a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery dark enlightenment domestic violence evil women excusing abuse f. roger devlin men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men patriarchy racism whaaaaa?

Manosphere philosopher F. Roger Devlin asks: "Is the Violence Against Women Act an attempt to get back at men for their failure to put women in their place?"

I don't get it either.
I don’t get it either.

You may remember woman-hating white nationalist F. Roger Devlin as the guy who invented “hypergamy” – or at least the misogynistic cartoon version of the concept popular in Men’s Rights and other “red pill” subcultures.

Well, Devlin also has some thoughts on domestic violence, and they make even less sense.

In a recent post on the far-right Counter-Currents Publishing website, Devlin takes on what he calls “The Question of Female Masochism.” His basic thesis: that women – or at least a lot of them – get a sexual thrill out of being physically abused.

His proof? That Clark Gable won the hearts of female moviegoers by playing a series of macho cads. And that Tammy Wynette married a number of men who allegedly abused her. Devlin writes:

If Tammy Wynette never took up with a man who failed to abuse her, there can be only one explanation: Tammy had a thing for nasty boys.

If you put a woman like this in a room with a dozen men, within five minutes she would be exclusively focused on the meanest, most domineering and brutal fellow in the room.

Also something about cavemen and chimps and how women are a bunch of manipulative monsters; my eyes glazed over.

So far this is fairly standard-issue misogynistic victim-blaming. But Devlin, clever fellow that he is, takes it a step further.

As he sees it, society has done such a good job of controlling the violent tendencies that women secretly pine for “rough men” like Clark Gable, who aren’t afraid to put women “in their place” even if it means punching them in the nose.

A society-wide failure of men to take charge of women is likely to produce a great deal of conscious or unconscious sexual frustration in women which may express itself as sadism.

And so, as Devlin sees it, these women – a bunch of mascochists turned sadists – are taking their revenge against wimpy men by … supporting laws against domestic violence. No, really, that’s what he thinks:

Is the Violence Against Women Act an attempt to get back at men for their failure to put women in their place? Surely women would rather have Clark Gable than take out more restraining orders, force men to take more anger management classes, enjoy more absurd police-state protections from men who are increasingly wimpy anyway.

Uh, what? I’ll let Bea Arthur handle this one.



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Tabby Lavalamp
10 years ago

I’m surprised they’re aware of any movie stars existing before Brad Pitt.

Jarred H
10 years ago

If you put a woman like this in a room with a dozen men, within five minutes she would be exclusively focused on the meanest, most domineering and brutal fellow in the room. the meanest, most domineering and brutal fellow in the room will do everything he can to monopolize her attention and isolate her from the rest of the group.

Fixed that for you, Devlin.

Jarred H
10 years ago

Darn, strikeout didn’t work.

10 years ago
10 years ago

At first, I misread that as “thefedorist” rather than “the federalist”.

10 years ago

Not beating women makes them sexually frustrated so they make laws to prevent men beating women for revenge?

Because beating women is a special treat men enjoy and taking it away from them is a mean and spiteful punishment?

*deep breath*


Clarke Gable died in 1960. Yet the popularity of his films in his lifetime proves that contemporary women miss the good ‘ol days when men could knock you around without repercussions even if you were a country music star?

Really? Sexist tropes in old movies and the fact that a few men abused Tammy Wynette proves that women are all (ALL) dishonest, horny, vengeful masochists?

Why are the people who are certain of their superiority always the most deficient people anyone could ever have the misfortune to meet?

10 years ago

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. This is in line with other no-means-yes propaganda.

10 years ago

Brb after I untwist my eyebrows enough so that I can read again.

Seriously, what? I know they think that women are innately illogical, but still…huh?

10 years ago

So, once again, some women being drawn to abusive men says volumes about the true nature of women, but some men being abusive says absolutely nothing about the true nature of men.

10 years ago

Not beating women makes them sexually frustrated so they make laws to prevent men beating women for revenge?

Because beating women is a special treat men enjoy and taking it away from them is a mean and spiteful punishment?

*deep breath*


Clarke Gable died in 1960. Yet the popularity of his films in his lifetime proves that contemporary women miss the good ‘ol days when men could knock you around without repercussions even if you were a country music star?

Really? Sexist tropes in old movies and the fact that a few men abused Tammy Wynette proves that women are all (ALL) dishonest, horny, vengeful masochists?

Why are the people who are certain of their superiority always the most deficient people anyone could ever have the misfortune to meet?

Somebody ought to warn Roger Devlin not to talk smack about Ms. Wynette. I know exactly who I’d like to see do it too.
comment image

10 years ago

I do not know why the first comment reposted with the second.


10 years ago

I mean, if you wanted to connect VAWA and the idea of vengeance, wouldn’t it be just a teensy bit more logical to suggest that it was about women getting vengeance on men for beating us than getting vengeance on them for not beating us enough?

10 years ago

Oh, also, it’s worth noting that, even in 1939 when Gone With the Wind came out, the implied marital rape scene caused controversy for being a scene that implied marital rape. So, while Margaret Mitchell’s writing might have reflected her own experiences of having been married to a man who had raped her at least once during their marriage, men and women, by and large, were raising their eyebrows at that particular scene even back in 1939.

10 years ago

The stupid, it buurrrrnssss…

10 years ago

If anybody does not know Brother Boy and his enduring love for Tammy Wynette, I highly recommend checking out Sordid Lives.

10 years ago

Obviously the feeemales are a monolith, so of course you can generalise from Tammy Wynette. I plan to study her lyrics on “Justified & Ancient (Stand by The JAMs)” for further insights on women in general.

10 years ago

His evidence that women love abusive men is that an actor who’s been dead for 50 years played assholes and was still popular with women 75 years ago? That make so much sense!

Plus liking an actor does not mean you sanction everything their characters do. I think Tom Hiddleston, for example is so popular with women not because he is best known for playing a villain, but because offscreen he seems like a great guy.

10 years ago

So, let me get this straight. This guy thinks:

a) all women are masochists

b) this makes them seek out abusive men

c) abusive men do not beat women enough

d) this makes women want revenge by depriving themselves of beatings

…this man, where he is living, it is not reality.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Surely women would rather have Clark Gable than take out more restraining orders, force men to take more anger management classes, enjoy more absurd police-state protections from men who are increasingly wimpy anyway.

I love how confused he sounds here. C’mon, gals, don’t you even know what you want? Why would you choose to feel valued, safe, and respected when you could have a movie cad from several decades ago?

And since everything is run by the all-powerful ladygovernment, wouldn’t you think we’d simply legislate a Pitt in every pot, if that’s really what we ladies crave? Why would we react to frustration by creating even more frustration?

10 years ago

@ alaisvex – I’m glad to learn that. I like to believe that most relationships down through history have had a certain baseline of respect and genuine affection, despite a lack of equality – that history wasn’t populated by MRA’s, despite the fact that they seem to have written a disproportionate number of history books, philosophy books, and scriptures. That bit of news reassures me.

10 years ago

So making violence illegal is a form of “sadism” that gives women a sexual thrill?? The VAWA is pretty hot, but nowhere near as sexy as sending my voter registration form in the post. Phwoar. Such power play. Many suffrage.

I can think of a lot more sadistic things that I would do to this lowlife and his ilk. Only I wouldn’t be doing it to get off. I’m pretty selfless like that.

But seriously, why do I always see the language of BDSM tied up (ha, pun) with domestic abuse? It. Is. NOT. AN. EXCUSE. FOR YOUR NASTY, EVIL BEHAVIOUR.
Real BDSM is about CONSENT.

10 years ago

So … how does Mr Devlin explain the popularity of George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Leonardo di Caprio, Johnny Depp and Patrick Stewart?

10 years ago

I can’t find any info on this guy except his articles. No bio. One says he has a PhD but not in what. MRA’s sure have a low bar when it comes to vetting their experts, don’t they?

“This sounds good and its right here on the internet!!!! Yeah, perfect”

Wow. Every day an education for this aging hippie, right here at WHTM. 😉

10 years ago

Why are the people who are certain of their superiority always the most deficient people anyone could ever have the misfortune to meet?

The nice thing about being stupid is that you can’t imagine a different answer or take on an issue than the one that occurred to you first. I believe this might be the aegis of the saying “ignorance is bliss”.

10 years ago

Totally OT, but not,

Julien Blanc was on CNN.

Interviewer was brutal.

Julien ‘choked’. He’s so sorry…… For getting caught.

Can’t link but its in the website and on YouTube.

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