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Five Reasons You Should Not Marry, or Date, or Probably Even Live in the Same City With a Fan of Return of Kings

The only appropriate reaction to a marriage proposal from a Return of Kings fan
The only appropriate reaction to a marriage proposal from a Return of Kings fan

So Return of Kings, which seems to be working hard at becoming the most abhorrent publication known to man, has a post up by regular contributor “strongsloth” titled 5 Lines That Potential Wives Cannot Cross — that is , five rules that Mr. Sloth thinks men should enforce with any woman they want to make their wife.

These rules are, naturally, horrific. So horrific, in fact, that they essentially provide us with Five Reasons You Should Not Marry, or Date, or Rent Apartments to, or Probably Even Live in the Same City With Anyone Who’s a Fan of Return of Kings.

So let’s go through them one by one. Do not date or marry a ROK fan because:

1) He will insist on being the supreme dictator.

[A]ll decisions about things outside the house are in your sphere. If she wants some responsibility, it’s ok if she chooses how to cook the eggs.

2) He will isolate you from your family and friends. You know, like abusers do.

Just make it clear that her family and friends from before are not important to you. Their opinions do not matter. Don’t spend a lot of time with them. … They will turn on you the moment there are problems between you and your wife. When that happens, the less influence they have the better.

3) He will get you pregnant in order to make you more dependent on him.

Contraceptives and abortion are murder

Why? Immediate children, more children, short gaps between children. These all increase her dependence on you and the loyalty that comes with it. …

If she is marriageable don’t be afraid to make her pregnant before marriage. There is nothing like a baby on the way to increase your bargaining power. … You are helping her by overcoming her female propensity to waste her fertile years on a career, bad boys, and antidepressants.

4) He will insist that you devote all of your time and attention to raising the children that result from his no-contraception or abortion decree.

He will do this in part because he doesn’t want to bother with the hassles of childrearing, and in part because forcing you to be a stay-at-home mother will allow him to restrict your life and control you more effectively:

Being a mother is a full-time job and her first priority. Any work, sport, church, or whatever that she can’t handle just has to go.

He’ll even insist on controlling how long you breastfeed the children:

Breast feeding is good for children and increases her bond with your children, so make her do it for one year. Then make her stop. Otherwise it might delay the next child and make her search for alternatives to being a wife and mother.

5) And last but certainly not least: Because he will rape you.

Under no circumstance can you accept the idea that she gets to choose if or when to satisfy you or choose to sabotage your joint fertility. …

You control the time and frequency of sex, not her. … [A] woman who will deny you sex early on will only use it to gain greater power over you in the long run. …

The obvious exception to this is the first time you have sex. Typically she will control the timing of that for obvious reasons. From the second time onward, any poorly-reasoned denial is a red flag.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s not the real red flag here.

As strongsloth sees it, enforcing these rules will make it impossible for your future wife to ever “stray.”

Just imagine the situation. Wedding. Pregnant. Child born. Full time mother. No career. Breast feeding. Stop breast-feeding. Constant sex. Pregnant again. Repeat. There is little opportunity for her to get away from the children and her commitment to you, let alone consider alternatives to marriage. By the time the youngest child is in school her SMV [Sexual Market Value] relative to yours will have dropped, and you are safer.

You see what I was saying about how hard ROK is trying to become the worst publication in the world?

I couldn’t bring myself to look at the comments.

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10 years ago

Why are they even talking about marriage on a PUA site anyway? I don’t see how “game” fits in here at all. Why would they bother with game once they’ve harnessed the broodmare?

Also, can anyone tell me what “plates” means? I found it lurking on redpill. I think it means women as in spinning plates but am not sure. No redilll glossary and I’m not exploring any further in that cesspool.

10 years ago

It looks to me as thought they adopted the list of red flags from an abuse website because they have been time tested and proven to work. Criminy!
They are right to some degree. Those are the things that, once you have the woman trapped, make it more difficult for her to escape.

10 years ago

Why are they even talking about marriage on a PUA site anyway? I don’t see how “game” fits in here at all. Why would they bother with game once they’ve harnessed the broodmare?

They need to keep messing with her head once they’ve hooked her, because if she ever found out how utterly loathsome and devoid of personalities they are, she’d be gone without so much as a puff of dust in her wake. That’s why.

Also, they need constant ego-maintenance and everyone knows you can only get that from wiping your dick on as many women as possible. To say otherwise is misandry!

10 years ago

Boy, these guys make marriage look so enticing. If this wasn’t so disgustingly abusive behavior they are advocating, I could think of something funnier to say, but this is just scary sad.

I really don’t know how they plan on implementing these rules without getting in trouble with the law down the road. And Sexual Market Value does not exist-it just doesn’t.

10 years ago

The Quiverful movement terrifies me.
The RoK et al are generally just talking/dreaming. The Quiverful are actually out there doing this, right now.
Even in the UK now it seems.
If I seriously started to think about them I would start screaming, and just never stop.

10 years ago

According to Vickie Garrison of No Longer Quivering, these kind of families usually live in oppressive, miserable poverty.

There’s some truth there. I don’t think it’s so much that people intend to immerse themselves in oppressive poverty as it is that young people overestimate the degree to which their youthful enthusiasm and energy can hold up longterm in the face of constant, yearslong exhaustion and pressure. Ten years in, you’re as broke and exhausted as you would be if you’d spent the last 10 years working 80-hour weeks for peanuts at some startup, but with a much thinner resume and no real right to quit.

A lot of the stuff the QF Frugality Brigade proposes involves trading time and energy for money, as if time and energy weren’t themselves costly. It’s insidious.

10 years ago

The Quiverful are actually out there doing this, right now.
Even in the UK now it seems.
If I seriously started to think about them I would start screaming, and just never stop.

Aw, I wouldn’t worry too much. I know some QF families but from I can tell, it doesn’t seem to “stick” all that well from one generation to the next. I think it’d work “better” if they banded together more like the Amish into tighter, more insular communities with a lot of intergenerational ties and oversight… but in a weird way they’re still way too individualistic to pull that off.

10 years ago

Every time I see ROK, I think Republic of Korea. It’s mildly diverting.

Also, I have an idea about where the infamous Double Ellipsis comes from. If you aim for the space bar and err a bit to the right, you hit the period. My phone does not flag this as an error; if I were in a hurry and significantly less attentive, it would go uncorrected.

The strongsloth of the OP could greatly improve.the lot of women everywhere by emulating the noble beast after which he has named himself. I.e., by hanging upside down in a tree and eating foliage.

10 years ago

Speak of abusers, here’s War Machine laughing while Kristy Mack testifies in court.

Have a look at one of your possible futures ROK assholes.

10 years ago

That site is not of this world!?! SHEEEEESH

10 years ago

Articles like this are so repulsive that I want to break things. Preferably the Return of Kings servers.

10 years ago

Boy, these guys make marriage look so enticing.


There is a self-fulfilling prophesy at work here. They believe women will leave them at the first possible opportunity. Well, yeah. When you torture people and treat them like doormats they get the hell away from you. Misogynists are tied in knots over their fear that a woman they want to own will fall in love with a better man and leave them because how could they not? A relationship with a man like that would make every other man on the planet look like Adonis descending from the heavens on a silver cloud. THAT’s why they desperately want a young virgin to enslave. They know any woman who has had other lovers is going to know how crap they are in bed.

They can barely cope with the fear. They want a way to get (not share) sex with another person without effort. They want someone committed to them, but they don’t want the responsibility of commitment. They want to be loved, but not to risk heartache when that risk is intrinsic to every relationship. There is no way to keep someone from cheating or leaving if they want to. You just have to trust them and hope your trust is not misplaced.

These men chest beat and talk big talk about enslaving the wives they will never have. They’re whistling past the graveyard.

You can also cut the jealousy over the number of lovers they assume all women have with a knife. The whole point of PUA is to trick women into fucking you or outright raping them because otherwise they would never even give you the time of day. They’re so jealous and bitter. They rage at women’s agency and sexuality because they wrongly associate getting laid alot with macho dominance. Independent, mature, intelligent women with past relationships intimidate them. Because if she is getting more than he is, what does that say about him? It says he’s inferior and less of a man because a mere woman out-fucked him. If she can leave him, she will because he’s a horrible person.

Feminism would help these guys so much. They could untangle their insides and relax because there is no manliness test they need to pass. Women are not monsters under their beds. They could have lasting, happy relationships. They could have genuine self-esteem. They could stop being afraid.

They won;t, but they could.

10 years ago

The War Machine needs to be locked away for good. That man should never step foot out of a prison again.

10 years ago

The good news is they’ve added charges and no bail. I don’t think his lawyers can argue that it was attempted murder so he is looking at a long, long time. I’m just worried about how hard it will be for Kristy.

10 years ago


Well said.

10 years ago


You are entirely correct. Posts like this just drip with fear of abandonment. They are so worried about having a woman leave them, that they will come up with elaborate abuse schemes to make her feel powerless and afraid to leave.

Their fear is so strong that they don’t stop to ask why a woman might choose to leave them. That, of course, would require them to be self-critical. Rather than admitting that they aren’t perfect (and changing their behaviors), they abuse and trick women into staying with them.

10 years ago

More good news, Julien Blanc is not welcome in Brazil or Korea. Its not looking good for Canada either.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Wait, everyone here isn’t actually a cat in real life? My worldview has just been shattered.

Have faith!

10 years ago

@Lea Yes, I think you are completely right. And yes, we can only hope they that they never have wives.

10 years ago

Is semen so magical that its effects last forever if applied topically? What is the fetishism with men ejaculating “on” her face? Apparently this is what all the heterosexual sex is about now these days, because he’s so hung up on this particular sex act.

Just another dipshit who confused porn with reality,

10 years ago

Also, I think this stuff is getting to me because I’m beginning to want to own an ecraseur and become proficient in its use.

Might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb…

10 years ago

OK, had to look up ecraseur.

Never got to use one of those but in 35 years of nursing I’ve done my share of male catheterizations, ( i bet grumpyoldnurse has too) something that would make a PUA weak in the knees, I bet. Of course, these were usually post ops who couldn’t pee and were so relieved to have empty bladders they didn’t care but in this context,

Ooohhhh the POWER!!!

10 years ago

More good news, Julien Blanc is not welcome in Brazil or Korea. Its not looking good for Canada either.


kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Arctic Ape:

The study was done on banana flies, I shit you not. Apparently the females had live sperm from two males simultaneously, and while any given offspring was sired by male A, the sperm of male B also influenced the egg’s development by some non-genetic mechanism. (I didn’t read the actual paper.)

Does this mean RoK’s contributors are banana flies? One could hope so.


Why are they even talking about marriage on a PUA site anyway? I don’t see how “game” fits in here at all. Why would they bother with game once they’ve harnessed the broodmare?

Because it comes down to the real core of PUA: the desire to abuse women.

10 years ago

Does this mean RoK’s contributors are banana flies?

I’ve always thought of them more as cockroaches.

Because it comes down to the real core of PUA: the desire to abuse women.

Too true.

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