#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism attention seeking entitled babies evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam

Men's Rights elder Paul Elam to #GamerGaters: Pay attention to MEEEEE!

I don't think you're going to make it, dude
I don’t think you’re going to make it, dude

Pity poor Paul Elam! The Men’s Rights elder has spent, by his estimation, nearly half of his life ranting and raving against the supposed evils of feminism, and for what?

The movement he claims to lead has had no tangible victories in the real world beyond sullying its own name; traffic at his website has stalled out; and his latest publicity stunt – appropriating the name of the White Ribbon antiviolence campaign for his own dubious ends – has put him and/or his allies at legal risk without garnering him much of the attention he clearly craves.

And now a bunch of video gaming whippersnappers are generating more buzz than he ever has by launching their own misbegotten campaign against the so-called Social Justice Warriors they think are trying to take their hobby away from them.

The straw that broke Elam the Camel’s back? Some GamerGater on Twitter — perhaps this fellow? — telling those who’ve worked themselves into a rage about feminists criticizing rocket scientist Matt Taylor’s shirt that “this is what GamerGate has been fighting all along.”

That was enough to send Elam through the roof of his condo — and then to his keyboard, to pound out one of his angrier rants.

What. The. Fuck. Since when did people who never noticed jack shit was happening (and still don’t notice most of it) until their hobby websites went south a few months ago, come up with the words “all along”? For that matter, “we.” …

Perhaps there are a few in the gaming community that need to hear that “all along” for some people means decades. And they would do just as well to remember that we have been dealing with flak, and a lot more than flak, working in a filthy swamp of social indifference and hostility trying to prevent there ever having been a GamerGate or Matt Taylor fiasco to begin with.

As they say, respects is earn. And Elam, an old hand at the fine art of making a great deal out of nothing, thinks he’s earn a lot more respects than he’s getting from these vidya gaming upstarts.

I am just a guy who has been doing battle with these sociopathic fucks in one form or another for the better part of a quarter century.


Well, Paul, I just did. Hope this helps!

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Rob Christie
10 years ago

Elam copping to the amount of time in his life he’s wasted hating people actually makes me feel something.

Oh, it’s called pity. Fuck you, Paul Elam, and I hope that before your end you somehow find the perspective to know what a sorry fucking pile of garbage you truly are.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
10 years ago

I think I have an idea for the next big dystopian novel – a world where Paul Elam would be happy.

10 years ago

*nods gravely*

Respects is earn.

10 years ago

So, Paulie is calling out the ggators for appropriating his struggle? Awwww.

10 years ago

This is where Paul Elam’s life in fantasy-land does him a bit of harm. If he actually paid attention to #gamergate, and didn’t just voice support simply because they were anti-feminist, he would know that pretty much everything they say is posturing and propaganda. “what we’ve been fighting all along” carries as much rhetorical weight for them as “the flames will never die” and “it’s really about ethics in games journalism.”

@Tabby Lavalamp:

Give him a laptop disconnected from the internet, a fake website to post on, and a program that generates random supportive comments and news articles. He’ll be happy, and as a side benefit the rest of the world doesn’t need to crumble!

Of course, then the novel becomes less dystopian and more “Truman Show,” but eh.

10 years ago

That is a perfect compliment to the article SEK wrote about him for Raw Story where he explains his efforts to “prevent there ever having been a GamerGate or Matt Taylor fiasco to begin with.” by excluding women from employment outside the home.
He really is a sad specimen of those described as standing athwart of history screaming stop.

10 years ago

What a thing to waste your life on. Do you think he realizes (or even has a small inkling that) he’s a complete bastard, or that he genuinely believes he’s right?

On the Alexa statistics page, I mistakenly read the second section as “How enraged are visitors to…” 🙂

10 years ago

That Mario/Elam picture at the top cracked my shit up.

10 years ago

“this is what GamerGate has been fighting all along.”

Translation from Trollspeak to English: “Women. We’ve been fighting WOMEN all along. And we’re still at it, and losing bad. Whine whine pout sulk little feet go STAMPY STAMPY STAMP STAMP!!!”

Paulie seems to be saying much the same thing. Except, in his own case, the feet are rather large. And obviously ridden with corns and bunions.

10 years ago


Aurini and Owen seriously have Jack Thompson on their jackoffumentary and suddenly I’m seeing a rash of “well you can say one thing for Jack Thompson” from gamergate

this is just too much

10 years ago

Oh god, please let these two groups of idiots turn on each other. That would be so awesome.

10 years ago

Wait wait wait… Jack Thompson was the one Aurini and Owen had up their sleeves? The on with the credentials, who had connections, all that? The guy who literally wanted to take away their vidya games? The guy who gamergate compared SJWs to in order to illustrate how evil SJWs are?

The guy who, and you’ll pardon me for blockquoting, has this as his intro on his website?

The controversy is creeping into every home. What are your children playing? How much adult content is there in these games? Is it suitable? Is the rating any good? Does it prevent children from buying things they shouldn’t be able to buy?

Where can you go for more information?

Jack Thompson is one of the most outspoken opponents of sexuality and violence in video games. Along with other notables such as Hillary Clinton, Jack Thompson has sent literally hundreds of letters, dozens of media appearances, and even several law suits, all attempting to restrict harmful video games from reaching the hands of youth.

Thhhheeeeeeee Fuuuuuucccckkkkk?

Katherine XII
Katherine XII
10 years ago

Wait, seriously?

*Jack Thompson*

I think we have passed the point of self-parody to some horrific eldritch thing that makes Nathan Poe weep.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Pfft. Everybody knows there weren’t any video games or women before Gamergate.

10 years ago

Does that mean Aurini is getting rid of the skull in favour of moving Jack Thompson from room to room instead?

10 years ago

@inurashii If they turn Jack Thompson into a hero… I feel the need to post that speech from Emperor Palpatine at the end of Return of the Jedi. Their hatred has caused them to turn to the dark side. Except they were always there, weren’t they.

They would rather destroy games then let people insert politics they disagree with into them.

10 years ago

@shadethedruid, you owe me a keyboard.

10 years ago

You can find a discussion about and a link to the video interview with Thompson here:

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
10 years ago

Dear Elam, GamerGate is never going to give you the kind of attention you want. You’ll never be able to hook your wagon to that particular rolling pile of garbage, much as you may want to. They don’t care and won’t care, because in the end your misogyny really isn’t unique at all.

Anyway, can anyone even imagine how gerberghazis and MRAs would react if a woman appeared on camera crying while apologizing for whatever ridiculous thing they chose to pile onto her for? The crows of victory and the masturbatory articles about it calling her weak would go on for months. Now a man gets a little choked up over getting a little criticism and suddenly “bullying” is the worst thing in the world to them. Meanwhile women have had to flee their houses because of gerberghazi’s attentions, but its most prominent reps can’t spare an ounce of sympathy for women getting death threats. But we must make sure MATT LANDEDONACOMETALLBYHIMSELFGUY never, ever has to shed a tear over feminism again.

10 years ago

That photoshop rocks.

[For the concern trolls: This does not, in fact, mean that I want Mr. Elam to fall into a hole. I’m fine with him stepping on a truckload of legos, though.]

Tired Texan
Tired Texan
10 years ago

What is the single thing that MRAs, ggaters and shirtstormers have in common? Telling women to shut up, and enforcing silence through death and rape threats and doxxing and harassment.

But, but, but …. MRAs are for helping men, ggathers are only for ethics in journalism and shirtstorm is protesting the bullying of a man online.

10 years ago


… Elam needs a Glove World hat. This must be done.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
10 years ago

Aw! Poor Pauly learns that he was never the King of Misogyny after all, just a particularly loudmouthed pawn.

10 years ago

#Gamergate siding with Jack Thompson… I.. uh… NOPE.

10 years ago

How can gamergaters argue that it’s not about misogyny when they’re welcoming a man who is actually saying the things they’re falsely accusing Anita Sarkeesian of saying into the club? Seriously. I want to know. Are there any gaters lurking? If so, please do tell.

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