a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery dark enlightenment domestic violence evil women excusing abuse f. roger devlin men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men patriarchy racism whaaaaa?

Manosphere philosopher F. Roger Devlin asks: "Is the Violence Against Women Act an attempt to get back at men for their failure to put women in their place?"

I don't get it either.
I don’t get it either.

You may remember woman-hating white nationalist F. Roger Devlin as the guy who invented β€œhypergamy” – or at least the misogynistic cartoon version of the concept popular in Men’s Rights and other β€œred pill” subcultures.

Well, Devlin also has some thoughts on domestic violence, and they make even less sense.

In a recent post on the far-right Counter-Currents Publishing website, Devlin takes on what he calls β€œThe Question of Female Masochism.” His basic thesis: that women – or at least a lot of them – get a sexual thrill out of being physically abused.

His proof? That Clark Gable won the hearts of female moviegoers by playing a series of macho cads. And that Tammy Wynette married a number of men who allegedly abused her. Devlin writes:

If Tammy Wynette never took up with a man who failed to abuse her, there can be only one explanation: Tammy had a thing for nasty boys.

If you put a woman like this in a room with a dozen men, within five minutes she would be exclusively focused on the meanest, most domineering and brutal fellow in the room.

Also something about cavemen and chimps and how women are a bunch of manipulative monsters; my eyes glazed over.

So far this is fairly standard-issue misogynistic victim-blaming. But Devlin, clever fellow that he is, takes it a step further.

As he sees it, society has done such a good job of controlling the violent tendencies that women secretly pine for β€œrough men” like Clark Gable, who aren’t afraid to put women β€œin their place” even if it means punching them in the nose.

A society-wide failure of men to take charge of women is likely to produce a great deal of conscious or unconscious sexual frustration in women which may express itself as sadism.

And so, as Devlin sees it, these women – a bunch of mascochists turned sadists – are taking their revenge against wimpy men by … supporting laws against domestic violence. No, really, that’s what he thinks:

Is the Violence Against Women Act an attempt to get back at men for their failure to put women in their place? Surely women would rather have Clark Gable than take out more restraining orders, force men to take more anger management classes, enjoy more absurd police-state protections from men who are increasingly wimpy anyway.

Uh, what? I’ll let Bea Arthur handle this one.



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10 years ago

Well, his butt walking away was also a highlight, but yes, in general I concede your point.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Hate to see him go, but love to watch him leave.

I don’t know where they found that magic pair of jeans. His legs never looked quite so long again in subsequent films.

10 years ago

I found a live one! (By live one I mean a hilariously projecting MRA/neoreactionary). Check out these two tweets:

He also retweeted this:

He’s also a gamer-hating #Gamergate Supporter:

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Buttercup – I thought you might like this one! πŸ˜€

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I does, I does! I love the regal sideways glance. Good timing, too, that Mr. K was able to model it before summer gets too hot (though I don’t know what the seasons are like across the veil).

10 years ago

“The righteous authority of kingship”? Oh fucking BROTHER. I guess someone has never heard of inbreeding or the mental effects it tends to have. Especially when taken to the extremes of, say, Pharaonic Egypt.

10 years ago

(And don’t get me started on “venal imbeciles”. Dubya is the first one that comes to mind, and he is descended from actual royalty. Pity he wasn’t really elected, which kind of shoots this moron’s whole “point” to shit.)

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


Or Rome. Or the Habsburgs of Spain. Or…

10 years ago

Keanu Reeves, how could no one mention Speed?

I find Sean Bean, Dwayne Johnson, and Arnold Vosloo all unbelieveably sexy.

And in scifi: Lani Tupu from Farscape, Steve Bacic from various (e.g. Andromeda), and of course Jason Momoa.

I shall continue to boast about meeting Jason Momoa at a comiccon type thing, where we paid to have our photo taken. He is a really genuinely nice guy. He has those sort of smiley eyes where you know the person spends most of their time smiling and enjoys having fun with others. He also has the most awesome stories (like going to the pub after shooting Game of Thrones, still wearing mascara because all the make-up wouldn’t come off, and people noticing he was wearing mascara, but no-one coming up to him and saying anything).

10 years ago

I’m not usually into big burly men but I would definitely make an exception for Jason Momoa. It’s because he has warm eyes and a gorgeous smile.

10 years ago

I can do tall but not burly, and usually not very manly in general, but I’d go for Momoa too. Maybe it’s just all the eyeliner they have him wearing in GOT.

10 years ago

This is a link to an interesting article comparing PUA tactics vs actually learning how to attract women:

10 years ago

Thanks to the herding cats ad linked in the other thread, that has reminded me of an attribute that makes men damned attractive: caring for animals.

10 years ago

Emailing you something.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Buttercup – the weather across the veil (our part of it, that is) is pretty much like France, as you might expect, though without extremes. Snow’s not killingly cold – okay I’m stretching the metaphor there! – and summer’s warm to hot without being horrible like it is here. Imagine what being on campaign in the south of France and wearing armour on the dog days was like, my oath …

10 years ago

I’d think the internet’s collective swooning over Tom Hiddleston would disprove the idea that women only like jerks.

And I do have to admit, while I didn’t have any particularly strong opinion about him as Loki — besides that he did a great job in the acting — the more I see him in interviews and behind the scenes stuff, well, dang. Super attractive.

10 years ago

While we’re talking about attractive film actors, I found a Buzzfeed quiz titled “Would You Rather: Hot Guys vs Food”.

Be warned, there are some hard choices in there. πŸ˜› Like Chris Pratt vs free burrito ingredients for life.

10 years ago

I looked through that link and…um generally I mademy choices on whether it was food I liked, rather than the guy

10 years ago

The few times it was an actor I liked (Idris Elba), it was food I /really/ liked. But where I chose the guy it was mainly cos I hated the food.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

My reaction to most of the questions was “Eww, neither, thanks.” A lot of that food I’ve never heard of and don’t want to try, or certainly not eat on those terms (fish and chips every night? How nauseating) and of the blokes I’ve even heard of, the only one not an active turn-off is Jake Gyllenhall, and that’s only in *some* makeup/wig combinations. Sure, they’re handsome (well, most … Bernard Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston? Blech) but just not appealing to me even on a hypothetical level. I loathe over-muscled bodies.

10 years ago

Thanks to the herding cats ad linked in the other thread, that has reminded me of an attribute that makes men damned attractive: caring for animals.

10 years ago

I meant, QFT πŸ™‚

10 years ago

*eyes Kitteh*

Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston are gods!

OK, tastes vary, but I could stare at them for hours. πŸ™‚

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

LOL! Okay, you can stare at them, I’ll stare elsewhere. πŸ˜€

10 years ago

I admit I took the quiz half seriously. I agree with Kitteh that some of the food options sound awful in real life. Only eating brownies for the rest of my days? Fish and chips every night? No thanks! Plus I wouldnt really get in bed with anyone outside of a relationship, even if they were a hot male celebrity.

But then, free burrito ingredients and all you can eat ribs sounds genuinely great. Also, having my chores done by Ryan Reynolds. Also, the super cheesy macaroni cheese. I do love cheese…