a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery dark enlightenment domestic violence evil women excusing abuse f. roger devlin men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men patriarchy racism whaaaaa?

Manosphere philosopher F. Roger Devlin asks: "Is the Violence Against Women Act an attempt to get back at men for their failure to put women in their place?"

I don't get it either.
I don’t get it either.

You may remember woman-hating white nationalist F. Roger Devlin as the guy who invented “hypergamy” – or at least the misogynistic cartoon version of the concept popular in Men’s Rights and other “red pill” subcultures.

Well, Devlin also has some thoughts on domestic violence, and they make even less sense.

In a recent post on the far-right Counter-Currents Publishing website, Devlin takes on what he calls “The Question of Female Masochism.” His basic thesis: that women – or at least a lot of them – get a sexual thrill out of being physically abused.

His proof? That Clark Gable won the hearts of female moviegoers by playing a series of macho cads. And that Tammy Wynette married a number of men who allegedly abused her. Devlin writes:

If Tammy Wynette never took up with a man who failed to abuse her, there can be only one explanation: Tammy had a thing for nasty boys.

If you put a woman like this in a room with a dozen men, within five minutes she would be exclusively focused on the meanest, most domineering and brutal fellow in the room.

Also something about cavemen and chimps and how women are a bunch of manipulative monsters; my eyes glazed over.

So far this is fairly standard-issue misogynistic victim-blaming. But Devlin, clever fellow that he is, takes it a step further.

As he sees it, society has done such a good job of controlling the violent tendencies that women secretly pine for “rough men” like Clark Gable, who aren’t afraid to put women “in their place” even if it means punching them in the nose.

A society-wide failure of men to take charge of women is likely to produce a great deal of conscious or unconscious sexual frustration in women which may express itself as sadism.

And so, as Devlin sees it, these women – a bunch of mascochists turned sadists – are taking their revenge against wimpy men by … supporting laws against domestic violence. No, really, that’s what he thinks:

Is the Violence Against Women Act an attempt to get back at men for their failure to put women in their place? Surely women would rather have Clark Gable than take out more restraining orders, force men to take more anger management classes, enjoy more absurd police-state protections from men who are increasingly wimpy anyway.

Uh, what? I’ll let Bea Arthur handle this one.



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10 years ago

This makes literally zero sense. Thoughts on the subject:

a.) does he know Rhett Butler is…. fictional?

b.) dude, even ACTUAL MASOCHISTS (like in bdsm) don’t want to be attacked for no reason. context, it exists!

c.) and this relates to VAWA… how? that would be like telling a chef “you made apple pie when I wanted cherry! I’ll show you! I’ll steal all your cherries so you can never make cherry pie (which I want) again!” flawless reasoning there.

10 years ago

Hiddles’s smile could light up a thousand rooms. He sometimes plays sullen characters like the flamboyantly evil, but destined to fail Loki and the near fatally depressed romantic Adam, but he’s downright perky irl. He was a great Henry V. I’m looking forward to seeing him in Crimson Peak. Cool guy, great actor. Mark Ruffalo is still my favorite avenger, though. He’s an outspoken feminist and a science bro.

That said, having a pants fire for a sexy villain does not indicate a desire to be abused. If it did, all of the guys with a thing for Catwoman or Emma Frost would be proof that all men want bad girls who will roundhouse kick them in the face.

Which is why I think this is great:

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

This is just another riff on the Poor Me Nice Guy theme — i.e., why oh why all these stupid sluts have sex with nasty abusive men like instead of good guys like me?

Obviously it shows that women like nasty abusive men because those men get all the pussy they want all the time, while a good guy like me has to go without.

That sure is proof that only abusive alpha men who know how to handle women and put them in their place are what women really desire. Ergo, women don’t know what’s good for them. Ergo, we must take their stupid rights away from them. For their own good.

That’s red pill logic, or what passes for it.

lacerta viridis
10 years ago


Yeah, *women* are the ones with the bizarre hamster logic. Mmhm.

10 years ago

Tom Hiddleston played Henry V ??!


10 years ago
10 years ago


Thanks for linking! It is impossible on a tablet, should have laptop this week, yay.

10 years ago

zennurse, no problem. My favorite part was the interviewer just totally smacking down his nonpology and pointing out that in it he took no responsibility for “what happened”.

10 years ago

I got back at my computer for having a virus by going to obscure Russian websites and downloading free screensavers.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
10 years ago

“Why are the people who are certain of their superiority always the most deficient people anyone could ever have the misfortune to meet?”

There’s a term for this: the Dunning-Kruger Effect. There was a recent article by the Dunning half of this effect on the topic which I think is very much worth reading.

10 years ago


One says he has a PhD but not in what.

In his case, I believe it stands for Pig-headed Dunce.

10 years ago

This is even more sinister

10 years ago

Re the CNN/Julian Blanc video, that was great. Of course, every thing was taken out of context, it was just his sense of humour. Hahahahahahhaha. I loved that interviewer!

10 years ago


“But seriously, why do I always see the language of BDSM tied up (ha, pun) with domestic abuse? It. Is. NOT. AN. EXCUSE. FOR YOUR NASTY, EVIL BEHAVIOUR.
Real BDSM is about CONSENT.”

Which is why I *despise* Fifty Shades of Grey.

The non-consented, abusive, dirtbag behavior I see in that book masquerading around as BDSM makes me *very* nervous for women who pick up this book and don’t see anything wrong with how the “love interest” acts.

10 years ago

Clark Gable was a good-looking man, which I think is a more likely explanation of why he was popular with heterosexual women rather than the marital rape scene from Gone with the Wind.

The rest is just…what? Women like to be beaten, whic is why they advocated for the Violence Against Women Act to be passed. Because revenge against men for not beating them enough. Because that makes perfect sense.

Where’s my copy of How to Even for Dummies? Because I can’t even with this. It’s like Devlin just declared that the problem with the Sahara is that it’s all under water.

10 years ago

Is there an actual word or expression for the sort of logical fallacy that makes a bunch of words strewn on a page look like a train wreck? Because ‘so much fail’ sounds kinda weak, here.

10 years ago

I do not think that the use of ‘masochist’ in this context has anything to do with BDSM. It is just the pathetic notion that women are ‘naturally’ submissive (‘real’ women, anyway!) and he sees no difference between submissiveness and masochism. I don’t think this bloke is big on subtlety!
But compared to the ROK article featured here a couple of days ago this bloke sounds extremely reasonable and moderate! I am still reeling from the article that didn’t actually tell men to chain their wives to a radiator, but might as well have.

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

But @Tabby, Brad Pitt doesn’t exist, he’s been proven to be a figment of Ed Norton;s imagination!

10 years ago

Barn Burner

Paul Elam. Dean Esmay. Tara somebody.
He’s acting like its the world premiere of something, I’m sure hoping the DRAMA will make someone who matters will pay attention. (aside from his new buds at GG)

Or maybe he’s pissed that they didn’t let him in on the Super Seekrit Section6.

I can’t wait for the commentary.

10 years ago

In addition, Paul Elam throwing two hissy fits in one day says more about him than anything else.

There is a state of emergency and National Guard on the streets of Ferguson and were supposed to care about Paul Elam’s fee fees?


10 years ago

@gilshalos The BBC did a series called “The Hollow Crown” which was a version of several of Shakespeare’s histories, starting with “Henry IV part 1.” Tom Hiddleston was Hal/Henry V through the production.

For the record, I hated “Gone with the Wind.” I haven’t seen the movie, but I did read the book, and I had no sympathy for any of the characters in it. Everyone seemed manipulative, abusive, or oblivious. I couldn’t stand Scarlett and didn’t find seeing the world through her eyes interesting at all. The people she surrounded herself with were horrible as well. I can understand finding Clark Gable attractive, but not Rhett Butler.

10 years ago

I never read it but loved the movie as a kid. Then I saw it as an adult and realized it was a racist, sexist just all around horrible story.

10 years ago

Oh, oh. Aren’t we pretentious over there in Wingerland? F. Roger Devlin, is it? What does the F stand for? Fuctup, of course. Case in point:

If Tammy Wynette never took up with a man who failed to abuse her, there can be only one explanation: Tammy had a thing for nasty boys.

Orrrrr maybe there are as many explanations for this as there are “nasty boys” who sucked Tammy into their orbit. Starting with her own grandfather, who sexually abused her when she was under the age of 11?

I’m pretty sure ol’ Rog got his Posthole Digger from a diploma mill, BTW.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
10 years ago

Also, really: Clark Gable, bad boy?

Has this guy not seen any of Gable’s comedies? Like Arsenic and Old Lace?

Sure, Clark Gable was one of Hollywood’s original ‘leading men’, but really, Arsenic and Old Lace shows a whole lot more of his acting talent than Gone with the Wind. Comedy is generally harder to pull off properly.

10 years ago

Yeah, there are “articles” written by dudes about how crazy it is that women like Don Draper. Don Draper, y’all. That must mean women must want men who are dysfunctional and chronic cheaters. Wait, no it doesn’t. Jon Hamm is a handsome, compelling actor who looks spiffy in a suit. Don Draper isn’t real, on the other hand. Oh, and did you actually ask women if they like being mistreated? No? Is your article based on reality or some strange grudge you’re carrying in your brain? Women are bizarre creatures who act/think illogically? You think women might actually enjoy being beaten and raped. You shouldn’t be allowed to go outside, jackass. It’s a good thing no one stops assholes from posting to the internet. How else would you vent your misguided frustrations?