#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism attention seeking entitled babies evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam

Men's Rights elder Paul Elam to #GamerGaters: Pay attention to MEEEEE!

I don't think you're going to make it, dude
I don’t think you’re going to make it, dude

Pity poor Paul Elam! The Men’s Rights elder has spent, by his estimation, nearly half of his life ranting and raving against the supposed evils of feminism, and for what?

The movement he claims to lead has had no tangible victories in the real world beyond sullying its own name; traffic at his website has stalled out; and his latest publicity stunt – appropriating the name of the White Ribbon antiviolence campaign for his own dubious ends – has put him and/or his allies at legal risk without garnering him much of the attention he clearly craves.

And now a bunch of video gaming whippersnappers are generating more buzz than he ever has by launching their own misbegotten campaign against the so-called Social Justice Warriors they think are trying to take their hobby away from them.

The straw that broke Elam the Camel’s back? Some GamerGater on Twitter — perhaps this fellow? — telling those who’ve worked themselves into a rage about feminists criticizing rocket scientist Matt Taylor’s shirt that “this is what GamerGate has been fighting all along.”

That was enough to send Elam through the roof of his condo — and then to his keyboard, to pound out one of his angrier rants.

What. The. Fuck. Since when did people who never noticed jack shit was happening (and still don’t notice most of it) until their hobby websites went south a few months ago, come up with the words “all along”? For that matter, “we.” …

Perhaps there are a few in the gaming community that need to hear that “all along” for some people means decades. And they would do just as well to remember that we have been dealing with flak, and a lot more than flak, working in a filthy swamp of social indifference and hostility trying to prevent there ever having been a GamerGate or Matt Taylor fiasco to begin with.

As they say, respects is earn. And Elam, an old hand at the fine art of making a great deal out of nothing, thinks he’s earn a lot more respects than he’s getting from these vidya gaming upstarts.

I am just a guy who has been doing battle with these sociopathic fucks in one form or another for the better part of a quarter century.


Well, Paul, I just did. Hope this helps!

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10 years ago

I tracked Paul Elam down earlier and snapped an exclusive photo the moment he saw Davids photoshop.

I think the person behind him is Dean Esmay.

10 years ago

If this crapumentary actually gets made and released, I think we should arrange a special WHTM screening… even if it’s just over Twitter or something. We’ll eat bon bons, burn scented candles, and sit on really, really soft chairs. Then after we can watch something even better, like The Room or Troll 2.

I will now always picture Paulie as Mario.

10 years ago

The guy who literally called gamers mass murderers in training and literally waged a legal battle to literally get video games banned.

This guy calls Anita Sarkeesian a censor and #GargleGhasters nod in agreement.


10 years ago

That awkward moment when Jack Thompson is getting more love from GamerGate than Paul Elam.

I’m dying. Not sure if it’s of laughter or a deep, twisted, mournful cry for the death of irony.

10 years ago

I second the call for a crapfest viewing party. Needs cupcakes and…actually we’ve yet to figure out the misandry drink of choice.

Jennifer Keller
Jennifer Keller
10 years ago

Yesterday i saw a retweet in which Elam claimed he was going to join or lead #gamergate and was bringing an “army” to help them. I guess he heard they were looking for help on tumbler and the like because their faux revolution of bullshit and harassment was a failure or failing and he like the two numb nuts doing the Sarkessian effect mindnumbing movie which will probably never be produced wants to ‘MONITIZE” the issue or in other words get cash out of gamergaters pockets. They deserve each other.

10 years ago

It’s all about the benjamins.

10 years ago

In case anyone tries to claim the Jack Thompson thing was a one-off, here is a_man_in_black to the rescue:

I think it makes total sense. The #gamergators, MRAs, reactionaries, censorships = you criticize me or you don’t let me yell at you on your personal internet turf, but trying to hound people off the internet, trying to take down sites with more liberal politics, and banning on our own sites != censorship.

10 years ago

I think Davis Aurini was trying to order another skull on Amazon so he wouldn’t have to move the one skull between rooms all the time, but he forgot what skulls were called so he called them up and asked them to “send me a bone head”. Amazon sent him Jack Thompson and he just went with it.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

volt, ROFL!

10 years ago

@tiko72 I think you were mislead. I mean, I can see the resemblance, but damn, those beets look tasty. Elam does not look tasty. Eww, I put ‘Elam’ and ‘tasty’ in the same sentence. Twice.

I hate it when I manage to gross myself out.

10 years ago

I think Davis Aurini was trying to order another skull on Amazon so he wouldn’t have to move the one skull between rooms all the time, but he forgot what skulls were called so he called them up and asked them to “send me a bone head”. Amazon sent him Jack Thompson and he just went with it.

Between this and “crapumentary”, it will be a wonder if I get up off the floor tonight.

10 years ago

Aside from the fun entertainment, Elam does occasionally distract feminists and put them on the defensive. WomenAgainstFeminism comes to mind and now White Ribbon…but thats about it. He runs a blog. Its just written words.

Cthulhu's Intern
10 years ago

From KotakuInAction:

Jack Thompson is now agreeing with us.
Welcome to the Twilight Zone people.

This should be a learning experience for them, but in their minds, they have used the power of logic so well that they have swayed Jack Thompson. They’re like bad superheroes whose power is super-rationalization.

I’m just waiting for the day in which Gamergate is pretty much over and then someone asks “What was all of that, who are you people?” and then they all look over at that guy and respond “The Aristocrats!”

10 years ago

I vote for cosmopolitans as the misandry drink of choice because of their association with Sex and the City.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I’m just looking forward to when GamerGate is over, period.

10 years ago

Love your meme! XD

10 years ago

@kittehserf If they can apparently survive adding Jack Thompson to their team, I’m not sure what will cause them to implode.

Of course, maybe they’ll eventually peter out if they don’t find another shirtstorm straw to grasp (they were starting to fade into the background then), but I like to think they’ll implode.

Ugh. I’m brought back to waiting for the Ron Paul Internet fan mob to end, except that actually DID end (except for a couple of stragglers as far as I can tell) because they had a time limit.

10 years ago

Plus the glasses will enrage the misters just because they look fancy. Cosmos it is!

10 years ago

Am I the only one who noticed the demographic info on Alexa for his site?

The largest percentage of traffic to his site comes from non-college-educated males accessing his site from their home.

I can only see univariate statistics, so that gender is analysed separately to education, is analysed separately to viewing location.

In this situation, it is incorrect to combine across the analyses and draw a conclusion – the data analysis that would allow us to interpret that type of multi-variable analysis is not there.

10 years ago

Oh my god. Tiko72, I’m dying 😀

10 years ago

Wasn’t Jack Thompson also using harassing technique for his “crusade”. I remember he wrote a letter to the mother of the Houser brothers (the two founders of Rockstar Studio and the GTA games) telling her about how her sons are murdering children via their games and other obnoxious things of the sort.
Odd! It feels like I’ve recently seen something like this. But what was it again ?

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

Well, there was this shining moment in radfem herstory:

10 years ago

Two things people should be aware of.
1, Brennan insists she is not a radical feminist.
2, There dozens of fake Brennan accounts on twitter, Facebook, and Tumble.

Plus a piece of advice. Be skeptical of just so stories.

10 years ago

WTF does Brennan have to do with Gamergate, or Paul Elam?