchen.
Sometimes I forget the whole world doesn’t know the same things I do, so I am definitely guilty of making a hard chairs joke and then being amazed that I had to explain it. Like how is something so delightfully absurd not common knowledge?
Moggie found the silver lining! Barbie isn’t spending tons of time in the kitchen (because it’s not pretty enough to “work” in)! All hail Moggie!
I’m only being a little sarcastic, that truly is the most positive thing about the book.
sunnysombrera, yep. “I am the most hated man in the world, of course I didn’t mean *really* commit DV and sexual assault, totally sincere and not at all from an abuser perspective fauxpology WILL NOBODY MAKE MY FEELZ BETTER I’m cold and there are wolves after me!?!”.
The Barbie “Computer Engineer” book infuriated me as well! Like, even if they wanted to portray Barbie as a total beginner (perfectly reasonable to remind young girls that they don’t have to brilliant at everything immediately), they could have actually showed learning a new skill and then applying it herself. Like “hmmm, I really want to turn my cute design into game… let’s ask my instructor how I would do that” and then go into “Code is the language of computers – and just like humans speak lots of different languages, there are lots of different types of code. To make a game for a computer, you have to learn to speak the computer’s language…” etc.
But instead, she’s literally like “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly do this by myself, some men will need to help me!”
Chevrolet, I tell everyone female penguins are whores. Plus makeup equal Darth Vader.
Fuck. Have just realized that now I have to start wearing make up for optimal misandry and name coherence. MISANDRY IS HARD U GUIZE!