bad boys men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill

Charles Manson, dating coach?

Charles Manson, Alpha Male of the Cell block?
Charles Manson, Alpha Male of the Cell block?

So the Associated Press is reporting that Charles Manson, everyone’s favorite orchestrator of mass murder, is planning to marry. His future bride is a 26-year-old groupie who’s been trying to convince the world for nine years that Charlie is innocent.

According to one self-proclaimed dating expert and regular contributor to Return of Kings, the fact that “the 80-year-old murderer is marrying a hotter girl than [nice guys will] ever get,” is proof that guys need to start channelling their own inner Charles Manson in order to become the “bad boy” that women really go for.

As “Trouble Maker” puts it,

This woman is just an extreme case, but her actions in this case largely represent the way woman act as a whole. There is just no resisting the panty moistening allure of the bad boy for them. …

She’s definitely cute, at least in these pictures being spread around by the media. …

Meanwhile, the stable computer programmer is left running macros on POF [Plenty of Fish] in hopes that he catches a whale.

I actually sort of hope that would-be pickup artists start tattooing swastikas on their foreheads. It would make them a lot easier to identify at a glance.

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Jon H
Jon H
10 years ago

Night of the Lepus?

Giant bunny movie.

10 years ago

With giant housecats aren’t we basically right back to lions again? Just without the special teeth.

Jon H
Jon H
10 years ago

Giant sloths would be interesting. Run! They’re… moseying our way!

10 years ago

Doormice, or voles. Giant but completely unthreatening rodents.

Giant badgers otoh, run for your life.

10 years ago

I was thinking more something the size of a lion but the instincts of a housecat–like, they just want to curl up in your lap, but they’ll squish you if they do, and God help you if you are a little late with dinner.

10 years ago

Giant sugar gliders.

10 years ago

10 years ago

Okay, the giant sugar glider thing needs to be a movie.

10 years ago

(Haven’t read through the comments yet.) I heard about this on the radio this morning, but it did not click. I totally thought the story was about singer Marilyn Manson, and I thought goid for him.

10 years ago

Man, the guys at RoK suck at math and statistics (besides sucking at logic)! I’m sure that they also think that they’ll strike it rich by playing the lottery, so they better quit their day jobs. This woman seems like an outlier because most women do not date murderers. I’m pretty sure there are more programmers happily coupled than convicted murdrers. They just happen not to make the news.

10 years ago

Wait. Only American women date criminals? What?

Anyway, giant housecats would be terrifying. Dracarys kneads with her full claws out every time she snuggles me and it’s already really painful with her only weighing 8 pounds. If she was giant, my leg would get ripped off. Darrow already knocks things off counters all the time. I would hate to imagine what his tail of doom would do if he was giant.

10 years ago


like this?

10 years ago

Is BarnBurner Woody with a new name or just similar but less amusing? I’m not even sure when he showed up, I just started noticing these totally pointless passive-aggressive comments on each thread, but for all I know he could have been here for months and just been too boring to notice.

10 years ago

And how about a giant carnivorous kangaroo? A marsupial Pleistocene Park movie would be cool.

Procoptodon, for example, is a 2.5 metre high creature which looks like a koala crossed with a kangaroo. Australian palaoentologists had several near complete skeletons to work from, preserved in caves during the late Pleistocene.

10 years ago

I dunno if that thing is/was terrifying or if it’s just that things that look like they’ve been taxidermied always scare the shit out of me.

10 years ago

OK, totally OT but this is a photoset for WHTM if I ever saw one.

10 years ago

Somebody merge the sad cat picks with the gif of the doctor in the rain. Do it do it do it do it doitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoit.


10 years ago
10 years ago

Actually, I know a guy who created a bot just for that, he automated the like process and had it auto login. He’s married now with a kid and she’s a larger lady BUT that’s actually his thing. I’m happy for him and he really loves her. Anyway thanks for being a dissenting voice. You’re getting in the material I despise. I can’t stand this alpha male bullshit. What a crock of crap.

10 years ago

I don’t get why these guys would want to emulate a mass murderer in order to attract women who… are attracted to mass murderers?

I mean, I keep imagining a scenario where I’m dating a woman whom I’ve, for some reason, led to believe that I am, in fact, a serial killer (even though I’m not), and the truth finally comes out. The idea of being on the receiving end of a very, very disapproving look from a woman who finds the idea of dating a serial killer enticing isn’t very appealing to me.

“Oh, so you’re a poser then. Just another conformist. How… disappointing.”

Brrrr. Fortunately, I wasn’t planning on sleeping tonight anyway.

@various people: Seconding the reminder not to use ableist language here.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


Unfortunately, the giant roo and the carnivorous roo are separate animals. Procoptodon was bloody huge but only ate leaves, Ekaltadeta ate whatever the hell it felt like but was only the size of a small modern wallaby. But hey, it’s sci-fi, we could hybridise them! =P

(Silly Australian palaeontologists ruining all your fun… Sorry.)

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
10 years ago

Attack of the giant kitties? I can provide:
Linked because I don’t know how to embed.

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
10 years ago

And if anyone needs some brain bleach, Baby bats! (uploaded by the same user.)

10 years ago

Aww, I want baby bats.