#gamergate irony alert misogyny twitter

Respects is Earn: A meme is born


Brianna Wu — game developer, #GamerGate target #3 — got a Tweet sent to her yesterday announcing that “respects is earn not shrilly demanded.”

Mangled grammar aside, this is an “argument” we hear a lot from misogynistic men as a way of explaining away their lack of respect for women as a gender. Wu thought this inadvertantly lollcatty version of this cliche was too good to let vanish in the internet ether, and suggested that the phrase “respects is earn” be immortalized in a meme.

And so it was. The cat above is @RobIsAWriter’s interpretation; here (after the bump) are a few more.

Obviously, Aretha Franklin needed to be a part of this:

Even if we set aside the misogyny for a moment, it seems to me that “respect is earned” is a rather backward way of looking at it. Shouldn’t the default be respect instead of not respect? That is, shouldn’t we treat everyone with a basic level of respect to begin with, downgrading this only if the person in question says or does something that makes them less worthy of respect? And even then give them at least a minimal amount of respect for simply being human?

Oh, and before any #GGers get indignant about it, the @GGer who Tweeted “respects is earn” is clearly a native speaker of English; go through his timeline to see.(In some of his Tweets since this meme got going he’s deliberately using lolspeak.)

H/T — r/GamerGhazi

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10 years ago

I cannot even. Respects is earn… are we sure he didn’t mean “expects is earn?” Because he has to earn the ability to have others do what he expects? By having reasonable expectations, ya know?

10 years ago

And since he *doesn’t* have reasonable expectations… people don’t do what he expects, and so he doesn’t think they deserve any respects.

I’m rhyming now, I guess. This is what happens when I post while I’m tired. :/

Ice and Indigo
Ice and Indigo
10 years ago

There’s also professional respect, which is what Wu is insisting on, which we might define as ‘a basic level of acceptance that, while I don’t pretend to be right about everything in the world ever, I’m speaking from a position of knowledge and the experience and probably know more than someone who doesn’t have comparable knowledge and experience.’ Which isn’t about courtesy, it’s about acknowledging basic reality.

And a female professional knowing better than an amateur male geek? CANNOT BE! When a guy bases his masculinity on his geek-hood and vice versa, a woman who out-experts him and doesn’t use that expertise to validate him is the end of the world.

Ice and Indigo
Ice and Indigo
10 years ago

‘Knowledge and experience’, not ‘knowledge and the experience.’ That was practically lolcat-speak in its own right!

10 years ago

I looked at that conversation and of course, he’s the one being shrill and stupid and Brianna is calm and like, normal.

I was thinking last night about some of the conversations I had during my years working in HIV. It was 88-91so still lots of politics and fear. I dealt with plenty of homophobes and addictphobic people as well as health care folk who were freaked out and had the occasional phone call but there was no social media so no screen to hide behind. It makes a huge difference in what most people are willing to say if they have to look you in the eye. Maybe things were said behind my back, I’ll never know and I don’t care. Like Brianna, I was and still am proud of my role then and I know I helped people as she will.

She is not far from here actually.

{waves}. You go girl!!

10 years ago

This kind of attitude reflects why libertarians tend to score high on Authoritarian Personality scales. It’s all focused on Personal Responsibility And Agency, but there comes out this deeply held, completely rigid, hysterically emotional belief that there are RIGHT WAYS and WRONG WAYS to get social capital and power. Having other people feel compassion for you, that’s a wrong way to do it. Organizing is a wrong way to do it. Calling attention to group-based unfairness is a REALLY wrong way to do it.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Respect and earn, two weasel words that weasel great together.

10 years ago


Yessssssssssss. /Yessssss/.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@seraph4377, nail, head, BOOM.

and while “beaten down” is usually limited to harassment and threats, those harassment and threats wouldn’t have nearly as much bite if literal violence wasn’t a distinct possibility

Absolutely. The only thing these guys respect is physical power. Ideas mean nothing to them. A woman can completely pwn them verbally, smack them down, destroy their flimsy logic and morally empty arguments, and they still won’t accord one iota of respect. Instead, they’ll retaliate with a horrendous torrent of threats and insults and abuse to demonstrate their own physical power. Whereas Chris Kluwe gets a free pass for saying exactly the same things, because he can bench press a house and punt a football 50 yards.

10 years ago

comment image

Loon of Nature (@LoonOfNature)

There is something called common courtesy

10 years ago

Don’t know if anybody did this one yet

10 years ago

I googled a bit on the KKK operation and would you know it…

The threat comes in response to the campaign Anonymous began online, to name KKK members in the Ferguson and St. Louis area after it was discovered that the KKK members have been distributing fliers. The fliers warn Ferguson protesters of the consequences of a continuation of their fight, stating they have “awakened a sleeping giant,” and that they [KKK] will use “lethal force” against protestors if they continue. The fliers handed out justify the lethal force as a form of “self-defense.”

sounds like the kind of language GGers are using.

10 years ago
10 years ago

I love how the same people who sneer at me that “Respects is Earn” turn into whiny children when I refuse to respect them because of their refusal to even give me the common courtesy of not being an absolute jerk to me.

10 years ago

But, clearly, respects is not earned via good grammar…

(I’ll show myself out now)

10 years ago

This reminds of the time there was actually an argument about trigger warnings on my dash. One person, who owned a business frequented by several people I followed, posted a rant about how trigger warnings were weird and useless and that no one should use them. (Yeah, on the official tumblr for his shop; how classy.) And then someone I followed reblogged this rant to agree. While using bullshit to explain why people who have triggers should not be allowed on tumblr (and therefore, why they refused to tag triggers on any post they reblogged), they stated “being treated with kindness is a PRIVILEGE that you have to earn!”

Never unfollowed someone so fast. e.o

10 years ago

If you have to earn respects, maybe this explains why so many men in the manosphere say they will have nothing to do with baby and early childhood care – those little brats just haven’t earn respects so Alpha Daddy will ignore them until they beat someone up (boys) or show sufficient submissiveness (girls) – thereby earning their place as human (as close to human as is possible in the case of girls, of course) in the bizarro world of the manosphere.

10 years ago

Dear GamerGomers: DISrespect is earned. And you have earned all of mine.

Fuck you very much.

10 years ago

This smacks of Dark Enlightenment rhetoric – something like ‘if you deserved respect (like me), you would already have mine. You don’t, so you don’t. Neener, neener.’

Miss Manners once wrote that society is like a complicated piece of machinery, and good manners/etiquette/courtesy are the lubricant that keeps the gears from grinding. When people abandon them for various specious reasons, they are inevitably gobsmacked when the machinery (that they were depending on without realizing it) begins to break down. Of course, some of these wowsers actually believe they’d be better off without society holding them back, because they sure as Hell don’t realize that it’s holding them *up*.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Sooner or later, it had to be done.

10 years ago

Respect is an Ode on a Grecian Urn.

10 years ago

I love how the same people who sneer at me that “Respects is Earn” turn into whiny children when I refuse to respect them because of their refusal to even give me the common courtesy of not being an absolute jerk to me.

The hilarious thing is, these Gomers are all “Respect Mah Authoritah” types themselves. Excuse me, boys, who is being shrill and demanding, again?

10 years ago

When I lived in Boulder, Colorado, my favorite underground grotto bar had a big sign that said “GIVE RESPECT–GET RESPECT.” I always thought that was a very enlightened notion.