bad boys men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill

Charles Manson, dating coach?

Charles Manson, Alpha Male of the Cell block?
Charles Manson, Alpha Male of the Cell block?

So the Associated Press is reporting that Charles Manson, everyone’s favorite orchestrator of mass murder, is planning to marry. His future bride is a 26-year-old groupie who’s been trying to convince the world for nine years that Charlie is innocent.

According to one self-proclaimed dating expert and regular contributor to Return of Kings, the fact that “the 80-year-old murderer is marrying a hotter girl than [nice guys will] ever get,” is proof that guys need to start channelling their own inner Charles Manson in order to become the “bad boy” that women really go for.

As “Trouble Maker” puts it,

This woman is just an extreme case, but her actions in this case largely represent the way woman act as a whole. There is just no resisting the panty moistening allure of the bad boy for them. …

She’s definitely cute, at least in these pictures being spread around by the media. …

Meanwhile, the stable computer programmer is left running macros on POF [Plenty of Fish] in hopes that he catches a whale.

I actually sort of hope that would-be pickup artists start tattooing swastikas on their foreheads. It would make them a lot easier to identify at a glance.

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Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

Yes, this one extreme example is used by the spherians as PROOF! that wimminz, all wimminz everywhere (cuz all wimminz everywhere are the same), have hots for decrepit mass murderers and their ilk, a.k.a alphas or something such.

It makes tots sense.

Using the same logic of generalizing one extreme example on the entire population, I’ve come to the conclusion that all menz everywhere have hots for 80-year-old grandmas:

Because obviously.

And my computer programmer hubby of three decades agrees, I’m sure.

10 years ago

Charles Manson’s ‘work’ was actually performed by women…which should be a turn-off for alpha male loving MRAs/PUAs.

Plus, Sharon Tate was an hb10 probably. I don’t know how they judge these things, but she was thin, blonde, pretty, and young so I’m guessing they’d rate her an 8 at the very least. Certainly when a woman kills a woman with higher SMV than her it’s misandry. Only because it deprives other men of not her. Not because they would care about the woman’s life or anything!

10 years ago

You know, it took me *forever* to figure out what a spherian was.

I haz shame.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago


“You know, it took me *forever* to figure out what a spherian was.

I haz shame.”

On the orders from The High Feminist Council, I forgive you (though if it were up to me, you’d have to write that 100 times on a blackboard 😉 ).

10 years ago

They seem to be overlooking the fact that Manson is really old. Well, they are implying it’s a positive, but really, how many of these guys would be happy about it if they didn’t get a gf/wife until they were 80? Patience is something they really don’t have.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago


“a high percentage of Charles Manson’s ‘work’ was actually performed by women…which should be a turn-off for alpha male loving MRAs/PUAs”

One of the (several contradictory, because obviously) going theories of “alpha” has it that their distinguishing mark is the ability to evoke such submissive-servicing response from women that nothing is out of bounds. IOW you know alpha by the sh!t women are spontaneously (or maybe with some abusive prodding — why, alpha privilege) willing to do for him.

Of course this is just one theory among many. The day when spherians agree on the meaning of their invented terminology is very near, just around the corner and right behind the apocalypse.

10 years ago

I never looked at it like that…but I think you’ve managed to channel the PUAs/MRAs

Aunt Edna
I actually thought about that. Definitely a plus for them (getting women to submit), but isn’t killing ‘man’s work’? (in their minds anyway)

is spherian short for manospherian?

Puddleglum You are not alone…I didn’t get that one at first, either (if I got it now)

10 years ago

It’s really not a great thing that I’ve developed the ability to see the world from PUA eyes. Or maybe it is because I’ll know how to avoid them.

10 years ago

So… Manson is in prison forever, doesn’t get conjugal visitation rights, he’s 80, but is totes alpha? Meanwhile his ‘wife’ is out and about and prepared to take full advantage of his terrible form of celebrity. Where are the spherians screaming ‘gold-digger’?

10 years ago

This might be a step too far (in terms of analogies go), but the profilers on Criminal Minds are always lamenting that getting inside serial killers’ heads is an occupational necessity (as Nietzsche put it … Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you)

Getting into their heads is dangerous but necessary

I think I have serial killers on the brain because of the ROK dude’s comment about Manson…

10 years ago

oof ya…we really need an edit function

*in terms of analogies
strike the word ‘go’ from your memories

10 years ago

Anyone else think that girl looks unsettingly like Susan Atkins?

10 years ago

@ diane6815

Best movie about that dynamic ever is I Saw The Devil.

10 years ago


ooo…I’ll have to watch that. Sounds awesome!

10 years ago

PS: I found a description on the Interwebs

10 years ago

Normally I find movie villains too cartoonish to be scary (Hannibal Lecter being a perfect example), but the villain in that one is fucking terrifying.

10 years ago

Non-American thrillers and horror movies tend to scare the c**p out of me.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, as far as I’m concerned, and no one even comes to close to her. I don’t care if someone Is marrying younger, or someone else is marrying a supermodel-she is the most amazing and beautiful woman because we make each other happy.

Reading that made me happy.

10 years ago

This one has two really great actors too. I haven’t actually seen an American horror movie I’ve liked in a long time, I’ve stopped even trying to be honest.

Another one I really liked (totally different genre, all about ghosts), this time from Hong Kong, was The Eye. The first and third ones were OK but it’s the second one I’d really recommend.

10 years ago

I’ll have to check that one out 🙂

10 years ago

Charles Manson is a mass murderer.
Charles Manson got a date.
Therefore, being a mass murderer gets you a date.


10 years ago

American horror movies have nothing on american Sci-fi for hilariousness of watching.

Our monster will be a dragon. It will live in Alaska, where there are totally giant sequoia and 3 weeks of straight and bright noon-day sun. Taiga? What’s Taiga? Or tundra…

Our monster will be a ginormous sea-lizard. Watch us outrun radiation! We can totally do that! It’s not like the slowest type of radiation moves at 16,000 km/s or anything…

All the good monsters are extinct. We should have some brilliant sort clone them! And set them loose and they can turn on their cloners! It’ll be great! Jurassic park did it! We’ll be the next Jurassic park, but with SABERTOOTHED TIGERS!

I don’t do horror, but really bad sci-fi movies are hilarious.

10 years ago

Sci-Fi movie generator:

Giant [animal] ravages [place] using [pick one: radiation, weather, psychic powers].

10 years ago

Especially when they know how silly they are and keep winking at the audience, like Deep Blue Sea.

10 years ago

«Just put all of JM’s post in here for truth and awwwws 😀 »