#gamergate douchebaggery evil SJWs hypocrisy reactionary bullshit reddit sarkeesian!

Redditor explains why they left #GamerGate. (tl:dr: The raging hypocrisy.)

Goodbye, and thanks for nothing!
Goodbye, and thanks for nothing!

Here’s an interesting post by someone claiming to be a former GamerGater on Reddit explaining why they left the, er, movement and helpfully summing up a lot of what’s wrong with it. At least when it comes to GG’s rampant hypocrisy.  Take it away, turbonerdsupreme!

It was a mixture of things really, but I think the starting point was Milo’s “You take your tits out for a living tweets” to Liana K. Basically what gradually convinced me GG wasnt about ethics (journalistic or otherwise) was the bayonetta affair, and their sheer hypocrisy.

They claim to be fighting for Journalistic ethics, while supporting and championing highly unethical journalists like Milo and Pinsof. It’s also important not to forget the Bayonetta affair where they tried to pressure a publisher into pulling a Gerstmann, and dropping advertisments on a site that gave their game a bad review. THEY LITERALLY TRIED TO BRING ABOUT THE SECOND COMING OF THE MOST NOTORIOUS EXAMPLE OF CORRUPT GAMES JOURNALISM IN HISTORY.

They denounce journalists like Leigh Alexander, being rude to people on twitter, while joining in with and celebrating the outright bullying, abuse and harassment of Milo “real professional journalist” Yiannopolous (i’d hyperlink an example but there’s way too many of them to pick just one, this guy is really scum, google it)

They attack Anita for not providing good value for her kickstarter money, while supporting, glorifying and No I’m Spartacusing, someone who scammed around $15k out of people using kickstarter as well as the obvious scam that is the Sarkeesian effect. [Although good news is Sarkessian effect stuff is starting to be voted down sometimes on KiA] They also welcomed the support of the Amazing Atheist a known scammer

They mock Cheong’s neo-nazi past, while having Davis “white nationalist on paper” Aurini, Milo “Iron Cross” Yianoppulous/Wagner (seriously what the fuck is wrong with this guy), the Holocaust denying King of /poll, and Stormfront among them. Not to mention their propagating of anti-Semitic /pol/ memes and frequent use of Jew as a slur.

They Call Chu a rape apologist (a completely bullshit accusation), all the while endorsing Roosh “No never means no” V, and Mike “Why Should I care when women are raped?” Cernovich. [Although to be fair support for Roosh has met some opposition]

They get super mad at Sarkeessian for supposedly not even liking video games, all the while championing Christina “Still hasnt actually played any video games to my knowledge” Sommers, and Milo “Are you noticing a reoccurring theme here yet?” Yianopoulos.

They claim they want politics and politically charged thinktank funded academics out of video games, while supporting Christina “works for a rightwing think tank” Sommers.

They claim Anita is the new Jack Thompson while supporting Jack “The Old Jack Thompson” Thompson.

They claim Milo Yianopoulos has redeeming qualities as a human being, while being frequently exposed to his tweets, articles, and videos. While admittedly this is not hypocrisy it does show extremely poor judgement.

In conclusion the majority of GGers show such a massive double standard in their treatment of progressives and social conservatives, that it is impossible to construe it as anything other than a thinly veiled right wing socially conservative movement, with no real care for journalistic ethics. That is why I left.

The links scattered around in there are pretty illuminating.

H/T — A Division by Zer0

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10 years ago

Only seeing women in relation to themselves rather. I wish there was a timespan of 5 minutes in which we could edit our posts!

10 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger – Frustrating as it is, it’s really better like this. I shudder to think of the gaslighting some of our trolls would have done if they could rewrite their posts. Anyone here remember MRAL?

10 years ago

So this guy I’ve never heard of no longer supports ethics in journalism, because of a bunch of other people I’ve never heard of? Well, okay.

plaatsvervangende schaamte

@titianblue – Come on, now… how could I possibly be sarcastic about prominent right-wingers pretending that they are not part of a prominent right-wing movement?

10 years ago

@Plaat *hangs head in shame*

10 years ago

I guess the way I see it is that there are good yet extremely misguided people in GG, and there presence is used to give the movement some air of legitimacy as its leaders and most virulent activists behave like scumbags. The only person in that group I really had any respect for is TotalBiscuit, and he seems to have tacitly backed away from the hashtag and come to accept that the movement is mostly awful like everyone else had much earlier.

10 years ago

I saw a quote from a website that was trying to soberly interview people from both sides, and so all the GG people were on their best behavior. And one guy was answering a question about what a perfect post-GG gaming website would look like, and he said something like, “There could even be reviews of stuff like ‘Gone Home,’ as long as EVERYBODY isn’t giving it 10 out of 10 when it’s not THAT GOOD.”

I am uncomfortable when not everyone agrees with my tastes? That’s all I’m really getting from this. Damn gaming journalists, finding stuff entertaining that bores/annoys me, how very dare they.

10 years ago

Pffft. Too little, too late.

I’m with Policy of Madness and weirwoodtreehugger, here. Gamergate started out as a misogynist crusade against one woman, and the only way it’s “evolved” was to target more women. It was never about ethics in video game journalism. Ever. And the misogyny in gamergate isn’t hidden or subtle, it’s right there in your face. I can see someone getting suckered into it for five minutes without actually knowing much about it, but to spend any kind of time as part of it? Without being totally sickened by the rampant misogyny? Yeah, it’s a good thing this guy left and all and gamergaters are huge hypocrites, but the core of gamergate is misogyny.

10 years ago

Yeah, I have to say, when he went directly from describing the harassment of women on twitter as “being rude” to calling the harassment of a man “harassment” it was pretty clear that he doesn’t give a shit about misogyny, and that he may not quite be grasping the whole women are people thing yet.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

To be fair, the “being rude on Twitter” post was, I believe, supposed to refer to Leigh Alexander’s behavior, not the behavior of those toward her. And the “harassment” was supposed to refer to MY’s behavior, not the behavior of those toward him. The grammar is not great, but that’s what I got out of that paragraph.

It’s one of many “examples of hypocrisy,” which in the whole comprise almost the entirety of the post. You’re being hypocritical if you slam one person for being rude while supporting someone else who is being abusive.

10 years ago

I guess the way I see it is that there are good yet extremely misguided people in GG

Nope. No no no. There are no good people in Gamergate. Anybody involved in Gamergate is engaged in the act of not being a good person. Good and bad are actions, not states.
There is no way to be honestly confused about what Gamergate is about and what Gamergaters do. That boat has long since sailed. This has been going on for months and it’s been obvious from the beginning that Gamergate is about harrassing women.
Anyone still involved in Gamergate either thinks that’s awesome, or is wilfully denying it exists. There’s no third way for the good-but-misguided who don’t know it’s happening. Supporting Gamergate is a bad thing to do and people should feel bad for doing it.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

So, what you’re saying is, turbonerdsupreme ACTUALLY does care about ethics in games journalism!

I think I like this guy.

Because, yeah, ethics in games journalism is something worth pursuing. Ethics in any sort of journalism is worth pursuing. Ethics, in general, is worth pursuing.

The #GamerGate, as such, however, has so little in the way or real ethics, that it has driven away real ethical people, who want ethics in games journalism.

There’s a name for this. Now what was that, again? Cosmic irony?

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


there are genuine problems with gaming media–and when that media helps you decide if you are going to plunk down $60 (or whatever a console-type game costs now–I am not a gamer) that is kind of personally important.

Yeah. I decided NOT to plunk down $60 or so for the Sims 4, because of what I read and/or watched on videos of games journalism.

Now I am reading stories by people who have played the game, and I believe that if someone were to give me the game, I would enjoy playing it. Although I don’t know if I’ll ever “get over” the lack of toddlers in the game.

It’s like comparing carob to chocolate. If you expect chocolate, and get carob, you’ll just hate it. But if you go in, knowing that you’re going to eat carob, and not chocolate, it’s actually quite tasty, in its own way.

Sims 4 is a different flavor, and plenty of people are liking it. However, they all need to know that it is a completely different flavor.

Thus, GOOD games journalism is important.

10 years ago

I’m pretty ‘meh’ on this explanation. I think it was aimed at ggators, which is probably why it doesn’t mention the rampant misogyny and terror campaigns; you can’t convert others with the talking points ggators already ignore.


Like the others here, I found d00d’s reasons for FINALLY stepping away are just a little bit less than compelling.

M. Tremblay
M. Tremblay
10 years ago

I’m gonna go ahead and give turbonerdsupreme some credit for waking up, smelling the coffee, and finally figuring out just why it smells like piss so much. I’ve seen neo-Nazis go through their own “reform”, for lack of a better word, and what I took away from these folks is that what most people see as basic decency, can be a huge paradigm shift for others. It takes more effort than we might think, for these types to come to grips with the fact that they invested so much to a bad cause.

With that in mind, I also agree with others above that turbonerd does not deserve a medal, like, at all. Basic decency is not an achievement, it’s the expected bare minimum. From Day 1, it was blatantly obvious that GamerGate was a smokescreen for the internet’s latest excuse to harass women. The hypocrisy of sending death and rape threats to a financially vulnerable woman who clearly has nothing to do with journalism, because some guy couldn’t get over a break-up, all in the name of “ethics” in journalism; of sending death and rape threats to a feminist critic who said some games had some sexist content, then turning around and claiming you’re all about inclusiveness; of sending death and rape threats to a woman who retweeted a joke about GamerGate and then pretend GamerGate has nothing to do with it, and of course she must have made it up; all these signs and so many more were in plain sight from the beginning. Claiming that “I really thought it was about ethics” strains credulity, to say the least.

When I saw those neo-Nazis realize that their ideology was bullshit, I didn’t congratulate them on their victory, but on their first step towards victory. Some got better, and some remained horrible people, but in a different way. The same goes with GamerGate. Realizing it was bullshit is just a first step. The next one is to act on that realization and stop being a horrible person.

(Well, that rant went quite a bit longer than expected…)

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


Don’t let’s let perfect be the enemy of the good, here, people. We’re not saying “they finally got it perfect summa cum laude”, we’re saying “hey someone’s not actually failing the course anymore”. Credit where credit is due, and expect that things will continue going in the right direction if we encourage and support them. I’m going to choose to be happy someone got disgusted with the hypocrisy they saw. I’ll be disappointed later if they don’t continue developing, but I’m not going to make myself pre-disappointed now.


I just went to the doctor today, and found out that my A1C went down by 1 tenth of a point. YAYYYYYYY! It needs to go down a lot more, and at this rate, it will take years, but still! It went down 1 tenth of a point!

Considering all I have to deal with, I’ll call this a (minor) win, and be happy. Mind you, if it went down a whole point, I’d be ten times happiER, but still, I’m happy.

I used to be a perfectionist, and I was exceedingly unhappy about life, because nothing was ever perfect. I have since accepted that “Good enough” is good enough, and if someone does something right, even for the wrong reasons, it’s still worth celebrating that they did something right.

As people learn and grow, their reasoning changes, too. Children generally do the right thing, because they know that their parents will put them in time-out or something, if they don’t. Eventually, they start to understand the reasons for their parents’ rules, and as they get older, they start claiming those rules as their own, then raising their own children with those rules, as well. Oh, sure, some of the rules change from generation to generation, but the really important ones (Share! Be kind! Be honest!) are the ones that last through the ages. And they last, because the more people follow those rules, the more they understand why those rules are important.

So, does he get a cookie? Sure. He can have an Oreo. Does he get a jumbo-sized home-made Oatmeal Scotchie with a tall glass of cold milk? No. But he can have that Oreo, from me.

I mean, I get what Policy of Madness is saying. Yes, I want more, too. I’m hoping that this is a sign that he’s on his way to learning something about misogyny and real equality. At least his mind is not completely closed, anymore. There’s hope. I’m happy.

10 years ago

I’m inclined to be happy about this, too, not that I require anyone else to be.

J. Schmidt
J. Schmidt
10 years ago

To be fair, the “being rude on Twitter” post was, I believe, supposed to refer to Leigh Alexander’s behavior, not the behavior of those toward her. And the “harassment” was supposed to refer to MY’s behavior, not the behavior of those toward him. The grammar is not great, but that’s what I got out of that paragraph.

Yeah, I read that as well, though I had to re-read a dozen times, because as written it looks a lot like the author is saying GG denounced Alexander’s rudeness while bullying MY. But that doesn’t make sense in context of the author painting MY as a hero.

J. Schmidt
J. Schmidt
10 years ago

“author painting MY as a hero.”

That should be “author painting MY as a hero to GG.”

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I just went to the doctor today, and found out that my A1C went down by 1 tenth of a point. YAYYYYYYY! It needs to go down a lot more, and at this rate, it will take years, but still! It went down 1 tenth of a point!

Michelle, congrats!

Btw I emailed you, did you get it?

10 years ago


I love that so much. That’s exactly how I’ve imagined Vivian’s reaction to GG ever since I first saw the character design. The ‘gaters really should have realised that “Shuddup, play video games” cuts both ways.

Hey, do you know I can go to find more good!Vivian art without having to wade through the pro-GG stuff? I’m honestly scared to google for it.

10 years ago

The reddit thread is really interesting. I like this one, from someone who was probably more in the typical gamergater spirit than most of the others (didn’t like Sarkeesian, watched Internet Aristocrat video wanting to agree, etc.). It shows once again how patiently debunking and document everything (like David does here) is fundamental. It adds up, and the evidence slowly becomes impossible to ignore for whoever is willing to keep an eye open.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@kittehserf – When did you email me? I looked through, but couldn’t find anything from you. Sorry.

I’m afraid I haven’t checked my email in a while, so there’s a lot to look through.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Oh, it was a day or so at most. No prob, I’ll send it again now!

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

… aaand done! I might have sent it to your wrong addy before.