a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery dark enlightenment domestic violence evil women excusing abuse f. roger devlin men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men patriarchy racism whaaaaa?

Manosphere philosopher F. Roger Devlin asks: "Is the Violence Against Women Act an attempt to get back at men for their failure to put women in their place?"

I don't get it either.
I don’t get it either.

You may remember woman-hating white nationalist F. Roger Devlin as the guy who invented “hypergamy” – or at least the misogynistic cartoon version of the concept popular in Men’s Rights and other “red pill” subcultures.

Well, Devlin also has some thoughts on domestic violence, and they make even less sense.

In a recent post on the far-right Counter-Currents Publishing website, Devlin takes on what he calls “The Question of Female Masochism.” His basic thesis: that women – or at least a lot of them – get a sexual thrill out of being physically abused.

His proof? That Clark Gable won the hearts of female moviegoers by playing a series of macho cads. And that Tammy Wynette married a number of men who allegedly abused her. Devlin writes:

If Tammy Wynette never took up with a man who failed to abuse her, there can be only one explanation: Tammy had a thing for nasty boys.

If you put a woman like this in a room with a dozen men, within five minutes she would be exclusively focused on the meanest, most domineering and brutal fellow in the room.

Also something about cavemen and chimps and how women are a bunch of manipulative monsters; my eyes glazed over.

So far this is fairly standard-issue misogynistic victim-blaming. But Devlin, clever fellow that he is, takes it a step further.

As he sees it, society has done such a good job of controlling the violent tendencies that women secretly pine for “rough men” like Clark Gable, who aren’t afraid to put women “in their place” even if it means punching them in the nose.

A society-wide failure of men to take charge of women is likely to produce a great deal of conscious or unconscious sexual frustration in women which may express itself as sadism.

And so, as Devlin sees it, these women – a bunch of mascochists turned sadists – are taking their revenge against wimpy men by … supporting laws against domestic violence. No, really, that’s what he thinks:

Is the Violence Against Women Act an attempt to get back at men for their failure to put women in their place? Surely women would rather have Clark Gable than take out more restraining orders, force men to take more anger management classes, enjoy more absurd police-state protections from men who are increasingly wimpy anyway.

Uh, what? I’ll let Bea Arthur handle this one.



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10 years ago

About Interview, Pitt is the only one of those three I ever find attractive, so…

In terms of him with long hair he looked better in Legends of the Fall, but the problem is that in order to appreciate that you have to watch the movie, which is painfully bad.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I saw a few minutes of that, and yes, he did look better. Only time I’ve thought Tom Cruise was almost worth looking at was when he was hidden under long hair and a moustache in Born on the Fourth of July. Antonio Banderas isn’t really my type either, though he can spiff up if he’s doing his Mask of Zorro look. (Readers may notice a pattern here.)

10 years ago

Legends of the Fall, yeah, eeesh.

10 years ago

Huh, that’s odd. Every time try to read anything by this Devlin guy my vision goes blank and I start hearing “Cthulhu F’thagn” chanted over and over.

Is that normal?

No! That is not normal. I get the chanting, but then blood starts pouring out of cracks in the walls and forms these weird, rune-like symbols. Maybe you should check in with your high priestess?

10 years ago

He sure was pretty, but other than that, no thank you.

10 years ago

Normally I love long hair on men, but Tom Cruise should never, ever do that again.

I used to like it, but after finding out what bag Jian Ghomeshi really comes out of, I’m kind of off it, myself.

Gee! It’s almost as if this “women LOVE them some sadistic bad boys” shit has no actual merit whatsoever!

10 years ago

I’m confused by the Clark Gable = asshole thing this guy has going on. I mean, he played a lot of mean guys in movies (note, the characters tended to be gruff guys with soft hearts, just sayin’) but those were roles. Not the actual personality of the actor. From what I know of him, he slept around a lot with willing women, fell in love once (and lost her) and then eventually went back to sleeping around a lot. Outside of that, everyone liked him, he was apparently a really friendly and funny guy.

So this Devlin d00d is basing his analysis on fictional characters. Welp, nothing new there for MRAs.

10 years ago

There are far too many gorgeous men with long hair in the world for one asshole in Canada to change my preferences.

RE Clark Gable, if he slept with lots of women, well, there you go, that automatically translates to “asshole” in bittermisogynistspeak, no matter how happy about it the women in question were.

10 years ago

Well, they also think porn depicts realistic sex, so…

10 years ago

One of my favorite actors tended to play villains and scoundrels, but I loved that off-camera he was a sweet, kind man with unusual interests (and a wicked sense of humor):

(I’m also a Christopher Lee fan. Surprise, surprise.)

10 years ago

Okay, misogynistic dude, I need to teach you some math:

some women =! all women

thinks an actor is hot =! loves everything the actor does in all his movies

thinks a fictional character is hot =! would actually like to date in real life

(and for extra credit: thinks a real person is hot =! would actually like to date in real life)

For extra cuteness:

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

That Maine Coon and b/w kitty are the best. I love the note on the other vid about going off to recover and get a baseball bat. 😀

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

I’ll admit that I’d go straight for Johnny Depp. He plays good guys and bad guys in equal measure, and he seems to be the one of the nicest guys (as in a nice guy, not a Nice Guy™) on the planet behind the camera. Why, it’s almost as if different women have different opinions! *FAINTING COUCH*

10 years ago

@ kittehserf – very nice pic of Mr.K, there.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

The only thing I liked Brad Pitt in was 12 Monkeys, either wrt him as an actor *or* enjoyed the movie. I have pretty much hated everything I’ve seen him in, or hated him in it, or (mostly) both. LotF was UGH, ditto Mr and Mrs Smith and I can’t name anything else, but he (and Tom Cruise) always have set off my creepdar, so maybe that’s all it is. Because I hate Cruise movies pretty much straight across the board too.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

grumpyoldnurse, thanks! Having to put a replacement hand into a pic of Captain Hook was a new challenge, lol.

10 years ago

Huh, that’s odd. Every time try to read anything by this Devlin guy my vision goes blank and I start hearing “Cthulhu F’thagn” chanted over and over.

Is that normal?

No! That is not normal. I get the chanting, but then blood starts pouring out of cracks in the walls and forms these weird, rune-like symbols. Maybe you should check in with your high priestess?

Yeah, I haven’t seen any of that. Just the chanting. It’s really rather disappointing, even if it is catchy. “Cthulhu F’thagn. What a wonderful phrase…”

10 years ago

@ kittehserf – He looks good as a pirate! Maybe leave the hook on? Good job either way.

@ ququasar – thanks for that! I have it stuck in my head now. And, I like it.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

LOL well, he wasn’t going to go so far [resists temptation to say “go overboard”] as to have a hook on! Apart from the background, I wanted to show how he looked in the outfit.

That coat weighs a ton, btw. It’s almost as heavy as if it were leather, though it’s velvet with satin lining.


10 years ago

Meh, no hook’s fine, if that’s what he prefers. Still looks good as a pirate, either way (hope that’s not cheeky of me to say).

I believe you about the weight of the coat, though! I can’t even guess how many yards of fabric that would take, even without all the buttons and trim, and everything. Makes me appreciate jeans and a tee shirt that much more!

10 years ago

Clark Gable? Couldn’t Devlin pick someone from this century?

I thought Brad Pitt was pretty hot in Fight Club but otherwise he doesn’t do it for me. Idris Elba, OTOH, whoa.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Eh, if either of us was worried about people complimenting how he looks, I wouldn’t post his pic! 🙂

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I have an eternal soft spot for David Wenham who, even when playing loathsome villains, still manages to come across as cuddly. Apparently I wasn’t paying attention during the “How To Tammy Wynette” section of Womaning 101.

I liked Brad Pitt for about five minutes in Thelma and Louise, but after that, meh.

kittehserf – wow! I think that may be my fave Mr. K pic yet.

10 years ago

The problem with that pic is that looking at it is giving me sympathy migraines.

(The 5 mins in Thelma and Louise were when he had his shirt of and was prancing around on the bed being sexy/silly, right?)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

The bed scene with the hair dryer, and also when he was lounging in the back seat of the car not talking. It was all downhill from there.